
  1. 日常会話で覚える英単語



A visitor talks to you.


Visitor: Excuse me.

Where can I get a bus route map?

You: You can get it at the information center.

Can I help you?

Visitor:  Could you tell me where I can catch a bus for Haneda?

You: Well, take the bus for Haneda Airport.

Oh, that bus is coming there!

I’ll get it on, too.

We can board the bus through the front door.

(You board the bus.)

You: Take a ticket.

Visitor: All right.

You: There’s a number written on the ticket.

You can see a price list to the left of the driver.

The number and the amount of the fare are indicated on that list.

Some coins are needed.

You can change a bill into small coins by the money changing machine next to the driver.

Visitor: Oh, I see.  Thanks.



route map:「路線図」

Could you~?:「~していただけますか?」


catch a bus for~:「~行きのバスに乗る」

is coming there:「そこまで来ている」

get on:「(電車・バスなどに)乗る」



the front door:「前のドア」

amount of~:「~の量」ここでは「~の額」



change a bill into~:「札を~に換える」

small coin:「小銭」「小額硬貨」



A visitor talks to you.(観光客があなたに話しかけてきます。)


Visitor: Excuse me.(すみませんが。)

Where can I get a bus route map?


You: You can get it at the information center.


Can I help you?(お手伝いしましょうか?)

Visitor:  Could you tell me where I can catch a bus for Haneda?


You: Well, take the bus for Haneda Airport.


Oh, that bus is coming there!(あ!そのバスがそこに来ています!)

I’ll get it on, too.(私もそれに乗ります。)

We can board the bus through the front door.


(You board the bus.)(バスに乗る)

You: Take a ticket.(券を取ってください。)

Visitor: All right.(わかりました。)

You: There’s a number written on the ticket.


You can see a price list to the left of the driver.


The number and the amount of the fare are indicated on that list.


Some coins are needed.


You can change a bill into small coins by the money changing machine next to the driver.


Visitor: Oh, I see.  Thanks.(ああ、わかりました。ありがとう。 )




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