
    1. 日常会話で覚える英単語




    Mari is at the ticket booth.

    Mari: I’d like a ticket.

    What tickets do you have?

    Staff: We have a permanent exhibition and a special exhibition.

    Admission fee is 8 dollars for a permanent exhibition.

    And for a special exhibition, it’s 5 dollars.

    Mari: If I want to enter both of them, should I pay 13 dollars?

    Staff: No, it’ll be 10 dollars.

    If you get both of them, you can get a discount ticket.

    Mari: Don’t you have any other discount tickets?

    Staff: We have discount tickets for students, senior citizens and children.

    Mari: I see.

    I need a ticket including a special exhibition.

    Staff: Sure. So it’ll be 10 dollars.

    Mari: Here you are.

    Staff: Thank you.


    ticket booth:「切符売り場」

    I’d like~:「~が欲しい」

    permanent exhibition:「常設展」

    special exhibition:「特別展」

    admission fee:「入場料」

    both of~:「~の両方」


    discount ticket:「割引券」

    any other:「その他の」

    senior citizens:「高齢者」


    Here you are.:「はいどうぞ」と何かを差し出す時に言う。



    Mari is at the ticket booth.


    Mari: I’d like a ticket.(チケットを一枚ください。)

    What tickets do you have?(どんなチケットがありますか?)

    Staff: We have a permanent exhibition and a special exhibition.


    Admission fee is 8 dollars for a permanent exhibition.


     And for a special exhibition, it’s 5 dollars.(特別展は、5ドルです。)

    Mari: If I want to enter both of them, should I pay 13 dollars?


    Staff: No, it’ll be 10 dollars.(いいえ、10ドルです。)

    If you get both of them, you can get a discount ticket.


    Mari: Don’t you have any other discount tickets?


    Staff: We have discount tickets for students, senior citizens and children.


    Mari: I see.(わかりました。)

    I need a ticket including a special exhibition.


    Staff: Sure.(分かりました。)

    So it’ll be 10 dollars.(では、10ドルです。)

    Mari: Here you are.(はい。)

    Staff: Thank you.(ありがとうございます。)


