業界トップの経験豊富な英語講師 業界トップの経験豊富な英語講師

英会話マンツーマン > 英会話マンツーマン一覧 > 西武有楽町線 > 小竹向原




小竹向原 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.2838 David Kennedy / 先生
更新日時 2024/10/07
出身/日本語レベル Melbourne / 中級
居住地 東京都 杉並区
最寄駅 練馬高野台
希望駅 山手線:目黒 恵比寿 渋谷 原宿 代々木 新宿 新大久保 高田馬場 目白 池袋
西武池袋線:池袋 椎名町 東長崎 江古田 桜台 練馬 中村橋 富士見台 練馬高野台 石神井公園
講師歴 2011年12月


ANZ Bank 1991 to 2007 FX Department Manager Back Office Trades. (Australia)
2007 to present Professional Tennis Coach with Large Multinational companies and the Embassies and International Schools in Tokyo Japan.
2007 to present also a private English teacher.


Thank you for checking my details. If you are interested in serious lessons then please contact me anytime. Thank you and have a great day. David

➡ この英語先生を、もっと見る

➡ レッスンを受けた

✔ 上達して卒業された



ANZ Bank 1991 to 2007 FX Department Manager Back Office Trades. (Australia)
2007 to present Professional Tennis Coach with Large Multinational companies and the Embassies and International Schools in Tokyo Japan.
2007 to present also a private English teacher.

小竹向原 ナタド フィデスガブリエル先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.5140 Natad Fides Gabrielle/ナタド フィデスガブリエル 先生
更新日時 2024/06/04
出身/日本語レベル Philippines / 中級
居住地 東京都 練馬区
最寄駅 大泉学園
希望駅 西武池袋線:池袋 桜台 練馬 中村橋 富士見台 練馬高野台 石神井公園 大泉学園 保谷 ひばりヶ丘 清瀬
西武有楽町線:小竹向原 新桜台 練馬
講師歴 2019年2月

Online English Resources


4 years English conversation teacher
Currently working as an Assistant Language Teacher


When I was teaching English to Japanese students, I noticed that they are too shy and afraid to make mistakes, despite grasping grammar. Many Japanese people think of English as difficult, boring and useless so I want to change this negative perspective. It's actually fun, interesting and very important. Proficiency in English is key to unlocking doors of opportunities abroad, may it be in the aspect of career or travel. I want to boost their confidence by empowering and encouraging them that it's okay to make mistakes. I want to be their study and language exchange buddy where they can share their feelings, thoughts and experiences in English. Seeing my students progress and enjoy taking my lessons gave me a sense of fulfilment. When my students booked my classes regularly and left positive feedback, it made my life more meaningful and it seemed like I realized my purpose- which is to teach English.


Hello, I'm Gab! 自分で英語を勉強していますが、なかなか上達しないと感じていますか? 資格を持った教師による個別指導で、特に会話スキルを向上させたいですか? 一般的なレッスンか、会話のみのレッスン、週に一回か月に二回のペースで受けたいですか? あなたはどちらを選びますか?あなたの目標や希望について無料レッスンで話し合いましょ...

➡ この英語先生を、もっと見る

➡ レッスンを受けた

✔ 上達して卒業された


When I was teaching English to Japanese students, I noticed that they are too shy and afraid to make mistakes, despite grasping grammar. Many Japanese people think of English as difficult, boring and useless so I want to change this negative perspective. It's actually fun, interesting and very important. Proficiency in English is key to unlocking doors of opportunities abroad, may it be in the aspect of career or travel. I want to boost their confidence by empowering and encouraging them that it's okay to make mistakes. I want to be their study and language exchange buddy where they can share their feelings, thoughts and experiences in English. Seeing my students progress and enjoy taking my lessons gave me a sense of fulfilment. When my students booked my classes regularly and left positive feedback, it made my life more meaningful and it seemed like I realized my purpose- which is to teach English.


