業界トップの経験豊富な英語講師 業界トップの経験豊富な英語講師

英語マンツーマン > 講師一覧 > 埼玉県 > 越谷市

英語教室 > 講師一覧 > 東武伊勢崎線 > 大袋




講師番号 NO. 4510
更新日時 2024/04/26
居住地 埼玉県 越谷市
最寄駅 大袋
国籍/出身地 カナダ / Montreal
英語講師暦 2001年10月



Teaching English literature and English as a second language is my career and I wanted to teach English in Japan for a second time.



I have more than 10 years experience teaching English, and I taught English in Japan for 4 years to private students, adult students, junior high school students, college students, and businessmen and factory workers.

i have a relaxed approach to teaching and learning. I am positive and cheerful and always encourage students to try their best and speak a lot. Making mistakes is ok, what is important is to learn from the mistakes. Learning a language should be fun.

It is important to have clear goals for learning English and I would like to help you reach your goals.

Looking forward to meeting with you.



Natural Conversation, Phrasal Verbs and Daily Expressions, Current News, Test Your Vocabulary, etc.



Master of Arts in English Studies 2017

Universit? de Montreal, Montreal, Qu?bec

Course Highlights:
Title: Former Les Lecteurs
This course offered practical information about teaching in the C?gep system as well as professional development for future teachers in terms of lesson planning, grading and curriculum development

Master of Arts in Teaching English as a Foreign Language 2012

Universitat Rovira I Virgili, Tarragona, Spain

Course Highlights:
Title: Second Language Acquisition
This course examined how a second language is learned on a cognitive level, different types of language learners and first language interference in thought and speech
Title: English For Specific Purposes
This course explained the process of placement tests and designing a course in its entirety
Certificate in Creative Writing 2010
Concordia University Centre for Continuing Education

Bachelor of Arts in French and Spanish Studies 2001

Concordia University, Montreal, Qu?bec

Dipl?me D’?tudes Coll?giales Literature and Languages 1995
Dawson College, Montreal, Qu?bec
Teaching Experience

English Instructor 2017 - Present
Dawson College
Teaching an English Literature course (603-102MQ) about the coming of age theme in literature, television and film
Assignments include critical analysis of several texts and 2 expository essays
English Instructor 2014 - Present
Dawson College
Prepared lessons and class activities for several levels of English
Integrated multimedia approaches and used technology to diversify instruction and enhance student comprehension
English Instructor 2014 - Present
Acad?mie Linguistique Internationale
Planned lessons and assignments for basic to advanced level classes
Graded papers and exams
Led group discussions on social issues

English Instructor 2010 - 2011
Connexions Langues et Cultures
Provided individual and group assistance to students using creative activities and lesson plans to improve their comprehension of English

English Instructor 2005 ? 2007
Bouchereau Lingua Internationale
Using standard teaching methods, assisted adult students in the comprehension and practice of both business and colloquial English

Assistant Language Teacher 2004 ? 2005
Minami Junior High School, Saitama Japan
Worked in conjunction with staff and Japanese teachers assisting in the proper use of English through practice and role plays

English Instructor 2001 ? 2002
Nova, Saitama, Japan

Conversation classes in small groups in a language school

English Instructor 2001 ? 2005
Interac, Tokyo, Japan

Private man to man lessons on a weekly basis

Related Experience

Research Assistant
Department of English, Universitat Rovira I Virgili
Assisted Professor Anthony Pym in his research of the standardization of translation services both in Europe and North America
Proofread documents and communicated with several embassies and translation bureaus


Research Assistant
Department of English, Concordia University
Assistant to Professor Sandra Weber in her research of the ‘prom phenomena’, conducting interviews and gathering video information


English ? Native
French ? Proficient
Spanish ?Proficient
Japanese - Intermediate
Italian ? Beginner


Available on request

現在の職業 English Teacher
日本滞在歴 2024/03
教える言語 英語
趣 味 Tennis, photography, and writing
日本語レベル 初級
教える対象 成人男性 、成人女性
教えるレベル 初心者 、中級 、上級 、超上級
教える内容 日常会話 、状況場面


English literature, creative writing, and travel writing,





押上 北千住 小菅 五反野 梅島 西新井 竹ノ塚 谷塚 草加 新田 蒲生 新越谷 越谷 北越谷 大袋 せんげん台 東武動物公園 春日部 一ノ割 武里

大袋 近くのカフェで英会話マンツーマン!対面の個人レッスンとオンラインを同時に、勉強できる

  • S1英会話では、日本人の生徒にレッスンを通じて、ネイティブの先生とコミュニケーションをとり、先生の国の文化や習慣を知ってもらい 先生の国をもっと好きになってもらうため
     そして、先生が帰国したら、今度は、先生としてではなく、お互い友達 として一緒に過ごせたら、年を取ってからもずっと関係が続いたら、素敵だと思いませんか
  • 大袋 近くのカフェで英語を学びませんか?ネイティブ家庭教師と一対一のレッスンを受講できます。
  • 教材は生徒さんが希望するものか、ピッタリ合った教材を先生と一緒に選べます。スクールでの教材販売はありませんので、安心して授業に集中できます
  • 英語をカフェで学びましょう。
  • 初心者にもおすすめ。ぴったりの講師が見つかるまで、無料体験レッスンで試してみよう!


