業界トップの経験豊富な英語講師 業界トップの経験豊富な英語講師

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自由が丘 アコスタ ローウェル先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.4825 Rowell Acosta /アコスタ ローウェル 先生 おすすめ先生
更新日時 2024/09/02
出身/日本語レベル Philippines / 中級
居住地 神奈川県 横浜市港北区
最寄駅 多摩川
希望駅 山手線:目黒 渋谷 新宿
京浜東北線:大井町 蒲田 川崎 鶴見 東神奈川
東急東横線:渋谷 代官山 中目黒 祐天寺 学芸大学 都立大学 自由が丘 田園調布 多摩川 新丸子 武蔵小杉 元住吉
講師歴 2007年11月

Japanese Ministry of Education guidelines


Bachelor of Secondary Education, major in English (with teaching license)

*High School English teacher in Philippines (8 years)
*ALT in Japan (6+ years)


To further pursue my teaching career and expand my experiences in a different country


Hello! I am an ALT willing to teach you in our convenient time. You can tell me whatever you want to learn in the English language and I will do my best to help you. I will teach...

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➡ レッスンを受けた

✔ 上達して卒業された


To further pursue my teaching career and expand my experiences in a different country


Japanese Ministry of Education guidelines


Bachelor of Secondary Education, major in English (with teaching license)

*High School English teacher in Philippines (8 years)
*ALT in Japan (6+ years)

自由が丘 ゴンザレス ジャレット先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.5081 Gonzales Jarrett/ゴンザレス ジャレット 先生
更新日時 2024/11/06
出身/日本語レベル United States of America / 初級
居住地 東京都 品川区
最寄駅 大崎
希望駅 山手線:大崎 五反田 目黒 恵比寿 東京 有楽町 新橋 浜松町 田町 高輪ゲートウェイ 品川
横須賀線:東京 新橋 品川 西大井 武蔵小杉
京浜東北線:東京 有楽町 新橋 浜松町
講師歴 2011年1月

Student-provided texts allow for lessons to be more focused on each student’s particular needs or interests.


Gaba for 10-plus years and Cambly for about two years. (Rating well North of 4.9 at both places.) Many private lessons, too, over the years.


I came to Japan with my then-wife, so that she could go to school here. I got a job teaching English to pass the time and really enjoyed it. I also enjoyed living here, so more than 13 years later, I’m still here.


I’m fun and funny and eager to help you learn lessons at your pace. We can use texts or have conversations. I look forward to meeting you!

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➡ レッスンを受けた

✔ 上達して卒業された


I came to Japan with my then-wife, so that she could go to school here. I got a job teaching English to pass the time and really enjoyed it. I also enjoyed living here, so more than 13 years later, I’m still here.


Student-provided texts allow for lessons to be more focused on each student’s particular needs or interests.


Gaba for 10-plus years and Cambly for about two years. (Rating well North of 4.9 at both places.) Many private lessons, too, over the years.

自由が丘 ホリイ ケント先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.5121 Horii Kent/ホリイ ケント 先生
更新日時 2024/03/13
出身/日本語レベル Japan / ネイティブ
居住地 東京都 世田谷区
最寄駅 自由が丘
希望駅 山手線:渋谷 新宿 新橋
東急東横線:渋谷 代官山 中目黒 祐天寺 自由が丘 田園調布
東急大井町線:自由が丘 二子玉川
都営三田線:目黒 御成門
講師歴 2012年9月

I wish to help prospective students become more and more comfortable about using English, and to foster a learning environment that is welcoming of mistakes and improvements. The texts that we use in our lessons will be chosen according to the students' needs and wishes. If a student has no preference, we will most likely use my laptop and some reference books.


I have studied at a British international school for around 10 years, in which the principal language of instruction was English. It was common for me to translate English to Japanese and vice versa for my classmates when we were outside of the school and interacting with the wider Japanese society. In my medical school, I have contributed in making the classes in English more active and have aided my classmates, of which many of them non-native English speakers, better their already wonderful English. For reference of my English ability, I have scored 980 on the TOEIC test and have scored 2890 Eiken CSE when I took the Grade 1 Eiken test.


