業界トップの経験豊富な英語講師 業界トップの経験豊富な英語講師

英会話マンツーマン > 英会話マンツーマン一覧 > 千葉県 > 浦安市




浦安市 カナイ チチ先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.5026 Kanai chichi/カナイ チチ 先生
更新日時 2025/01/25
出身/日本語レベル Japan / ネイティブ
居住地 千葉県 浦安市
最寄駅 浦安
希望駅 上越新幹線:東京 高崎
高崎線:新町 倉賀野 高崎
京葉線:東京 舞浜 新浦安 西船橋
信越本線:高崎 北高崎
両毛線:高崎 高崎問屋町 井野 新前橋 前橋
上越線:高崎 高崎問屋町 井野 新前橋
講師歴 1999年4月

オンラインの場合: LINE/Skype/ZOOMなど。
内容: 英語に関するものならレベル、内容、柔軟に広く指導いたします。
Ex. 英会話、文法からしっかり身につけたい、使える英語を身につけたい、優しく楽しく学びたい、とにかく話したい、日本人にしかわからないことをききたい教わりたい、試験対策、受験・学校の勉強、留学、旅行、読み書き、歌、などなど。






外国語大学卒指導歴25年の国際的活躍する日本人アーティストによる英語のカフェまたはオンラインのレッスン♪生徒さん受付中!! 場所:カフェ(浦安駅/東京駅/大手町駅/日本橋駅/西船橋駅など。ご相談ください!!)&(群馬県高崎市前橋市も可能!!) オンラインの場合: LINE/Skype/ZOOMなど。 内容: 英語に関するものならレベル、内容、柔軟に...

➡ この英語先生を、もっと見る

➡ レッスンを受けた

✔ 上達して卒業された




オンラインの場合: LINE/Skype/ZOOMなど。
内容: 英語に関するものならレベル、内容、柔軟に広く指導いたします。
Ex. 英会話、文法からしっかり身につけたい、使える英語を身につけたい、優しく楽しく学びたい、とにかく話したい、日本人にしかわからないことをききたい教わりたい、試験対策、受験・学校の勉強、留学、旅行、読み書き、歌、などなど。



浦安市 リュウ ケンコウ先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.5052 Lau Khim Heng/リュウ ケンコウ 先生
更新日時 2023/12/09
出身/日本語レベル Malaysia / 初級
居住地 千葉県 浦安市
最寄駅 舞浜
希望駅 山手線:渋谷 池袋 上野 御徒町 神田 新橋
京葉線:東京 八丁堀 越中島 潮見 新木場 舞浜 市川塩浜
銀座線:上野 神田 日本橋 銀座 新橋 虎ノ門
講師歴 2013年1月

Learning English should be fun and interesting because it is an international language. The ability to communicate in writing and speaking of English enable us to interact with people from different countries. It makes our work, business, travel and other activities more rewarding and exciting.

The type of classes that I can carry out the teaching duty are Conversational English, Elementary English, Intermediate and Business English.

Depending on the demand and level of English, the educational policies and text books will be used accordingly.


Employment Experiences

1) 2000-2002 Medical Technologist, Singapore General Hospital (SGH), Singapore

2) 2002-2005 Medical Technologist, National University Hospital (NUH), Singapore

3) 2013-2017 Lecturer, Monash University Malaysia
-Taught via lecturing and tutorials conducted in English, examined and
co-ordinated teaching for Undergraduates in Biology, Environmental
Health and Medical Cell Biology, Hematology and Pathology.

4) 2022- Researcher, International Cancer Laboratory, Tokyo, Japan


1) 1997-2000 National University of Malaysia (UKM),Malaysia
BSc. of Biomedical Science degree admitted on the 1stJuly 2000

2) 2003-2005 Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore
MSc. of Biomedical Engineering degree admitted on the 9thJune 2005

3) 2006-2011 St. Anne’s College, Department of Materials, University of
Oxford, UK
Doctor of Philosophy (D.Phil.) degree admitted on the 5thNovember 2011


Currently, I am a full-time researcher and have passion to teach English as my part-time job.


Hello, my name is Ken and I come from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It is my pleasure to meet you here. My messages to potential students are; 1) Make conversational English as sim...

