業界トップの経験豊富な英語講師 業界トップの経験豊富な英語講師

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英会話マンツーマン 京成高砂カフェde個人レッスンおすすめ先生をまとめました!


京成高砂 エナッド ローズベルジェーン先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.5133 Enad Rosebelle Jane/エナッド ローズベルジェーン 先生
更新日時 2024/04/18
出身/日本語レベル Philippines / 初級
居住地 東京都 板橋区
希望駅 山手線:目黒 渋谷 新宿 池袋 日暮里 上野 田町 品川
成田エクスプレス:池袋 新宿 渋谷 品川 東京 成田
湘南新宿ライン:池袋 新宿 渋谷
東武東上線:池袋 中板橋

I came to Japan to help Japanese learn the language and speak English better.


Hello, I hope you will consider me as your English teacher. I will do my very best to teach you and improve on your English speaking skills.

➡ この英語先生を、もっと見る

➡ レッスンを受けた

✔ 上達して卒業された


I came to Japan to help Japanese learn the language and speak English better.

京成高砂 アガラノ ジェトロ先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.3359 Agarano Jethro /アガラノ ジェトロ 先生
更新日時 2024/03/20
出身/日本語レベル Oahu, Hawaii / 中級
居住地 東京都 墨田区
希望駅 山手線:西日暮里 日暮里 上野 御徒町
武蔵野線:新松戸 東松戸 西船橋
中央・総武線:錦糸町 亀戸 西船橋
常磐線(上野~取手):上野 日暮里 三河島 南千住 北千住 綾瀬 亀有 金町 松戸 北松戸

I was in medical school pursuing my dream to be a doctor but I got exhausted and want to take a break from studying so I came to Japan to visit my mom who was working at the U.S Embassy back then. After touring Japan for 3months I decided to work as a fitness instructor for kids in English. I didn’t know that it is my passion and I became so motivated to teach English to people not only to kids but to career oriented people as well.


Aloha everyone! My name is Jeth. I was born in Manila but migrated to Hawaii when I was 2years old. I am half Filipino quarter Spanish and quarter Chinese. I have a lot of Japane...

➡ この英語先生を、もっと見る

➡ レッスンを受けた

✔ 上達して卒業された


I was in medical school pursuing my dream to be a doctor but I got exhausted and want to take a break from studying so I came to Japan to visit my mom who was working at the U.S Embassy back then. After touring Japan for 3months I decided to work as a fitness instructor for kids in English. I didn’t know that it is my passion and I became so motivated to teach English to people not only to kids but to career oriented people as well.

京成高砂 アビオドン ベンガ先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.5065 Abiodun Gbenga /アビオドン ベンガ 先生
更新日時 2023/10/17
出身/日本語レベル Nigeria / 中級
居住地 東京都 荒川区
希望駅 山手線:渋谷 新宿 新大久保 高田馬場 目白 池袋 大塚 巣鴨 駒込 田端 西日暮里 日暮里 鶯谷 上野 御徒町 秋葉原 神田 東京 新橋

I came to Japan because I believed Living and working in Japan would allow me to acquire valuable skills and knowledge for my career, which has also granted me an exciting cultural experience and lifestyle, including learning the beautiful language. Furthermore, I believe teaching English in Japan can be one of the most rewarding experiences; in doing so, I have learned more about Japanese culture, the work environment, my students, and myself. Teaching is a fantastic chance to change lives for the better. Helping young students learn English opens doors to new opportunities for them. And helping adult learners enables them to communicate with English-speaking relatives and become more competitive in the global economy.


Hello everyone, nice to meet you. And please call me Abi. I'm a native English teacher from Nigeria living in Japan and have lived here for more than four years. I am interested...

➡ この英語先生を、もっと見る

➡ レッスンを受けた

✔ 上達して卒業された


I came to Japan because I believed Living and working in Japan would allow me to acquire valuable skills and knowledge for my career, which has also granted me an exciting cultural experience and lifestyle, including learning the beautiful language. Furthermore, I believe teaching English in Japan can be one of the most rewarding experiences; in doing so, I have learned more about Japanese culture, the work environment, my students, and myself. Teaching is a fantastic chance to change lives for the better. Helping young students learn English opens doors to new opportunities for them. And helping adult learners enables them to communicate with English-speaking relatives and become more competitive in the global economy.

京成高砂 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.4579 Deebesh Bhattari / 先生
更新日時 2017/12/19
出身/日本語レベル Thimphu / 初級
居住地 東京都 葛飾区
希望駅 山手線:新宿
京成本線:京成上野 日暮里 町屋 千住大橋 青砥 京成高砂

I am very excited about our year ahead. I anticipate a great year filled with explorations and accomplishments. It will be a year of learning and growth as students and teacher...

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➡ レッスンを受けた

✔ 上達して卒業された

京成高砂 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.3834 Joseph Scott / 先生
更新日時 2014/06/18
出身/日本語レベル Omaha, Nebraska / 初級
居住地 東京都 荒川区
希望駅 山手線:目黒 恵比寿 渋谷 原宿 代々木 新宿 新大久保 高田馬場 池袋 大塚 巣鴨 駒込 田端 西日暮里 日暮里 鶯谷 上野 御徒町 秋葉原 神田

Hello! :) I've recently come to Japan to study Japanese and learn more about everything I can. I am a very patient person and realize that learning is best done through repetit...

➡ この英語先生を、もっと見る

➡ レッスンを受けた

✔ 上達して卒業された