I was born here in Japan and have lived here with my parents from then on. I have decided to become an English teacher in order to learn better ways of communicating in English with non-native speakers.


こんにちは。けんと(Kent)と申します。 英語は私たちの広い世界への鍵だと思います。英語での日常的な会話や、お仕事で使う専門的な英語の上達、どちらも大歓迎です。私はイギリス系インターナショナルスクールで10年間英語で教育を受けてきました。日本語と英語のダブルネイティブであり、英語を大きく影響してきたフランス語を学習してきた私だからこそ皆様の学びへ貢献...

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➡ レッスンを受けた

✔ 上達して卒業された


I was born here in Japan and have lived here with my parents from then on. I have decided to become an English teacher in order to learn better ways of communicating in English with non-native speakers.


I wish to help prospective students become more and more comfortable about using English, and to foster a learning environment that is welcoming of mistakes and improvements. The texts that we use in our lessons will be chosen according to the students' needs and wishes. If a student has no preference, we will most likely use my laptop and some reference books.


I have studied at a British international school for around 10 years, in which the principal language of instruction was English. It was common for me to translate English to Japanese and vice versa for my classmates when we were outside of the school and interacting with the wider Japanese society. In my medical school, I have contributed in making the classes in English more active and have aided my classmates, of which many of them non-native English speakers, better their already wonderful English. For reference of my English ability, I have scored 980 on the TOEIC test and have scored 2890 Eiken CSE when I took the Grade 1 Eiken test.

自由が丘 ゴダサラ ムルーガ先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.5080 Ghodasara Mruga/ゴダサラ ムルーガ 先生
更新日時 2023/07/31
出身/日本語レベル India / 初級
居住地 神奈川県 川崎市多摩区
最寄駅 久地
希望駅 南武線:川崎 尻手 矢向 鹿島田 平間 向河原 武蔵小杉 武蔵中原 武蔵新城 武蔵溝ノ口 津田山 久地 宿河原 登戸 中野島 稲田堤 矢野口 稲城長沼 南多摩 府中本町
講師歴 2023年6月



I have 3 years of experience as a Software engineer.


I want to work with children. I will teach them to use some easy techniques. I love to engage with children.


I want to work with children. I will teach them to use some easy techniques. I love to engage with children.




I have 3 years of experience as a Software engineer.

自由が丘 カバナ サム デイビッド先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.5057 Kavanagh Sammy David/カバナ サム デイビッド 先生
更新日時 2023/02/19
出身/日本語レベル Ireland / 初級
居住地 東京都 目黒区
最寄駅 学芸大学
希望駅 山手線:大崎 目黒 渋谷 代々木 新大久保 田町 品川
東急東横線:渋谷 代官山 中目黒 祐天寺 学芸大学 都立大学 自由が丘
東急目黒線:目黒 不動前 武蔵小山 西小山 洗足 大岡山
講師歴 2019年3月

Any resources or text book you wish to use.


I have worked at English language schools in Ireland, South Korea and Japan. In total I have over four years of experience. In the past I have taught group and private lessons. My previous students age ranges from kids to adults so I am very comfortable with teaching any level or age range.


I came to Japan to see more of the world and learn about Japanese life and culture. I have been living overseas for the past 6 years and love getting to meet people from different parts of the world. I became an English teacher to help people broaden their horizons and provide them with more opportunities to communicate with people


Hey there, I'm Sammy! I have been working as and English teacher for over four years now and would love to help you reach your English goals. Having studied foreign languages i...

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➡ レッスンを受けた

✔ 上達して卒業された


I came to Japan to see more of the world and learn about Japanese life and culture. I have been living overseas for the past 6 years and love getting to meet people from different parts of the world. I became an English teacher to help people broaden their horizons and provide them with more opportunities to communicate with people


Any resources or text book you wish to use.