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✔ 上達して卒業された


Currently, I am a full-time researcher and have passion to teach English as my part-time job.


Learning English should be fun and interesting because it is an international language. The ability to communicate in writing and speaking of English enable us to interact with people from different countries. It makes our work, business, travel and other activities more rewarding and exciting.

The type of classes that I can carry out the teaching duty are Conversational English, Elementary English, Intermediate and Business English.

Depending on the demand and level of English, the educational policies and text books will be used accordingly.


Employment Experiences

1) 2000-2002 Medical Technologist, Singapore General Hospital (SGH), Singapore

2) 2002-2005 Medical Technologist, National University Hospital (NUH), Singapore

3) 2013-2017 Lecturer, Monash University Malaysia
-Taught via lecturing and tutorials conducted in English, examined and
co-ordinated teaching for Undergraduates in Biology, Environmental
Health and Medical Cell Biology, Hematology and Pathology.

4) 2022- Researcher, International Cancer Laboratory, Tokyo, Japan


1) 1997-2000 National University of Malaysia (UKM),Malaysia
BSc. of Biomedical Science degree admitted on the 1stJuly 2000

2) 2003-2005 Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore
MSc. of Biomedical Engineering degree admitted on the 9thJune 2005

3) 2006-2011 St. Anne’s College, Department of Materials, University of
Oxford, UK
Doctor of Philosophy (D.Phil.) degree admitted on the 5thNovember 2011

浦安市 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.4831 Aya Bracho Kodani / 先生
更新日時 2018/12/04
出身/日本語レベル Caracas / 中級
居住地 千葉県 浦安市
最寄駅 浦安
希望駅 東西線:飯田橋 大手町 日本橋 茅場町 門前仲町 木場 東陽町 南砂町 西葛西 葛西 南行徳 行徳 妙典
講師歴 2018年12月


Marketing and Business Strategist.-
Marketing, Advertising, Communications and Promotions Manager at Nike, Sony, Panasonic, Golder Associates, NTN24.com in several countries in Latin America.

Certified Yoga Teacher.-
Yoga Instructors Course. Svayasa, Bangalore-India (2018)
RYT 200hrs All You Can Yoga / Yoga Alliance (2015)

Japanese teacher.-
Certified teacher with over 17 years of experience
Spanish and English conversational teacher


?Hola! Es un gran placer conocerte :) Mi nombre es Aya y soy descendiente de venezolano y japonesa. Crec? en Venezuela y hablo japon?s, ingl?s y portugu?s adem?s del espa?ol. He ...

➡ この英語先生を、もっと見る

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✔ 上達して卒業された



Marketing and Business Strategist.-
Marketing, Advertising, Communications and Promotions Manager at Nike, Sony, Panasonic, Golder Associates, NTN24.com in several countries in Latin America.

Certified Yoga Teacher.-
Yoga Instructors Course. Svayasa, Bangalore-India (2018)
RYT 200hrs All You Can Yoga / Yoga Alliance (2015)

Japanese teacher.-
Certified teacher with over 17 years of experience
Spanish and English conversational teacher

浦安市 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.4737 Nel Gulmatico / 先生
更新日時 2018/05/28
出身/日本語レベル Los Angles / 初級
居住地 千葉県 浦安市
最寄駅 浦安
希望駅 東西線:門前仲町 木場 東陽町 南砂町 西葛西 葛西 南行徳 行徳
講師歴 2018年5月


10/2017- present
Full Time Instructor at Kindergarten Preschool. Tsukishima. Tokyo
?Teach a kindergarten class (ages 3-4) on a daily basis (Monday- Friday) , 10:00 A.M. ? 2:00 P.M.
?Plan and create materials to help children develop skills in numeracy, phonics, and speaking.
?Provide a warm and welcoming environment for children to learn proper behavior and social skills.
?Teach several afternoon classes in phonics, reading, and speaking from kindergarten to elementary students.
?Communicate with parents on a daily basis as well as in conferences to discuss their child’s progress in class.
?Collaborate with other teachers in planning out school events: Halloween, Christmas , Sports Day, and school field trips.

