You are talking about your family with your friend.
Friend: Where do your parents work?
You: My mother works at a hospital. And my father works at a hotel.
Friend: What does your mother do there?
You: She works as a nurse.
Friend: How does she like it?
You: She looks tired because of her hard work. But she likes her work.
Friend: How about your father?
You: He works as a hotel reception staff. He feels proud of it.
Friend: Which hotel is it?
You: Prince Hotel in Shinagawa.
Friend: Is that true? My brother works there, too.
You: What does he do there?
Friend: He is a housekeeping staff.
How+do(does)+主語+like it?:「どのように思いますか?」
because of~:「~のために」
How about~?:「~はどうですか?」
hotel reception staff:「ホテルのフロント係」
feel proud of~:「~を誇りに思う」
housekeeping staff:「客室係」
You are talking about your family with your friend. (あなたは家族のことについて友人に話をしています。)
Friend: Where do your parents work? (君の両親はどこで働いているの?)
You: My mother works at a hospital. And my father works at a hotel. (母は病院で働いている。 そして、父はホテルで働いているんだ。)
Friend: What does your mother do there? (お母さんはそこで何をしているの?)
You: She works as a nurse. (看護婦として働いているよ。)
Friend: How does she like it? (お母さんは、その仕事についてどう思っている?)
You: She looks tired because of her hard work. But she likes her work. (きつい仕事で疲れているように見えるよ。でも、母は今の仕事が好きなんだ。)
Friend: How about your father? (お父さんはどう?)
You: He works as a hotel reception staff. He feels proud of it. (父はホテルのフロント係をしているよ。父は仕事に誇りを持っているんだ。)
Friend: Which hotel is it? (どこのホテル?)
You: Prince Hotel in Shinagawa. (品川のプリンスホテルだよ。)
Friend: Is that true? My brother works there, too. (本当?兄もそこで働いているよ。)
You: What does he do there? (そこで何をしているの?)
Friend: He is a housekeeping staff. (客室係だよ。)
You are talking with your friend.
You show her a picture of your family.
Friend: I like that blue dress you’re wearing!
You: Thanks. My father gave it to me for my birthday.
Friend: Oh, he has good taste.
You: He worked for the clothier until several years ago.
Friend: Who’s that?
You: He is my father.
Friend: He looks young.
You: He is sometimes misunderstood as my brother.
Friend: And who’s that?
You: She is my mother.
Friend: She looks young, too. Do you live with them?
You: No, I live alone. They live far away.
Friend: Is that your brother? He looks so cool!
You: He is popular among girls.
have good taste:「趣味が良い」
several years:「数年」
be misunderstood as~:「~と間違えられる」
far away:「遠くに」
so cool:「とても格好良い」
be popular among~:「~に人気がある」
You are talking with your friend. You show her a picture of your family. (あなたは友達と話をしています。友達に家族の写真を見せます。)
Friend: I like that blue dress you’re wearing! (あなたが着ている青いワンピース、素敵ね。)
You: Thanks. My father gave it to me for my birthday. (ありがとう。父が私の誕生日にくれたの。)
Friend: Oh, he has good taste. (あら、お父さんは趣味が良いわね。)
You: He worked for the clothier until several years ago. (父は数年前まで洋服店で働いていたの。)
Friend: Who’s that? (それは誰?)
You: He is my father. (彼が私の父よ。)
Friend: He looks young. (若く見えるわね。)
You: He is sometimes misunderstood as my brother. (時々兄に間違えられるの。)
Friend: And who’s that? (それから、それは誰?)
You: She is my mother. (私の母よ。)
Friend: She looks young, too. Do you live with them? (お母さんも若く見えるわね。ご両親と一緒に住んでいるの?)
You: No, I live alone. They live far away. (いいえ、一人で住んでいるわ。両親は遠くに住んでいるの。)
Friend: Is that your brother? He looks so cool! (それはあなたのお兄さん?とても格好良いわね!)
You: He is popular among girls. (兄は、女の子たちにもてるの。)
See you then.