Ami makes a call to the beauty salon.
Staff: Hello, this is AA Beauty salon.
Ami: Hello, can I book?
Staff: When would you like to come in?
Ami: How about this Thursday?
Staff: Well, around 5 p.m. is available.
Ami: That’s good.
How much is it for a cut and a perm?
Staff: It’ll be 120 dollars.
Ami: Is there an extra charge for shampooing?
Staff: Yes, it’ll be 10 dollars.
Ami: Can I choose my favorite hairstylist?
Staff: We are sorry but you can’t.
Ami: That’s all right.
How long will it take to get a perm?
Staff: It’ll take about 2 hours.
make a call:「電話をする」
beauty salon:「美容院」
this is~:「こちらは~です」
would you like to~:「~したいですか?」
How about~:「~はどうですか」
extra charge:「追加料金」
We are sorry:「残念ですが」
How long will it take to~:「~するのにどれくらい時間がかかりますか?」
Ami makes a call to the beauty salon.(アミが美容院へ電話をします。)
Staff: Hello, this is AA Beauty salon.(はい、こちらはAA美容院です。)
Ami: Hello, can I book?(もしもし、予約をしたいのですが。)
Staff: When would you like to come in?(いついらっしゃいますか?)
Ami: How about this Thursday?(今週の木曜日はどうですか?)
Staff: Well, around 5 p.m. is available.
Ami: That’s good.(それでお願いします。)
How much is it for a cut and a perm?
Staff: It’ll be 120 dollars.(120ドルになります。)
Ami: Is there an extra charge for shampooing?
Staff: Yes, it’ll be 10 dollars.(はい、10ドルです。)
Ami: Can I choose my favorite hairstylist?
Staff: We are sorry but you can’t.(申し訳ございませんができません。)
Ami: That’s all right.(わかりました。)
How long will it take to get a perm?
Staff: It’ll take about 2 hours.(2時間くらいです。)