業界トップの経験豊富な英語講師 業界トップの経験豊富な英語講師

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英会話マンツーマンS1-小俣 フェデリコサラ先生



先生番号 / お名前 NO. 3857. Sarah Federico
フェデリコ サラ
更新日時 2024/09/07
年 齢 38 歳
居住地 三重県 伊勢市
最寄駅 小俣
性 別 女性
血液型 B型
国籍/出身地 フィリピン / Philippines
英語先生暦 2003年7月





I’ve always had a deep interest in the country and its people. I’m also passionate about teaching.



Hello everyone!

If you dream about getting a high score on tests like TOEIC, EIKEN, IELTS, and TOEFL, I will help you get it done. I've helped hundreds of students reach their goals, including getting their dream jobs, passing top international universities, getting promoted, and improving their ability to communicate in English whether at work or while traveling in a foreign country.

In our class, you will enjoy fun activities that will enable you to apply what you have learned. I have worked with highly credible entrepreneurs and individuals, including a Harvard graduate and a PhD holder from Yale University.

I'm excited to help you achieve your dreams!



Original materials
Textbooks on General/Business English
Audio materials



Freelance Business Communication/English Teacher/Coach

INTERAC Mie, Japan
An international company providing teachers of the English language to the Japanese government and other organizations.

May 2014 - Assistant Language Teacher
Present Work alongside Japanese teachers of English and Board of Education officials in order to improve the quality of
the English language education in Japanese public schools.
?Conduct interactive English classes in around five public schools in Japan five days a week.
?Meet with Board of Education officials and staff to discuss the curriculum and make sure their directives are being implemented in the schools.
?Assist Japanese public school teachers in preparing, planning and conducting classes in English.
?Encourage the students to learn and speak English by doing fun activities and short greeting sessions in the English room.
?Promote cultural awareness among students by sharing about one’s home country.

JOYLINGUAL Bataan, Philippines
An online school providing lessons in English, business communication, writing, and editing to Japanese students and

Jan 2011 - Operations Manager
May 2014 Provide strategic vision and day-to-day operational management for a team of teachers and editors.
?Manage a team of eight teachers and editors, closely monitoring their classes, evaluating their performance and providing feedback on their teaching at least once a month.
?Train English teachers and editors on employing appropriate teaching methods and using applications (desktop-sharing software, online whiteboard) that improve the students’ learning experience by helping them be able to visualize the topic at hand.
?Create and manage daily and weekly contents for the website, blog, and social media accounts of the company.
?Plan and host semi-annual events with students and quarterly events for key personnel in the company.
?Handle the company communication programs and deal with three external agencies and three bloggers at least once a month in order to meet the PR target values.
?Manage the recruitment process from initial selection, hiring, and determining compensation. Interviewed more than 100 candidates and hired 20.
?Designed and developed a curriculum for online courses including Business Communication, Writing/Editing, Academic English, Standardized Tests (TOEFL, IELTS, TOEIC) Review, and Speech
?Supervise weekly content produced by three teachers.
?Determine and manage budget ranging from $400-800 for communication activities, as well as for training and team-building.
?Effectively increased the retention rate of teachers by 50% through open communication and regular training.
?Helped dozens of clients get accepted in top universities for their undergraduate and post graduate degrees through honing their language and communication skills and helping them achieve their target scores on standardized tests.
?Trained a dozen public school teachers and professors in improving their teaching methods and presentation skills.
?Increased productivity and effectiveness of more than 100 professionals in the STEM field by effectively training them to improve their business communication skills.

A business process outsourcing company providing services and analytics-based solutions to dozens of Forbes 500 companies.

Sep 2013 - Freelance Culture & Communications Trainer
May 2014 Provide business English and customer service skills training for newly hired customer service associates.
?Evaluate the skills of 20-30 newly hired customer service associates at the beginning of a two-three week training program.
?Perform middle and final assessment for 50 or more customer service associates during the training.
?Actively work with account managers to make sure specific targets and deliverables are met.
?Create various activities like role plays, presentations, situational exercises, and games to facilitate learning.
?Provide feedback in existing curriculum and training manual to improve the training process.
?Build and execute training and coaching plans for struggling individuals.
?Create and send out comprehensive reports indicating the performance of both the trainees and the trainer.
?Develop communication and training materials for trainees.

AG WORLD MISSIONS Bataan, Philippines
A non-profit international organization sending missionaries worldwide to provide aid and shelter to impoverished people.
Nov 2009 ? Language & Culture Teacher, Translator
Jan 2011 Assisted American missionaries in managing the overall operations of an orphanage and taught them the
Filipino language and culture.
?Designed and instituted a two-year curriculum tailored for American missionaries in the Philippines.
?Developed learning activities and interactive lessons to facilitate the students’ grasp of the Filipino language.
?Assisted department heads in recruitment activities (selection, interviewing, determining compensation) and creating modules for training.
?Incorporated unique cultural scenarios into lesson plans to help missionary students adapt to life in the Philippines through effective communication and interaction with the locals.
?Translated two English books and a Sunday School curriculum to Filipino.
?Interpreted hour-long speeches for special programs from English to Filipino and vice versa. The programs were attended by 200 orphans, missionaries, and staff from the orphanage.


2003-2009 UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES Quezon City, Philippines
?Worked full time as a technical support representative for more than a year and taught English and major subjects to grade school students and Korean adults



現在の職業 Manager, Teacher
日本滞在歴 2014/05
教える言語 英語
趣 味 singing, blogging, learning a language, drawing, jogging
日本語レベル 中級
教える対象 成人男性 、成人女性 、子供
教えるレベル 基礎 、初心者 、中級 、上級 、超上級
教える内容 日常会話 、状況場面 、ビジネス 、TOEIC/ TOEFL 、その他


07:00-08:00 × × × × × × ×
08:00-12:00 × × × × × × ×
12:00-17:00 × × ×
17:00-22:00 ×



business English; academic English; TOEIC, EIKEN, IELTS, TOEFL preparation; business writing; academic writing



小俣 近くのカフェで英会話マンツーマン!対面の個人レッスンとオンラインを同時に、勉強できる