5/ 2015 ? 9/2016
Full Time Head Instructor for Pre-school and After school . Kodaira. Tokyo

?Managed the kindergarten (ages 4-6) and elementary (ages 7-12) classes (attendances, homework assignments, language instruction, etc.)
?Designed the curriculum for the kindergarten and elementary classes.
?Taught phonics, literacy , and basic English conversation skills.
?Communicated effectively with the parents on their child’s progress in class.
?Trained and supported teachers.
?Created supplementary materials for Saturday ESL classes.
?Designed learner centered lessons for advance students and returnees.
?Designed activities and materials for summer school, Halloween, and Christmas events.

12/ 2013 ? 5/2015
Full-time Instructor for a small private school. Jiyugaoka, Tokyo.

?Taught English to young learners (ages 3-19) in all areas of skills ( speaking, listening, writing, and reading) by using age appropriate textbooks, self-created supplementary materials, and a variety of methods involving movement, games, art, and music.
?Created term plans for a Saturday returnee program with themes incorporating topics in science, social studies, art, music, and physical ?education.
?Designed learner centered lessons for students in the weekday returnee program to reinforce their skills in English conversation, reading, writing, and develop their knowledge of grammar and vocabulary.
?Produced evaluation reports assessing each student’s progress in class and developing strategies for improving the students’ learning.
?Taught phonics and literacy aimed at developing quality reading skills.
?Taught English conversation skills to adults for the purpose of travel, business, and education.
?Assisted in designing lessons and materials for summer and winter school.

7/2013 - Dec, 2013 .
Full-time Instructor. Pre-school and After-school. Chitose Karasuyama, Tokyo.

?Implemented company's teaching methods in promoting the learning of interdisciplinary studies through English.
?Taught pre-school and after-school program in a variety of subjects- English, art, math, social studies, science, and life skills.
?Supervised up to 30 elementary school students in an after-school program.
?Communicated effectively with parents regarding their child's progress in class.
?Maintained a safe and welcoming environment for all students.
?Assisted with the training and evaluations of prospective teachers joining the company.

7/2011- 7/2013
Full-time Instructor. Pre-school and After school. Kiyosumishirakawa, Tokyo.

?Combined play and interactive activities to help children (preschool -12) develop skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
?Utilized creative and practical skills in planning and organizing a range of activities, including role play, movement, dance, singing, games, arts and crafts.
?Taught mothers on how they can communicate with their child through basic English in everyday situations.
?Teach children individually and in groups alphabets and phonics.
?Created and performed skits on theme-based curriculum ( animals, numbers, transportation, etc..) to facilitate an effective understanding of the topic.
?Communicated effectively with parents about their children’s development.
?Organized with teachers and staff special events to promote cultural awareness and students’ achievements.
?Ensured a safe and positive learning environment at all times.

Full- time Instructor. G-Communication: Geos-Nova
Geos Shin-Urayasu, Chiba. 3/2010- 10/2010.
Nova Komagome, Tokyo. 11/2010- 7/2011

?Taught English conversation skills to children (from age 3 to junior high school) and adults within the company’s teaching method and curriculum.
?Communicated on a regular basis with parents regarding their child’s progress in class.
?Designed supplementary materials to give students ample opportunities to practice in class and at home.
? Promoted company’s products and services to prospective students during interviews , trial lessons, and advertising campaigns.
?Counseled students of their progress and create study plans that they can use to improve on their English conversation skills.

Full time Instructor/Manager. Juku. Urayasu, Chiba.

?Responsible for teaching all of the English conversation classes (30 x 50 minute classes/week) in a cram school and managing its daily operations.
?Taught students from kindergarten to high school fundamental English conversation skills, grammar, vocabulary, reading, listening, and pronunciation by using appropriate textbooks, and a variety of methods such as script writing, music, chants, and art.
?Taught practical English conversation skills to adults individually and in groups, depending on their level, profession, and needs.
?Reported to school administrators and parents the students’ progress in English conversation class.
?Organized cultural events to promote the school to potential clients.
?Coached students on how to improve their grade in The Eiken Test in Practical English Proficiency/ Step Eiken

6/2007- 3/2008
ALT. W5 Staff Services. Junior High School, Urayasu, Chiba.

