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英会話マンツーマン 玉川学園前カフェde個人レッスンおすすめ先生をまとめました!


玉川学園前 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.2487 Emelita M. Endo / 先生
更新日時 2024/02/29
出身/日本語レベル Manila / 中級
居住地 神奈川県 座間市
希望駅 小田急線:新百合ヶ丘 柿生 鶴川 玉川学園前 町田 相模大野 小田急相模原 相武台前 座間 海老名
小田急江ノ島線:相模大野 東林間 中央林間 南林間 鶴間 大和 桜ヶ丘 高座渋谷 長後 湘南台

Japanese are good learners. That's why studying language/s suits them. I know this because I have been teaching Japanese students for the last 8 years. During lessons, I see t...

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玉川学園前 オアケス エリック先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.5092 OAKES ERIC/オアケス エリック 先生
更新日時 2023/10/20
出身/日本語レベル UK MIlitary Territory, GERMANY / 初級
居住地 神奈川県 厚木市
希望駅 相模線:茅ケ崎 北茅ケ崎 香川 寒川 宮山 倉見 門沢橋 社家 厚木 海老名 入谷 相武台下 下溝 原当麻 番田 上溝 南橋本 橋本
小田急線:新宿 新宿

I became an English over 33 years ago in California, USA, after moving there from Manchester, England. I was a foreign student and met many people from around the world whose first language was not English and who needed help. So, I began working for the college tutoring International Students while I was still an undergraduate. I enjoyed the work so much that I decided to make it my lifelong career. I moved to Japan ten years ago to get married: I met my (Japanese) wife while working in China; she is also a teacher.


Hello, and welcome! My name is Eric, and I am originally from Manchester in England, though I relocated to California in the late 80s where I remained until 1996. I then went to ...

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I became an English over 33 years ago in California, USA, after moving there from Manchester, England. I was a foreign student and met many people from around the world whose first language was not English and who needed help. So, I began working for the college tutoring International Students while I was still an undergraduate. I enjoyed the work so much that I decided to make it my lifelong career. I moved to Japan ten years ago to get married: I met my (Japanese) wife while working in China; she is also a teacher.

玉川学園前 ムクヘルジ デイパンニタ先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.4796 Dipannita Mukherjee /ムクヘルジ デイパンニタ 先生
更新日時 2022/10/16
出身/日本語レベル India / 初級
居住地 神奈川県 横浜市緑区
希望駅 横浜線:菊名 菊名 新横浜 新横浜 鴨居 鴨居 中山 十日市場 十日市場 長津田 長津田 成瀬 成瀬 町田 町田 古淵 淵野辺 矢部 相模原 相模原

I came to Japan because of my husband's job and I love and enjoy working here . I have 4 years of teaching English in Japan as Instructor and my passion for teaching made me an English teacher .I wish to impart knowledge to others and learn from it. Teaching is a continuous learning process which I enjoy and I want my students also to enjoy with me learning English. I become a teacher because I believe I have the right skills, abilities, and attitude to become a good teacher. And I enjoy teaching, talking to children, listening to them, trying to understand their emotional world, and be a good role model for them.


I have a passion in teaching English for all age groups.Students will have a bright future learning English from me.I have a very lively and energetic attitude in teaching studen...

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I came to Japan because of my husband's job and I love and enjoy working here . I have 4 years of teaching English in Japan as Instructor and my passion for teaching made me an English teacher .I wish to impart knowledge to others and learn from it. Teaching is a continuous learning process which I enjoy and I want my students also to enjoy with me learning English. I become a teacher because I believe I have the right skills, abilities, and attitude to become a good teacher. And I enjoy teaching, talking to children, listening to them, trying to understand their emotional world, and be a good role model for them.