I have worked at English language schools in Ireland, South Korea and Japan. In total I have over four years of experience. In the past I have taught group and private lessons. My previous students age ranges from kids to adults so I am very comfortable with teaching any level or age range.

自由が丘 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.4894 Melissa Zhu / 先生
更新日時 2019/09/16
出身/日本語レベル Montreal モントリオール / 初級
居住地 東京都 大田区
最寄駅 自由が丘
希望駅 東急大井町線:中延 荏原町 旗の台 北千束 大岡山 緑が丘 自由が丘 九品仏 尾山台 等々力 上野毛
都営浅草線:西馬込 馬込 中延 戸越 五反田 高輪台 泉岳寺 三田 大門
講師歴 2019年9月


Education experience:

Studied and graduated from McGill's TESL (teaching English as a second language) program. Certified teacher with a B.Ed TESL diploma.

Native English teacher, and native French teacher.

Experience teaching in Montreal, Hong Kong and recently started working in Japan as an ALT.


Dear student, I am Melissa. A 23 year old girl who grew up in Canada. I grew up learning 4 languages at the same time, so I can fully understand the process of learning a 2nd ...

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➡ レッスンを受けた

✔ 上達して卒業された



Education experience:

Studied and graduated from McGill's TESL (teaching English as a second language) program. Certified teacher with a B.Ed TESL diploma.

Native English teacher, and native French teacher.

Experience teaching in Montreal, Hong Kong and recently started working in Japan as an ALT.

自由が丘 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.4351 Kym Ramos / 先生
更新日時 2016/10/10
出身/日本語レベル Cabanatuan City / 中級
居住地 神奈川県 川崎市高津区
最寄駅 梶が谷
希望駅 東急目黒線:目黒
東急田園都市線:渋谷 池尻大橋 三軒茶屋 駒沢大学 桜新町 用賀 二子玉川
東急大井町線:大井町 下神明 戸越公園 中延 荏原町 旗の台 北千束 大岡山 緑が丘 自由が丘 九品仏 尾山台
講師歴 2016年5月


Employment experience:
International shipping, travel

BS in Tourism Management - University of the Philippines

Teaching experience:
Private one-on-one lessons, conversational/open-table sessions


Hi! If you're interested in increasing your confidence in speaking English, I can help you. I'm flexible and I always check what my students need, making sure that my teaching m...

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➡ レッスンを受けた

✔ 上達して卒業された



Employment experience:
International shipping, travel

BS in Tourism Management - University of the Philippines

Teaching experience:
Private one-on-one lessons, conversational/open-table sessions

自由が丘 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.4344 INDRA KC / 先生
更新日時 2016/05/16
出身/日本語レベル カトマンドゥ / 上級
居住地 東京都 大田区
最寄駅 雪が谷大塚
希望駅 山手線:五反田 渋谷
東急大井町線:大井町 下神明 戸越公園 中延 荏原町 旗の台 北千束 大岡山 緑が丘 自由が丘 九品仏 尾山台 等々力 上野毛 二子玉川
東急池上線:五反田 大崎広小路 戸越銀座
講師歴 2016年5月


代々木進学セミナー  英語の教師
ESC-英語サマーキャンプー 中学生向けの英語教師として


Let´s enjoy learning English. 英語を楽しみに習いましょう. Hello. Hola. ネパール出身のインドラです.英語の先生として2年間以上の経験があります. 英語が習いたいと思ってたらどのレベルでも構いませんのでお気軽に連絡ください.