Online English Resources


4 years English conversation teacher
Currently working as an Assistant Language Teacher

小竹向原 ス ウテイ ヘニン先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.5134 Su Wutyi Hnin/ス ウテイ ヘニン 先生
更新日時 2024/05/06
出身/日本語レベル ミャンマー / 初級
居住地 東京都 練馬区
最寄駅 練馬高野台
希望駅 山手線:目黒 恵比寿 渋谷 原宿 代々木 新宿 新大久保 高田馬場 目白 池袋 上野 秋葉原 品川
西武池袋線:池袋 椎名町 桜台 練馬 中村橋 富士見台 練馬高野台
講師歴 2022年3月

Repetition Methods


Part Time English teachers for kids (over 2 years in Japan)


I have been awarded a scholarship from the Japanese Government to study in Japan. In my free time, I have started working as an part time English teacher for kids at Dr. Tech and Iwade Academy.


I have been awarded a scholarship from the Japanese Government to study in Japan. In my free time, I have started working as an part time English teacher for kids at Dr. Tech and Iwade Academy.


Repetition Methods


Part Time English teachers for kids (over 2 years in Japan)

小竹向原 メン ムクニピサ先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.5119 Men Mouknyvisal/メン ムクニピサ 先生
更新日時 2024/04/11
出身/日本語レベル 14/12/2004 / 初級
居住地 東京都 板橋区
最寄駅 地下鉄赤塚
希望駅 東武東上線:池袋 北池袋 下板橋 中板橋 上板橋 下赤塚 成増
西武池袋線:池袋 東長崎 中村橋
西武有楽町線:小竹向原 新桜台
有楽町線:地下鉄成増 地下鉄赤塚 平和台 氷川台 池袋 東池袋
副都心線:地下鉄成増 地下鉄赤塚
講師歴 2020年7月

I am willing to teach a wide range of texts that the students may want to learn from.


In Highschool I worked as a part time English tutor that helped with homework and conversational English to students of my school. I am confident that with my teaching, you will see great improvement in any areas that you feel you lack in.


I am currently a first year student at Tokyo International University. I want to start teaching English as a way to help those in need with English tutoring while also getting to know more people in Tokyo.


Konichiwa minasan, my name is Visal and I am a 19 year old university student looking to teach English in the Tokyo area. If you are in need of anything regarding English help su...

➡ この英語先生を、もっと見る

➡ レッスンを受けた

✔ 上達して卒業された


I am currently a first year student at Tokyo International University. I want to start teaching English as a way to help those in need with English tutoring while also getting to know more people in Tokyo.


I am willing to teach a wide range of texts that the students may want to learn from.


In Highschool I worked as a part time English tutor that helped with homework and conversational English to students of my school. I am confident that with my teaching, you will see great improvement in any areas that you feel you lack in.



小竹向原  | 新桜台  | 練馬


  • ここがポイント!
  • リーズナブルな料金:入会金9,800円、月会費3,000円、マンツーマンレッスンは1回(60分)3,000円と手頃な価格で提供。
  • 生の英語に触れられる!:ネイティブ講師との会話を通して、自然な発音や表現を身につけられます。
  • 文化を体験できる!:レッスンを通して、ネイティブの文化や習慣を深く理解し、ネイティブ旅行がもっと楽しくなります。
  • アットホームな雰囲気!:カフェでのレッスンなので、リラックスして学習できます。
  • 実践的な内容:会話、文法、読み書き、聴解など、英語の総合的なスキルアップを目指した内容で、ネイティブ文化や社会についても学べます。
  • オンラインレッスンもOK!:忙しい方でも、オンラインで気軽にレッスンを受講できます。
  • 🌟自分に合ったスタイルで楽しく英語を学んでみませんか?🌟


  • 🌟 今すぐ無料体験レッスンを予約! 🌟


  • 🌟 よくある質問やお問い合わせは、こちら 🌟