玉川学園前 イラ エムステマルファヤスミン先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.5028 Era Mst Marufa Yasmin /イラ エムステマルファヤスミン 先生
更新日時 2022/05/09
出身/日本語レベル Bangladesh / 初級
居住地 東京都 稲城市
希望駅 小田急線:新宿 南新宿 参宮橋 代々木八幡 代々木上原 東北沢 下北沢 世田谷代田 梅ヶ丘 豪徳寺 経堂 千歳船橋 祖師ヶ谷大蔵 成城学園前 喜多見 狛江 和泉多摩川 登戸 向ヶ丘遊園 生田

I came in japan as a dependent visa holder. I live in tokyo inagi with my husband and daughter. The reason want to become English teacher is loving teach people specially kids. On the other hand i taught kids in Bangladesh so if i get a opportunity still i want to continuing this profession.


I am Era Mst Marufa Yasmin from Bangladesh. I love and respect teaching profession. I think English is not hard, student should take it easy. Because i love to teach English with...

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I came in japan as a dependent visa holder. I live in tokyo inagi with my husband and daughter. The reason want to become English teacher is loving teach people specially kids. On the other hand i taught kids in Bangladesh so if i get a opportunity still i want to continuing this profession.

玉川学園前 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.4800 ANYA KALU JAMES / 先生
更新日時 2018/10/10
出身/日本語レベル South west region / 中級
居住地 神奈川県 川崎市多摩区
希望駅 山手線:大崎 五反田 目黒 恵比寿 渋谷 新宿 池袋 秋葉原 東京 新橋 品川
南武線:川崎 武蔵小杉 武蔵溝ノ口 登戸
中央・総武線:三鷹 吉祥寺 中野 小岩

Hello everyone. My name is James. I'm an experience and fun English teacher. Let's have fun English conversation and use it globally. Thanks you. James.

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玉川学園前 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.4193 Vera Utsumi / 先生
更新日時 2015/08/27
出身/日本語レベル Tokyo Machida / 上級
居住地 東京都 町田市
希望駅 小田急線:玉川学園前 町田 相模大野

Hello, My name is Vera, I am friendly, funny and sweet, I can speak Japanese fluently so don't be afraid. Wanna have fun lets enjoy English. こにちわ べらです ...

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玉川学園前 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.3887 JenniferWilliams / 先生
更新日時 2014/10/03
出身/日本語レベル Lexington / 初級
居住地 東京都 町田市
希望駅 横浜線:長津田 成瀬 町田 古淵 淵野辺 矢部 相模原
小田急線:鶴川 玉川学園前 町田 相模大野 小田急相模原

Hello! I'm Jen and I've been teaching English in Japan for over 3 years. I recently moved to the Machida area and want to teach English privately. I can teach only in the earl...

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玉川学園前 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.3892 Joe Pournovin / 先生
更新日時 2014/09/01
出身/日本語レベル Manchester / 中級
居住地 東京都 世田谷区
希望駅 小田急線:新宿 南新宿 参宮橋 代々木八幡 代々木上原 東北沢 下北沢 世田谷代田 梅ヶ丘 豪徳寺 経堂 千歳船橋 祖師ヶ谷大蔵 成城学園前 喜多見 狛江 和泉多摩川 鶴川 玉川学園前 町田

一期一会 What is your vision for studying English? Come and share with me your vision and I will share with you my energy and together we will work towards your goals. We start toda...

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玉川学園前 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.3797 Mark Kaijima / 先生
更新日時 2014/06/23
出身/日本語レベル Salt Lake City / 上級
居住地 東京都 町田市
希望駅 山手線:大崎 五反田 目黒 恵比寿 渋谷 原宿 代々木 新宿 新大久保 高田馬場 目白 池袋 大塚 巣鴨 駒込 田端 西日暮里 日暮里 鶯谷 上野

Hello! My name is Mark. I am a half-Japanese, Half-American English teacher who grew up in the United States. I can speak Japanese fluently, so please feel free to contact m...

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玉川学園前 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.3472 Dominic Arnold / 先生
更新日時 2013/09/10
出身/日本語レベル Manchester / 初級
居住地 東京都 町田市
希望駅 小田急線:鶴川 玉川学園前 町田

I am so happy to be living in Japan and I feel very lucky to be able to share English language and culture with you. I hope we can enjoy lessons together and that I can bring s...

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