➡ この英語先生を、もっと見る

➡ レッスンを受けた

✔ 上達して卒業された



代々木進学セミナー  英語の教師
ESC-英語サマーキャンプー 中学生向けの英語教師として

自由が丘 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.3828 Miraille Jeremy / 先生
更新日時 2014/10/22
出身/日本語レベル Toulouse / 中級
居住地 東京都 世田谷区
最寄駅 自由が丘
希望駅 山手線:大崎 五反田 目黒 恵比寿 渋谷 原宿 代々木 新宿 新大久保 高田馬場 目白 池袋 大塚 巣鴨 駒込 田端 西日暮里 日暮里 鶯谷 上野
講師歴 2014年6月




最初のレッスンは無料です。レッスンはカフェやあなたの家、または私の家でおこないます。 レッスンは一時間以上で自由に決められます。交通費は請求しません 東京都内ならどこでも大丈夫です。 気軽に連絡ください。 あなたに英語語を教えられることを楽しみにしてます。

➡ この英語先生を、もっと見る

➡ レッスンを受けた

✔ 上達して卒業された




自由が丘 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.3894 Tyler Martin / 先生
更新日時 2014/09/02
出身/日本語レベル Seattle / 中級
居住地 東京都 世田谷区
最寄駅 二子玉川
希望駅 東急田園都市線:三軒茶屋 駒沢大学 桜新町 用賀 二子玉川
東急大井町線:自由が丘 九品仏 尾山台 等々力 上野毛 二子玉川 溝の口
講師歴 2014年9月


Work History

Team Leader - Summer 2014 - English Adventure

Served as team leader for a group of eight Japanese students of similar ages at a English speaking summer camp near Tokyo. Responsibilities included managing the students during various activities; engaging them and keeping them safe at all times, during activities and transitions; also managed a tent of young boys from six to sixteen years old, ensuring they woke up, showered and made it to activities on time as well as keeping the tent reasonably clean.

After School Teacher - 2014 - Tokyo International School

Teacher for a group of young elementary school students for Tokyo International School's after school program. Curriculum included physical education, cooking, arts & crafts, music, geography and civics. Developed lessons plans, helped students with their homework, ensured the safety and comfort of students at all times. Assisted in the launch of a new campus in Yokohama.

English Instructor - 2012-2014 - 川崎市 School District

Full-time English instructor for two elementary schools in the Kawasaki school district. Responsible for the creation and execution of lessons plans adhering to the district provided textbook encouraging the use of written and spoken English.

English Language Teacher 2011-2012 -わせがく高等学校

Conversational English language instructor to tne campuses located in the 千葉, 茨城, 埼玉and 東京 prefectures. Prepared lesson plans and activities for all three grades at each location. On Mondays and Thursdays, served further special needs students whom for personal, financial or social reasons could not attend classes on a more regular basis. Occassionally gave private 英検lessons to students in the afternoon.

Assistant Language Teacher - 2010-2011

Living and working in 大崎市,宮城県 Japan as the assistant to, and sometimes temporary replacement of, the primary English language teacher at 三本木中学校and 三本木小学校. At times also visited and taught classes at ひまわり園Preschool. Duties include working with English teacher to fulfill lesson plans and continually interacting with students to improve their understanding of English and other cultures outside of Japan. Over one-hundred hours working with children with ages varying from three years old to fifteen years old.


Hello, my name is Tyler Martin, I'm an American who's been living in Japan for four years now. I love teaching and have experience with all age groups. No matter how old you are ...

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➡ レッスンを受けた

✔ 上達して卒業された



Work History

Team Leader - Summer 2014 - English Adventure

Served as team leader for a group of eight Japanese students of similar ages at a English speaking summer camp near Tokyo. Responsibilities included managing the students during various activities; engaging them and keeping them safe at all times, during activities and transitions; also managed a tent of young boys from six to sixteen years old, ensuring they woke up, showered and made it to activities on time as well as keeping the tent reasonably clean.

After School Teacher - 2014 - Tokyo International School

Teacher for a group of young elementary school students for Tokyo International School's after school program. Curriculum included physical education, cooking, arts & crafts, music, geography and civics. Developed lessons plans, helped students with their homework, ensured the safety and comfort of students at all times. Assisted in the launch of a new campus in Yokohama.

