業界トップの経験豊富な英語講師 業界トップの経験豊富な英語講師

英会話マンツーマン > 英会話マンツーマン一覧 > 井の頭線 > 下北沢




下北沢 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.1666 Michael Coursey / 先生 up おすすめ先生
更新日時 2025/02/10
出身/日本語レベル Philadelphia / 中級
居住地 東京都 練馬区
最寄駅 早稲田
希望駅 山手線:五反田 目黒 恵比寿 新宿 池袋 東京 新橋
西武池袋線:江古田 桜台 練馬 中村橋 富士見台 練馬高野台 石神井公園 大泉学園 保谷 ひばりヶ丘 東久留米
西武新宿線:新井薬師前 下井草
講師歴 2010年3月


I have 18 years of ESL & EFL teaching experience. I have taught adults & university students of all levels as well as other students of various age groups & staff of Major Companies in Japan for the last 10 years. I have worked as a Bank Mgr. of Customer service in the US. So, I teach any business topic.
I have a BA in Communications from Univ.of TX.as well as a Master's degree in Linguistics- by Correspondence from Regent University in VA,USA.


My name is Michael. I'm a friendly,sincere,reliable,professional,& experienced teacher & Professor or Lecturer who can be humorous at times also. If you are interested i...

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✔ 上達して卒業された



I have 18 years of ESL & EFL teaching experience. I have taught adults & university students of all levels as well as other students of various age groups & staff of Major Companies in Japan for the last 10 years. I have worked as a Bank Mgr. of Customer service in the US. So, I teach any business topic.
I have a BA in Communications from Univ.of TX.as well as a Master's degree in Linguistics- by Correspondence from Regent University in VA,USA.

下北沢 ディー ウィリス先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.4291 Dee Willis /ディー ウィリス 先生
更新日時 2025/01/14
出身/日本語レベル USA / 上級
居住地 東京都 府中市
最寄駅 東府中
希望駅 南武線:武蔵小杉 府中本町 分倍河原 立川
横浜線:町田 八王子
中央本線(東京~塩尻):東京 新宿 吉祥寺 三鷹 国分寺 立川 日野 八王子 西八王子 高尾
青梅線:立川 西立川 中神
講師歴 2000年7月

I have my own special textbooks and materials.


5 years plus hands on teaching experience in the Japanese
public school systems and English as a second language
schools/institutes (ALT), 6 years plus experience early
child development/preschool teaching and certification, military early childcare module completion,
prior supervisory experience, excellence in customer
service awards, volunteer for the special Olympics,4+ years
Jpn-Eng translation for a small company, 14+ years in Japan (currently have my own small business teaching preschool, elementary students, and adults.)


I come from a military family and we lived in several different countries with Japan being the last. I studied Japanese extensively for 4+ years then ultimately decided to become a teacher after graduating because I love talking to people and helping when I can.


Experienced interesting teacher looking for serious and motivated students for fun and exciting lessons. (日本語でもいいです。) こんにちは、私のプロフィールをご覧いただきありがとうございます。 私は22年以上日本に住んでいます。 私は13年以上の...

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✔ 上達して卒業された


I come from a military family and we lived in several different countries with Japan being the last. I studied Japanese extensively for 4+ years then ultimately decided to become a teacher after graduating because I love talking to people and helping when I can.


I have my own special textbooks and materials.


5 years plus hands on teaching experience in the Japanese
public school systems and English as a second language
schools/institutes (ALT), 6 years plus experience early
child development/preschool teaching and certification, military early childcare module completion,
prior supervisory experience, excellence in customer
service awards, volunteer for the special Olympics,4+ years
Jpn-Eng translation for a small company, 14+ years in Japan (currently have my own small business teaching preschool, elementary students, and adults.)

