
  1. 日常会話で覚える英単語






Kenichi is at the cooking class.

Teacher: We will make the hamburger stake.

There are mixture of ground beef and pork, bread crumbs, onion, milk, salt, pepper, egg, Worcester sauce, and ketchup here.

First, presoak bread crumbs in the milk.

Kenichi: How much quantity of milk do I use?

Teacher: Pour 100 grams of milk into the bowl.

Kenichi: I see.

Teacher: Chop the onion finely.

Heat the frying pan and fry the onion on a medium flame for a while.

Kenichi: Until when should I fry it?

Teacher: Until it becomes transparent.

Kenichi: It becomes transparent now.

Teacher: Put the meat in a bowl.

And add the soaked bread crumbs and mix them.

Kenichi: Add the soaked bread crumbs and mix them, OK.

Teacher: Next add a nip of salt and pepper and mix them up.

Add fried onion and beaten egg and mix them with your hand.

Kenichi: With my hand?

Teacher: Yes, cover it with plastic film, and leave it in a refrigerator for an hour.

( One hour later)

Teacher: Divide it into three.  Shape them oval.

Preheat the frying pan with oil and put them on it.

When one side becomes brown, flip them over.

Cover the frying pan with a lid and wait for a while.

Kenichi: They smell good.

Teacher: OK!  Take them out and put on dishes.

Mix the Worcester sauce and ketchup.

Fry them on the frying pan a little and pour them over those hamburgers.

That’s all.



hamburger stake:「ハンバーグ」

mixture of ground beef and pork:「牛肉と豚肉の合い挽き肉」

bread crumbs:「パン粉」




Worcester sauce:「ウスターソース」



frying pan:「フライパン」




on a medium flame:「中火で」

for a while:「しばらく」

until when:「いつまで」


a nip of~:「一つかみの~」

beaten egg:「溶き卵」

plastic film:「ラップ」





flip over:「ひっくり返す」


That’s all:「それが全てだ」「それで終わり」




Kenichi is at the cooking class.


Teacher: We will make the hamburger stake.


There are mixture of ground beef and pork, bread crumbs, onion, milk, salt, pepper, egg, Worcester sauce, and ketchup here.


First, presoak bread crumbs in the milk.


Kenichi: How much quantity of milk do I use?


Teacher: Pour 100 grams of milk into the bowl.


Kenichi: I see. (わかりました。)

Teacher: Chop the onion finely.


Heat the frying pan and fry the onion on a medium flame for a while.


Kenichi: Until when should I fry it?


Teacher: Until it becomes transparent.


Kenichi: It becomes transparent now.


Teacher: Put the meat in a bowl.


And add the soaked bread crumbs and mix them.


Kenichi: Add the soaked bread crumbs and mix them, OK.


Teacher: Next add a nip of salt and pepper and mix them up.


Add fried onion and beaten egg and mix them with your hand.


Kenichi: With my hand?(手で?)

Teacher: Yes, cover it with plastic film, and leave it in a refrigerator for an hour.


( One hour later)


Teacher: Divide it into three.  Shape them oval.

(それを3つに分けます。 形を楕円形にしてください。)

Preheat the frying pan with oil and put them on it.


 When one side becomes brown, flip them over.


Cover the frying pan with a lid and wait for a while.


Kenichi: They smell good.


Teacher: OK!  Take them out and put on dishes.

(オーケー! 取り出して、皿にのせて下さい。)

Mix the Worcester sauce and ketchup.


Fry them on the frying pan a little and pour them over those hamburgers.


That’s all. (これでできあがり。)





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