?Designed supplementary materials to improve students’ English skills
in listening, writing, speaking, and reading.
?Taught solely, second year students in elective conversation class using self-developed teaching materials.
?Conducted tests to determine students’ progress in listening comprehension, pronunciation, and oral communication.

8/2007- 12/2007
Part-time Instructor. W5 Staff Services. Ministry of Environment, Japan.
Kasumigaseki, Tokyo.

?Developed and conducted level assessment test to place students in appropriate classes for language training courses.
?Supervised a team of instructors to develop a curriculum that aims at improving students’ TOEIC score.
?Taught classes aimed at engaging students to actively participate in discussion and debates on environmental issues.
?Designed text materials to help students understand the fundamental science and policies related to environmental issues.
?Taught classes on the fundamental skills of making a formal presentation concerning Japan’s environmental policies on global climate change, waste management, energy conservation, etc.

9/2006- 5/2007
Full-time Instructor. Pronunciation English school., Shibuya, Tokyo.

?Taught conversation skills to students (adolescent to adults) from beginner to advanced level, individually or in groups using textbook and self-designed materials.
?Designed part of a textbook and curriculum for a course aimed at using English for travel.
?Taught clients with specific needs on preparing an effective presentation for academic and business purposes.

7/2003- 7/2006
   Full-time High School ALT. Japan Exchange Teaching (JET), Hyogo Technical
High School, Kobe.

?Created lessons to motivate students gain more confidence in learning a foreign language and culture.
?Assisted teachers structure effectively their theses on English teaching methodologies for the board of education, master degree, and teacher training courses.
?Lectured in a conference to all JET ALTs in Hyogo on the importance of role-play and imagination in language instruction.

Relevant Teaching Experience (USA)

9/2002- 6/2003
Community Center Assistant. Japanese American Cultural Center. LA.
?Assisted a professor in the teaching of English by creating lessons for adult students, mainly Japanese immigrants.
?Screened the applications of students applying for American citizenship.
? students through simulated interviews to pass the immigration interview test.

Tutor/Mentor. Americorps (NPO). Los Angeles.
?Taught children (ages 7-17) individually and in groups English, math, art , and music at a community center.
?Created lessons to increase the English skills of students with little or no experience of using English for communication.
?Provided support and guidance to students with learning difficulties.


Hi everyone! I have been working and living in Japan for over 15 years. I have an extensive experience teaching Japanese learners from all age group. My goals in teaching stu...

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✔ 上達して卒業された



10/2017- present
Full Time Instructor at Kindergarten Preschool. Tsukishima. Tokyo
?Teach a kindergarten class (ages 3-4) on a daily basis (Monday- Friday) , 10:00 A.M. ? 2:00 P.M.
?Plan and create materials to help children develop skills in numeracy, phonics, and speaking.
?Provide a warm and welcoming environment for children to learn proper behavior and social skills.
?Teach several afternoon classes in phonics, reading, and speaking from kindergarten to elementary students.
?Communicate with parents on a daily basis as well as in conferences to discuss their child’s progress in class.
?Collaborate with other teachers in planning out school events: Halloween, Christmas , Sports Day, and school field trips.

5/ 2015 ? 9/2016
Full Time Head Instructor for Pre-school and After school . Kodaira. Tokyo

?Managed the kindergarten (ages 4-6) and elementary (ages 7-12) classes (attendances, homework assignments, language instruction, etc.)
?Designed the curriculum for the kindergarten and elementary classes.
?Taught phonics, literacy , and basic English conversation skills.
?Communicated effectively with the parents on their child’s progress in class.
?Trained and supported teachers.
?Created supplementary materials for Saturday ESL classes.
?Designed learner centered lessons for advance students and returnees.
?Designed activities and materials for summer school, Halloween, and Christmas events.

12/ 2013 ? 5/2015
Full-time Instructor for a small private school. Jiyugaoka, Tokyo.

