
    1. 日常会話で覚える英単語




    Kent wakes up in the morning.

    His mother is in the kitchen.

    Mother: Have breakfast soon, Kent.

    Kent: All right, I’m coming in a minute.

    Mother: You look pale, are you OK?

    Kent: I’m not good. I have a hangover.

    Mother: That’s bad. But coffee wakes you up.

    After breakfast, Kent washes his face and brushes his teeth.

    And then he combs his hair and gets dressed.

    He puts on his shoes.

    Mother: Have you got your lunch box?

    It might rain today.

    So take your umbrella with you.

    Don’t forget to take out the garbage.

    Kent: OK, I will.


    wake up:「目覚める」

    have breakfast:「朝食を食べる」

    be coming:「相手のところへいくところだ」

    in a minute:「すぐに」



    brush one’s teeth:「歯磨きをする」

    comb one’s hair:「髪の毛をとかす」

    and then:「そのあと」

    get dressed:「身支度をする」

    put on one’s shoes:「靴をはく」

    lunch box:「弁当」



    Don’t forget to~:「忘れずに~してください」

    take out the garbage:「ゴミ出しをする」

    I will:直前に言われたことに対して「そうするよ」と言いたいときに使う。



    Kent wakes up in the morning.(ケントが朝起きる。)

    His mother is in the kitchen.(彼のお母さんは台所にいる。)

    Mother: Have breakfast soon, Kent.(すぐに朝食をたべなさい、ケント。)

    Kent: All right, I’m coming in a minute.(わかった、すぐに行くよ。)

    Mother: You look pale, are you OK?(顔色が悪いわよ、大丈夫?)

    Kent: I’m not good.(あまり良くない)。

    I have a hangover.(二日酔いだ。)

    Mother: That’s bad.(それはいけないわね。)

    But coffee wakes you up.(コーヒーが目覚めさせてくれるわよ。)

    After breakfast, Kent washes his face and brushes his teeth.


    And then he combs his hair and gets dressed.


    He puts on his shoes.(靴をはく。)

    Mother: Have you got your lunch box?(お弁当は持った?)

    It might rain today.(今日は雨がふりそうよ。)

    So take your umbrella with you.(だから、傘を持っていってね。)

    Don’t forget to take out the garbage.(ゴミを出すのを忘れないで。)

    Kent: OK, I will.(わかった、そうする。)


