業界トップの経験豊富な英語講師 業界トップの経験豊富な英語講師

英会話マンツーマン > 英会話マンツーマン一覧 > 八高線(八王子~高麗川) > 小宮


英会話マンツーマン 小宮カフェde個人レッスンおすすめ先生をまとめました!


小宮 カッチャカドゥゲ ニルシャ先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.5105 Kachchakaduge Nilusha/カッチャカドゥゲ ニルシャ 先生
更新日時 2024/01/22
出身/日本語レベル Japan / 中級
居住地 埼玉県 川越市
希望駅 山手線:大崎 五反田 目黒 恵比寿 渋谷 原宿 代々木 新宿 新大久保 高田馬場 目白 池袋 大塚 巣鴨 駒込 田端 西日暮里 日暮里 鶯谷 上野

My major was the initial reason why I came to Japan. However, I started finding myself more reasons to stay in Japan and pursue a career in becoming an English teacher. I started it as a part-time job and I feel like it is now a passion of mine to influence the younger generation of Japan to connect globally by first building their English skills and then assisting them in whatever they need in order to build these skills.


In the voyage of learning English, envision the language not just as words but as a powerful tool for self-expression and global connection. Every word learned is a step toward e...

➡ この英語先生を、もっと見る

➡ レッスンを受けた

✔ 上達して卒業された


My major was the initial reason why I came to Japan. However, I started finding myself more reasons to stay in Japan and pursue a career in becoming an English teacher. I started it as a part-time job and I feel like it is now a passion of mine to influence the younger generation of Japan to connect globally by first building their English skills and then assisting them in whatever they need in order to build these skills.