?Taught English to young learners (ages 3-19) in all areas of skills ( speaking, listening, writing, and reading) by using age appropriate textbooks, self-created supplementary materials, and a variety of methods involving movement, games, art, and music.
?Created term plans for a Saturday returnee program with themes incorporating topics in science, social studies, art, music, and physical ?education.
?Designed learner centered lessons for students in the weekday returnee program to reinforce their skills in English conversation, reading, writing, and develop their knowledge of grammar and vocabulary.
?Produced evaluation reports assessing each student’s progress in class and developing strategies for improving the students’ learning.
?Taught phonics and literacy aimed at developing quality reading skills.
?Taught English conversation skills to adults for the purpose of travel, business, and education.
?Assisted in designing lessons and materials for summer and winter school.

7/2013 - Dec, 2013 .
Full-time Instructor. Pre-school and After-school. Chitose Karasuyama, Tokyo.

?Implemented company's teaching methods in promoting the learning of interdisciplinary studies through English.
?Taught pre-school and after-school program in a variety of subjects- English, art, math, social studies, science, and life skills.
?Supervised up to 30 elementary school students in an after-school program.
?Communicated effectively with parents regarding their child's progress in class.
?Maintained a safe and welcoming environment for all students.
?Assisted with the training and evaluations of prospective teachers joining the company.

7/2011- 7/2013
Full-time Instructor. Pre-school and After school. Kiyosumishirakawa, Tokyo.

?Combined play and interactive activities to help children (preschool -12) develop skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
?Utilized creative and practical skills in planning and organizing a range of activities, including role play, movement, dance, singing, games, arts and crafts.
?Taught mothers on how they can communicate with their child through basic English in everyday situations.
?Teach children individually and in groups alphabets and phonics.
?Created and performed skits on theme-based curriculum ( animals, numbers, transportation, etc..) to facilitate an effective understanding of the topic.
?Communicated effectively with parents about their children’s development.
?Organized with teachers and staff special events to promote cultural awareness and students’ achievements.
?Ensured a safe and positive learning environment at all times.

Full- time Instructor. G-Communication: Geos-Nova
Geos Shin-Urayasu, Chiba. 3/2010- 10/2010.
Nova Komagome, Tokyo. 11/2010- 7/2011

?Taught English conversation skills to children (from age 3 to junior high school) and adults within the company’s teaching method and curriculum.
?Communicated on a regular basis with parents regarding their child’s progress in class.
?Designed supplementary materials to give students ample opportunities to practice in class and at home.
? Promoted company’s products and services to prospective students during interviews , trial lessons, and advertising campaigns.
?Counseled students of their progress and create study plans that they can use to improve on their English conversation skills.

Full time Instructor/Manager. Juku. Urayasu, Chiba.

?Responsible for teaching all of the English conversation classes (30 x 50 minute classes/week) in a cram school and managing its daily operations.
?Taught students from kindergarten to high school fundamental English conversation skills, grammar, vocabulary, reading, listening, and pronunciation by using appropriate textbooks, and a variety of methods such as script writing, music, chants, and art.
?Taught practical English conversation skills to adults individually and in groups, depending on their level, profession, and needs.
?Reported to school administrators and parents the students’ progress in English conversation class.
?Organized cultural events to promote the school to potential clients.
?Coached students on how to improve their grade in The Eiken Test in Practical English Proficiency/ Step Eiken

6/2007- 3/2008
ALT. W5 Staff Services. Junior High School, Urayasu, Chiba.

?Designed supplementary materials to improve students’ English skills
in listening, writing, speaking, and reading.
?Taught solely, second year students in elective conversation class using self-developed teaching materials.
?Conducted tests to determine students’ progress in listening comprehension, pronunciation, and oral communication.

8/2007- 12/2007
Part-time Instructor. W5 Staff Services. Ministry of Environment, Japan.
Kasumigaseki, Tokyo.

?Developed and conducted level assessment test to place students in appropriate classes for language training courses.
?Supervised a team of instructors to develop a curriculum that aims at improving students’ TOEIC score.
?Taught classes aimed at engaging students to actively participate in discussion and debates on environmental issues.
?Designed text materials to help students understand the fundamental science and policies related to environmental issues.
?Taught classes on the fundamental skills of making a formal presentation concerning Japan’s environmental policies on global climate change, waste management, energy conservation, etc.