English Instructor - 2012-2014 - 川崎市 School District

Full-time English instructor for two elementary schools in the Kawasaki school district. Responsible for the creation and execution of lessons plans adhering to the district provided textbook encouraging the use of written and spoken English.

English Language Teacher 2011-2012 -わせがく高等学校

Conversational English language instructor to tne campuses located in the 千葉, 茨城, 埼玉and 東京 prefectures. Prepared lesson plans and activities for all three grades at each location. On Mondays and Thursdays, served further special needs students whom for personal, financial or social reasons could not attend classes on a more regular basis. Occassionally gave private 英検lessons to students in the afternoon.

Assistant Language Teacher - 2010-2011

Living and working in 大崎市,宮城県 Japan as the assistant to, and sometimes temporary replacement of, the primary English language teacher at 三本木中学校and 三本木小学校. At times also visited and taught classes at ひまわり園Preschool. Duties include working with English teacher to fulfill lesson plans and continually interacting with students to improve their understanding of English and other cultures outside of Japan. Over one-hundred hours working with children with ages varying from three years old to fifteen years old.

自由が丘 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.3823 Low Ken Ho / 先生
更新日時 2014/06/06
出身/日本語レベル Penang / 上級
居住地 東京都 世田谷区
最寄駅 上野毛
希望駅 山手線:渋谷 原宿 新宿
東急大井町線:大井町 自由が丘 上野毛 二子玉川
講師歴 2014年6月


I've taught some elementary school students some English.
I also tutored my friends in English during high school and college.
English is my native language but I have studied it since I was in kindergarten.


Hello everyone, My name is Low Ken Ho and I come from Malaysia. I'm a university student at Tama Art University. I'm interested in theater and I hope to become an actor someday. ...

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➡ レッスンを受けた

✔ 上達して卒業された



I've taught some elementary school students some English.
I also tutored my friends in English during high school and college.
English is my native language but I have studied it since I was in kindergarten.

自由が丘 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.3566 Francis Abad / 先生
更新日時 2013/08/20
出身/日本語レベル Manila / 中級
居住地 東京都 世田谷区
最寄駅 緑が丘
希望駅 東急大井町線:大岡山 緑が丘 自由が丘
講師歴 2013年8月


University of the Philippines Diliman, Bachelor of Science in Business Economics, 2011-2016

Meiji Gakuin University, International Student Program, 2013-2014

Meiji Gakuin University English Speaking Society, Spring Semester 2013


Hello! My name is Francis! I'm from the Philippines! I can teach you English as a second language because English is also my second language. I can use the Japanese I've learned ...

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➡ レッスンを受けた

✔ 上達して卒業された



University of the Philippines Diliman, Bachelor of Science in Business Economics, 2011-2016

Meiji Gakuin University, International Student Program, 2013-2014

Meiji Gakuin University English Speaking Society, Spring Semester 2013

自由が丘 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.3495 Jensen Cruzat / 先生
更新日時 2013/05/24
出身/日本語レベル Manila / 初級
居住地 東京都 大田区
最寄駅 北千束
希望駅 東急大井町線:大井町 下神明 戸越公園 中延 荏原町 旗の台 北千束 大岡山 緑が丘 自由が丘 九品仏 尾山台 等々力 上野毛 二子玉川 二子新地 高津 溝の口
講師歴 2013年5月


RareJob - more than 4 years


Hi there! Let's have some fun while learning English!

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➡ レッスンを受けた

✔ 上達して卒業された



RareJob - more than 4 years

自由が丘 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.2991 Sasha Tadayoni / 先生
更新日時 2012/04/26
出身/日本語レベル Vancouver / 初級
居住地 東京都 世田谷区
最寄駅 緑が丘
希望駅 東急東横線:渋谷 代官山 中目黒 祐天寺 学芸大学 都立大学 自由が丘
東急大井町線:緑が丘 自由が丘
講師歴 2012年4月


I have helped and volunteered at my home institutions Simon Fraser University, with students who were studying english as a second language. My experience is more in the field of conversational english but I can help with grammar as well.
I have taught for 1 year


hello, my name is Sasha. I am very happy to help any student who wants to learn english for fun or wants to get a higher grade in english exams! I am very friendly and very patie...

