英語教室 > 先生一覧 > 福岡市営地下鉄空港線 > 姪浜
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Sanjaya Vipula Bandara was born in Ragama, Sri Lanka, in 1986. He received the B.Sc. degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Moratuwa, Katubedda Sri Lanka, in 2010, and the MPhil degree in 2014. He worked as a lecturer in mechanical engineering at department of mechanical engineering, University of Moratuwa from 2013 ? 2014. He received his PhD in mechanical engineering, from graduate school of engineering of Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan in September, 2018. His major research interest are in Medical Robotics. He is an associate member of the Institute of Engineering, Sri Lanka and a member of IEEE and Japanese Society of Mechanical Engineers, Japan.
現在の職業 | Researcher |
日本滞在歴 | 2018/01 |
教える言語 | 英語 |
趣 味 | Photography |
日本語レベル | 初級 |
教える対象 | 成人男性 、成人女性 、子供 |
教えるレベル | |
教える内容 | 日常会話 、状況場面 |
\ | 月 | 火 | 水 | 木 | 金 | 土 | 日 |
07:00-08:00 | × | × | × | × | × | × | × |
08:00-12:00 | × | × | × | × | × | ▲ | ▲ |
12:00-17:00 | × | × | × | × | × | ● | ● |
17:00-22:00 | ▲ | ▲ | ▲ | ▲ | ▲ | ▲ | ▲ |
福岡市営地下鉄空港線: 博多 │祇園 │中洲川端 │赤坂 │藤崎
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