業界トップの経験豊富な英語講師 業界トップの経験豊富な英語講師

英会話マンツーマン > 英会話マンツーマン一覧 > 東京都 > 福生市




福生市 チアロ アブドゥルマジド先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.5162 Diallo Abdoul Mazid /チアロ アブドゥルマジド 先生
更新日時 2024/10/10
出身/日本語レベル Guinea / 初級
居住地 東京都 福生市
最寄駅 拝島
希望駅 武蔵野線:府中本町 北府中 西国分寺 新秋津 新座 西浦和 武蔵浦和
八高線(八王子~高麗川):八王子 北八王子 小宮 拝島 東福生 箱根ケ崎 金子 東飯能 高麗川
八高線(高麗川~高崎):毛呂 明覚 小川町
講師歴 2022年10月

Hello! My name is Abdoul, and I have one year of experience teaching young children in a Tokyo kindergarten. My teaching style is all about making learning fun and interactive. I believe the best way to learn is through activities that make you smile—whether it's dancing, playing games, or storytelling.
As someone who loves working with kids, I know how important it is to create a positive and supportive environment where students feel comfortable to express themselves and explore a new language. My goal is to make sure every lesson is not only educational but also enjoyable, helping you build confidence while having a great time.
Whether you're just starting or looking to improve, I’m here to help you on your English learning journey. Let's have fun learning together.


Education/Teaching experience


I came to Japan because I was drawn to its rich culture, fascinating history, and unique way of life. Living here has been an exciting adventure, and I wanted to immerse myself in the community while contributing in a meaningful way. Becoming an English teacher seemed like a natural fit because I enjoy working with children and helping them learn new skills. Teaching in a kindergarten has given me the chance to share my enthusiasm for learning while building strong connections with the kids. I love watching them grow and develop their language abilities, and it’s incredibly rewarding to be part of that process.


Hello! My name is Abdoul, and I’m excited to be your English teacher. With one year of experience teaching young children in Tokyo, I know that learning a new language can be fun...

➡ この英語先生を、もっと見る

➡ レッスンを受けた

✔ 上達して卒業された


I came to Japan because I was drawn to its rich culture, fascinating history, and unique way of life. Living here has been an exciting adventure, and I wanted to immerse myself in the community while contributing in a meaningful way. Becoming an English teacher seemed like a natural fit because I enjoy working with children and helping them learn new skills. Teaching in a kindergarten has given me the chance to share my enthusiasm for learning while building strong connections with the kids. I love watching them grow and develop their language abilities, and it’s incredibly rewarding to be part of that process.


Hello! My name is Abdoul, and I have one year of experience teaching young children in a Tokyo kindergarten. My teaching style is all about making learning fun and interactive. I believe the best way to learn is through activities that make you smile—whether it's dancing, playing games, or storytelling.
As someone who loves working with kids, I know how important it is to create a positive and supportive environment where students feel comfortable to express themselves and explore a new language. My goal is to make sure every lesson is not only educational but also enjoyable, helping you build confidence while having a great time.
Whether you're just starting or looking to improve, I’m here to help you on your English learning journey. Let's have fun learning together.


Education/Teaching experience

福生市 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.4667 Bobie Thomas / 先生
更新日時 2021/09/01
出身/日本語レベル King Of Prussia, / 中級
居住地 東京都 福生市
最寄駅 牛浜
希望駅 中央線(快速):国分寺 八王子
青梅線:立川 昭島 羽村
講師歴 2018年3月


-- Taught at a Japanese/English school located in Tokyo for a year in 1993, but I have also assisted many Japanese friends with English translation throughout my stay in Japan.
-- Acted as American translator for a U.S. Military tennis organization that participated in tennis functions with local Japanese Tennis clubs and groups.


I can assist you with your language study, but you must have a desire to learn and succeed. You decide the levels and limits of your success.

➡ この英語先生を、もっと見る

➡ レッスンを受けた

✔ 上達して卒業された



-- Taught at a Japanese/English school located in Tokyo for a year in 1993, but I have also assisted many Japanese friends with English translation throughout my stay in Japan.
-- Acted as American translator for a U.S. Military tennis organization that participated in tennis functions with local Japanese Tennis clubs and groups.

福生市 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.3732 JASON WONG / 先生
更新日時 2015/01/25
出身/日本語レベル MALAYSIA / 中級
居住地 東京都 福生市
最寄駅 福生
希望駅 山手線:新宿 高田馬場 目白 池袋
中央線(快速):東京 中野 荻窪 吉祥寺 三鷹 国立 立川
青梅線:立川 西立川 東中神 中神 昭島 拝島 牛浜 福生
講師歴 2014年2月


Educational History
Degree Bachelor of Commerce (HONS) Accounting
University of Tunku Abdul Rahman

Work History
English Private Tuition Teacher
May, 2013 - Present (11 months)
Providing customizable English lessons on one-to-one basis.
Planning, preparing and delivering lessons in an effective order


Hi everyone! Ever thinking about improving your English? English conversation? Writing skills? Grammar? Pronunciation? Or anything you wish to know about English? Here's your ch...

➡ この英語先生を、もっと見る

➡ レッスンを受けた

✔ 上達して卒業された



Educational History
Degree Bachelor of Commerce (HONS) Accounting
University of Tunku Abdul Rahman

Work History
English Private Tuition Teacher
May, 2013 - Present (11 months)
Providing customizable English lessons on one-to-one basis.
Planning, preparing and delivering lessons in an effective order




  • ここがポイント!
  • リーズナブルな料金:入会金9,800円、月会費3,000円、マンツーマンレッスンは1回(60分)3,000円と手頃な価格で提供。
  • 生の英語に触れられる!:ネイティブ講師との会話を通して、自然な発音や表現を身につけられます。
  • 文化を体験できる!:レッスンを通して、ネイティブの文化や習慣を深く理解し、ネイティブ旅行がもっと楽しくなります。
  • アットホームな雰囲気!:カフェでのレッスンなので、リラックスして学習できます。
  • 実践的な内容:会話、文法、読み書き、聴解など、英語の総合的なスキルアップを目指した内容で、ネイティブ文化や社会についても学べます。
  • オンラインレッスンもOK!:忙しい方でも、オンラインで気軽にレッスンを受講できます。
  • 🌟自分に合ったスタイルで楽しく英語を学んでみませんか?🌟


  • 🌟 今すぐ無料体験レッスンを予約! 🌟


  • 🌟 よくある質問やお問い合わせは、こちら 🌟