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➡ レッスンを受けた

✔ 上達して卒業された



I have helped and volunteered at my home institutions Simon Fraser University, with students who were studying english as a second language. My experience is more in the field of conversational english but I can help with grammar as well.
I have taught for 1 year

自由が丘 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.2524 Gabe Huntsman / 先生
更新日時 2011/06/06
出身/日本語レベル Los Angeles / 中級
居住地 東京都 目黒区
最寄駅 大岡山
希望駅 山手線:目黒 渋谷
講師歴 2011年5月


MySensei.com- English introduction company, ABCKara.com- English introduction company, INTEC co.- English introduction company. Graduated with BA in hotel management from San Francisco State University in 1992.


Hello my name is Gabe and I am ready to help you to improve your English skills for conversation. I have been teaching in Tokyo for 5 years since I moved here and I greatly enjoy...

➡ この英語先生を、もっと見る

➡ レッスンを受けた

✔ 上達して卒業された



MySensei.com- English introduction company, ABCKara.com- English introduction company, INTEC co.- English introduction company. Graduated with BA in hotel management from San Francisco State University in 1992.

自由が丘 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.2212 Toby Siguenza / 先生
更新日時 2010/10/27
出身/日本語レベル Los Angeles / 中級
居住地 東京都 大田区
最寄駅 旗の台
希望駅 山手線:五反田
東急目黒線:武蔵小山 西小山 洗足
東急大井町線:大井町 旗の台 北千束 自由が丘
講師歴 2010年10月


I have taught in a public high school for 3 years as an ALT. I have taught at my university's preschool for 2 years. I have taught TOEIC, TOEFL, and ILETS to nurses in Los Angeles.

I received my BA in English from University of California, Berkeley in 2005.

I have a substitute teaching credential in the State of California.


Hello future students, I can help you gain English skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing. I am kind and patient, and I will find your best learning style. I always ...

➡ この英語先生を、もっと見る

➡ レッスンを受けた

✔ 上達して卒業された



I have taught in a public high school for 3 years as an ALT. I have taught at my university's preschool for 2 years. I have taught TOEIC, TOEFL, and ILETS to nurses in Los Angeles.

I received my BA in English from University of California, Berkeley in 2005.

I have a substitute teaching credential in the State of California.



大井町  | 下神明  | 戸越公園  | 中延  | 荏原町  | 旗の台  | 北千束  | 大岡山  | 緑が丘  | 自由が丘  | 九品仏  | 尾山台  | 等々力  | 上野毛  | 二子玉川  | 二子新地  | 高津  | 溝の口


  • ここがポイント!
  • リーズナブルな料金:入会金9,800円、月会費3,000円、マンツーマンレッスンは1回(60分)3,000円と手頃な価格で提供。
  • 生の英語に触れられる!:ネイティブ講師との会話を通して、自然な発音や表現を身につけられます。
  • 文化を体験できる!:レッスンを通して、ネイティブの文化や習慣を深く理解し、ネイティブ旅行がもっと楽しくなります。
  • アットホームな雰囲気!:カフェでのレッスンなので、リラックスして学習できます。
  • 実践的な内容:会話、文法、読み書き、聴解など、英語の総合的なスキルアップを目指した内容で、ネイティブ文化や社会についても学べます。
  • オンラインレッスンもOK!:忙しい方でも、オンラインで気軽にレッスンを受講できます。
  • 🌟自分に合ったスタイルで楽しく英語を学んでみませんか?🌟


  • 🌟 今すぐ無料体験レッスンを予約! 🌟


  • 🌟 よくある質問やお問い合わせは、こちら 🌟