9/2006- 5/2007
Full-time Instructor. Pronunciation English school., Shibuya, Tokyo.

?Taught conversation skills to students (adolescent to adults) from beginner to advanced level, individually or in groups using textbook and self-designed materials.
?Designed part of a textbook and curriculum for a course aimed at using English for travel.
?Taught clients with specific needs on preparing an effective presentation for academic and business purposes.

7/2003- 7/2006
   Full-time High School ALT. Japan Exchange Teaching (JET), Hyogo Technical
High School, Kobe.

?Created lessons to motivate students gain more confidence in learning a foreign language and culture.
?Assisted teachers structure effectively their theses on English teaching methodologies for the board of education, master degree, and teacher training courses.
?Lectured in a conference to all JET ALTs in Hyogo on the importance of role-play and imagination in language instruction.

Relevant Teaching Experience (USA)

9/2002- 6/2003
Community Center Assistant. Japanese American Cultural Center. LA.
?Assisted a professor in the teaching of English by creating lessons for adult students, mainly Japanese immigrants.
?Screened the applications of students applying for American citizenship.
? students through simulated interviews to pass the immigration interview test.

Tutor/Mentor. Americorps (NPO). Los Angeles.
?Taught children (ages 7-17) individually and in groups English, math, art , and music at a community center.
?Created lessons to increase the English skills of students with little or no experience of using English for communication.
?Provided support and guidance to students with learning difficulties.

浦安市 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.4503 Raymond McMorrin / 先生
更新日時 2017/09/26
出身/日本語レベル Naugatuck / 上級
居住地 千葉県 浦安市
最寄駅 浦安
希望駅 銀座線:銀座
東西線:木場 東陽町 浦安 行徳 妙典 原木中山 西船橋
講師歴 2017年9月


DegreeBachelors in Music Performance
Graduation periodSep, 1999 - May, 2002 (2 years 9 months)
School Hartt School of Music, University of Hartford, Hartford, CT
CountryUnited States
Graduation periodAug, 1997 - May, 1999 (1 year 10 months)
School University of The Arts, Philadelphia, PA
CountryUnited States


Position TitleEnglish Instructor
Employment periodJun, 2006 - Present (11 years 5 months)
Company Gaba
IndustryEducation / Teaching
Position TypeEducation, Training
Position Description
At Gaba I teach private one on one English instruction. I teach mostly Adults and sometimes high school students.
Position TitleEnglish Teacher/ALT
Employment periodOct, 2005 - Mar, 2008 (2 years 6 months)
Company IES
IndustryEducation / Teaching
Position TypeTeacher, Instructor (ELT, Conversational English)
Position Description
Teaching at Elementary and Junior high school in Funabashi. When I teach at the Junior high school I am an ALT but,when I teach at the Elementary schools I am the main English teacher. I make lesson plans for the students which include; songs, games flashcards and art. I also had an opportunity to teach students during brass band club.


My name is Raymond McMorrin and I am 38 years old. I am a very enthusiastic, knowledgeable, and highly motivated teacher with strong interpersonal skills with the ability to set ...

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✔ 上達して卒業された



DegreeBachelors in Music Performance
Graduation periodSep, 1999 - May, 2002 (2 years 9 months)
School Hartt School of Music, University of Hartford, Hartford, CT
CountryUnited States
Graduation periodAug, 1997 - May, 1999 (1 year 10 months)
School University of The Arts, Philadelphia, PA
CountryUnited States


Position TitleEnglish Instructor
Employment periodJun, 2006 - Present (11 years 5 months)
Company Gaba
IndustryEducation / Teaching
Position TypeEducation, Training
Position Description
At Gaba I teach private one on one English instruction. I teach mostly Adults and sometimes high school students.
Position TitleEnglish Teacher/ALT
Employment periodOct, 2005 - Mar, 2008 (2 years 6 months)
Company IES
IndustryEducation / Teaching
Position TypeTeacher, Instructor (ELT, Conversational English)
Position Description
Teaching at Elementary and Junior high school in Funabashi. When I teach at the Junior high school I am an ALT but,when I teach at the Elementary schools I am the main English teacher. I make lesson plans for the students which include; songs, games flashcards and art. I also had an opportunity to teach students during brass band club.

