You are talking with your co-worker..
You: Don’t you think Bob was talking too much last night?
Co-worker: Yes, he talked too much. But why did he talk in a loud voice?
You: I think alcohol made him crazy. The more he drank, the more he talked like that.
Co-worker: Oh, I know that. As far as I know, he is usually quiet.
You: I think so, too. It’s my guess that he has been under a lot of stress.
Co-worker: Come to think of it, we can’t return home early these days. We have been keeping busy for a month. I almost become crazy, too.
You: Why don’t you have entertainment with me this weekend?
Co-worker: Why not?
Don’t think~?:「~だと思いませんか?」
in a loud voice:「大声で」
The more A, the more B:「AであるほどBである」
as far as I know:「私が知る限りでは」
It’s my guess that~「~ではないかと思う」
be under stress:「ストレス下にある」
Come to think of it, ~:「そういえば~」
these days:「この頃」
keeping busy:「忙しさが続いている」
almost become~:「~になりそうだ」
have entertainment:「気晴らしをする」
Why not?:「いいよ」相手の申し出に応じるとき。
You are talking with your co-worker.. (あなたは同僚と話をしています。)
You: Don’t you think Bob was talking too much last night? (昨夜ボブが話をしすぎていたと思わない?)
Co-worker: Yes, he talked too much. But why did he talk in a loud voice? (そうだね、話しすぎていた。でも、何故彼は大声で話していたんだろう。)
You: I think alcohol made him crazy. The more he drank, the more he talked like that. (アルコールが彼をおかしくしちゃったんだと思う。彼が飲めば飲むほど、そんな風に話をしていた。)
Co-worker: Oh, I know that. As far as I know, he is usually quiet. (ああ、知っているよ。私が知る限り、彼はたいていおとなしいのに。)
You: I think so, too. It’s my guess that he has been under a lot of stress. (私もそう思う。彼はストレスをたくさん抱えていたと思うんだけど。)
Co-worker: Come to think of it, we can’t return home early these days. We have been keeping busy for a month. I almost become crazy, too. (そういえば、私たちは近頃家へ早く帰れないね。1カ月間ずっと忙しいからね。私もおかしくなりそう。)
You: Why don’t you have entertainment with me this weekend? (今週末、一緒に気晴らしをしない?)
Co-worker: Why not? (いいよ。)
You are talking with your co-worker in your office.
Co-worker: What’s the matter?
You: My lower back is killing me.
Co-worker: But why?
You: This office chair gives me bad posture.
Co-worker: Oh that’s bad. Come to think of it, I sometimes feel like that.
You: And there is a lot of work piled up.
Co-worker: Yea, that’s true. I finish my work until around 10:00 p.m. every day.
You: And we have so few days off. So that stresses us out.
Co-worker: You are right. But secure job with good pay keeps me sitting here.
You: Right on!
What’s the matter?:具合の悪そうな相手に対して「どうしたの?」
lower back:「腰」
~is killing me:「~で死にそう」
bad posture:「悪い姿勢」
Come to think of it:「そういえば」
like that:「そんな風に」
a lot of work piled up:「仕事が立て込む」
that’s true:「その通りだ」
have so few days off:「たまにしか休日がない」
good pay:「給料の良い」
Right on:「その通り」「まさに」
You are talking with your co-worker in your office. (あなたは事務所の同僚と話をしています。)
Co-worker: What’s the matter? (どうしたの?)
You: My lower back is killing me. (腰が痛くて死にそうだ。)
Co-worker: But why? (でもどうして?)
You: This office chair gives me bad posture. (この事務所の椅子に座っていると姿勢が悪くなるよ。)
Co-worker: Oh that’s bad. Come to think of it, I sometimes feel like that. (それはいけないね。そういえば、僕も時々そんな風に感じることがあるな。)
You: And there is a lot of work piled up. (それに、仕事が立て込んでいるし。)
Co-worker: Yea, that’s true. I finish my work until around 10:00 p.m. every day. (その通りだね。毎日夜10時ころまで働いている。)
You: And we have so few days off. So that stresses us out. (それに、たまにしか休日が取れない。だからストレスがたまってしまう。)
Co-worker: You are right. But secure job with good pay keeps me sitting here. (君の言うとおりだ。でも、安定した給料の良い仕事だからここに座っていられるんだ。)
You: Right on! (その通り!)
See you then.