Rie is at her office.
She answers the phone.
Rie: ABC Corporation, good morning.
May I help you?
Mr. White: Good morning.
This is Mr. White from XX Computer.
Could I speak to someone who deals with marketing?
Rie: One moment, please.
I’ll put you through to that department.
Rie puts Mr. White through to the marketing department.
Rie: Phone call from Mr. White.
Mr. Black: Thanks.
Hello, this is Mr. Black.
I’m a marketing manager.
Mr. White: Hello, Mr. Black.
answer the phone:「電話に出る」
May I help you?:「ご用件を承ります。」
deal with~:「~を担当する」
One moment, please.:「ちょっとお待ちください」
Rie is at her office.(リエは会社にいます。)
She answers the phone.(彼女が電話に出ます。)
Rie: ABC Corporation, good morning.(おはようございます。ABC社です。)
May I help you?(ご用件を承ります。)
Mr. White: Good morning.(おはようございます。)
This is Mr. White from XX Computer.
Could I speak to someone who deals with marketing?
Rie: One moment, please.(少々お待ちください。)
I’ll put you through to that department.
Rie puts Mr. White through to the marketing department.
Rie: Phone call from Mr. White.(ホワイト氏からお電話です。)
Mr. Black: Thanks.(ありがとう。)
Hello, this is Mr. Black.(もしもし、こちらはブラックです。)
I’m a marketing manager.(私はマーケティング部長です。)
Mr. White: Hello, Mr. Black.(もしもし、ブラックさん。)
You are talking with a client.
You: Hello, Sato here.
Client: This is Mr. White from XYZ Corporation.
The reason for my call is to speak with you regarding your visit to London.
Is this a good time for you to talk?
You: Actually, no.
I’ve got to run.
I’ll be out of the office till 2:00 p.m.
Can I call you back two hours from now?
Client: I’m afraid I’m not available at that time.
You: What time suits you best?
Client: Three o’clock would be fine.
You: That’s OK.
I’ll call you back then.
Client: Thank you.
Hello, ○○ here.:内線で自分の所にかかってきた電話に出るときに言う。
reason for~:「~の理由」
Is this a good time~?:「~するのに都合の良い時間ですか?」
have got to run:「急いで行かなければならない」「急用がある」
be out of~:「~にいない」
call you back:「電話をかけ直す」
I’m afraid~:「残念ながら~。」
You are talking with a client.(あなたが顧客と話をしています。)
You: Hello, Sato here.(はい、佐藤ですが。)
Client: This is Mr. White from XYZ Corporation.
The reason for my call is to speak with you regarding your visit to London.
Is this a good time for you to talk?
You: Actually, no.(実は、都合が悪いです。)
I’ve got to run.(急用ができてしまいまして。)
I’ll be out of the office till 2:00 p.m.
Can I call you back two hours from now?
Client: I’m afraid I’m not available at that time.
You: What time suits you best?(一番ご都合の良い時間は何時ですか?)
Client: Three o’clock would be fine.(3時がよろしいです。)
You: That’s OK.(わかりました。)
I’ll call you back then.(そのときにかけ直します。)
Client: Thank you.(ありがとうございます。)