浦安市 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.2747 Weellee Domingo / 先生
更新日時 2013/12/22
出身/日本語レベル Paranaque City / 初級
居住地 千葉県 浦安市
最寄駅 浦安
希望駅 東西線:木場 南砂町 西葛西 浦安
講師歴 2011年9月


1. Maple Language School ? Shin-Urayasu, Chiba-ken
Position: English Conversation Instructor
Period of Employment: October 2011 to present

2. Private English Instructor ? Urayasu-shi, Chiba-ken
- from October 2011 to present

1. International Organization for Migration (IOM) - Makati City, Philippines
Position: Administrative Assistant
Period of Employment: January 2007 to December 2010

2. Asian Hospital and Medical Center - Muntinlupa City, Philippines
Position: Executive Assistant
Period of Employment: November 2001 to January 2007

3. MediMarketing, Inc. (UBM Medica Philippines) - Makati City, Philippines
Position: Editorial Assistant
Period of Employment: May 2001 to November 2001


Hello! My name is Weellee Domingo. I am looking forward to teaching English to you, and I'll do my very best to make your English learning experience light and fun. I hope to mee...

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✔ 上達して卒業された



1. Maple Language School ? Shin-Urayasu, Chiba-ken
Position: English Conversation Instructor
Period of Employment: October 2011 to present

2. Private English Instructor ? Urayasu-shi, Chiba-ken
- from October 2011 to present

1. International Organization for Migration (IOM) - Makati City, Philippines
Position: Administrative Assistant
Period of Employment: January 2007 to December 2010

2. Asian Hospital and Medical Center - Muntinlupa City, Philippines
Position: Executive Assistant
Period of Employment: November 2001 to January 2007

3. MediMarketing, Inc. (UBM Medica Philippines) - Makati City, Philippines
Position: Editorial Assistant
Period of Employment: May 2001 to November 2001

浦安市 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.3291 Douglas Jones / 先生
更新日時 2012/10/30
出身/日本語レベル Chester / 中級
居住地 千葉県 浦安市
最寄駅 浦安
希望駅 東西線:浦安 南行徳 行徳 妙典 原木中山 西船橋
講師歴 2012年10月


Graduated with a BEng hons in MEchanical engineering.
Working 4 years teaching elemtary and junior high schools in Hokkaido.
1 year working for the Cirque du Soleil (ZED) teaching junior high school students from all over the world.
Adult private classes for the last 5 years.
currently a Internatioanl school homeroom teacher.


Hi, nice to meet you! I know the difficulties of learning a new language and the problems people face. I want to help to over come these and make speaking and communicating in En...

➡ この英語先生を、もっと見る

➡ レッスンを受けた

✔ 上達して卒業された



Graduated with a BEng hons in MEchanical engineering.
Working 4 years teaching elemtary and junior high schools in Hokkaido.
1 year working for the Cirque du Soleil (ZED) teaching junior high school students from all over the world.
Adult private classes for the last 5 years.
currently a Internatioanl school homeroom teacher.




  • ここがポイント!
  • リーズナブルな料金:入会金9,800円、月会費3,000円、マンツーマンレッスンは1回(60分)3,000円と手頃な価格で提供。
  • 生の英語に触れられる!:ネイティブ講師との会話を通して、自然な発音や表現を身につけられます。
  • 文化を体験できる!:レッスンを通して、ネイティブの文化や習慣を深く理解し、ネイティブ旅行がもっと楽しくなります。
  • アットホームな雰囲気!:カフェでのレッスンなので、リラックスして学習できます。
  • 実践的な内容:会話、文法、読み書き、聴解など、英語の総合的なスキルアップを目指した内容で、ネイティブ文化や社会についても学べます。
  • オンラインレッスンもOK!:忙しい方でも、オンラインで気軽にレッスンを受講できます。
  • 🌟自分に合ったスタイルで楽しく英語を学んでみませんか?🌟


  • 🌟 今すぐ無料体験レッスンを予約! 🌟


  • 🌟 よくある質問やお問い合わせは、こちら 🌟