下北沢 ブルジョワ モニク先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.5173 Bourgeois Monique/ブルジョワ モニク 先生
更新日時 2025/01/09
出身/日本語レベル Canada / 初級
居住地 東京都 杉並区
最寄駅 方南町
希望駅 中央・総武線:吉祥寺 西荻窪 荻窪 阿佐ケ谷 新宿
井の頭線:下北沢 永福町 吉祥寺
丸ノ内線:新宿御苑前 新宿 西新宿 中野坂上 南阿佐ケ谷 荻窪 中野富士見町 方南町
講師歴 1998年9月

I have materials and methods that are fun and engaging. Bringing the mind and body together through movement, phrases, and role play will help you learn the language fast, and remember what you have learned. and have fun while you learn. I believe that learning through kinesthetic ways, such as speaking and moving simultaneously helps students get the language in their bodies and brains and keep it there.


Please see my resume below:

English & French Language | Curriculum Development | Drama


A certified and passionate educator with over 30 years’ experience in teaching grades 7-12 as well as adults. Monique is known for her innovative and creative teaching style with expertise based in theatre and movement applications that facilitate self-awareness, confidence and high learning retention. Highly skilled in the pedagogies of SEL, effective communications, and leadership for growth mindset. Consistently demonstrates an adaptable, intuitive, empathetic, and dynamic approach to teaching. “An outstanding teacher, supportive and enthusiastic. Wish there were more like her” (Vancouver Community College - Rating/Review)

English (ESL) Teacher 2024
Bunka Gakuen University Suginami Junior and Senior High School, Tokyo, Japan
• Taught grade 10 English Communications via Cambridge English
• Collaborated with Japanese teachers
• Integrated with the Japanese school culture

English & French Language Teacher 1998 - 2024
North Vancouver & Vancouver School Districts, Vancouver, BC Canada
• Taught grades 8-12 in continuing contract positions & as a substitute
• Managed classrooms of 30-40 students at one time
• Created innovative lesson plans through theatrical and movement-based applications to language learning which facilitated confidence and high achievement/retention
• Developed lesson plans to suit a variety of learning abilities including ESL and students with specialized educational needs.
• Increased the number of courses offered due to popularity of course
• Evaluated grades 8-12 in a variety of ways
• Engaged in peer collaboration regularly
• Designed original student learning plans in coordination with students and parents

ESL Co-Teacher 2021 - 2022
North Vancouver School District, North Vancouver, BC Canada
• Co-taught ESL and evaluated international students in grades 9, 11 &12
• Collaborated daily with peer teacher on pedagogical approaches
• Facilitated oral confidence through fun and engaging lesson plans/activities

Instructor for Educators & ESL learners 2010
University of British Columbia, Explore program -Vancouver, BC, Canada
• Instructed School Educators on teaching through the art of Theatre
• Instructed in both English & English.
• Taught English language workshops to post-secondary French students & French language workshops to post-secondary English students

French Language Teacher 2006 - 2016
Vancouver Community College, Vancouver, BC, Canada
• Revitalized Program and increased number of courses offered from one to four due to popularity of the course
• Taught young adults, adults and senior adults
• Inspired post-secondary students to learn a new language via theatrical expression
• Gained a solid and renowned reputation for providing engaging classes whereby students retained a large percentage of the material
• Created personalized and creative projects for students to enhance their language learning
Curriculum Designer/Writer for Teachers 1992 - 2020
KBAM! / Vancouver Playhouse / Firehall Arts centre, Vancouver BC, Canada
• Conceived and authored over 100 K-12 curriculum-based study guides in both French and English for teachers and students to foster better understanding and learning from various educational theatrical and/or musical presentations.

French Language Teacher 1999 - 2001
Burnaby North Secondary School, Burnaby, BC, Canada
• Taught and evaluated grade 8's and 11's French language acquisition
• Managed classrooms of 30 or more students
• Collaborated with peer teachers regularly

Community Schools Curriculum Designer & Coordinator 1991 - 1993
Firehall Arts Centre/Vancouver Playhouse, Vancouver, BC, Canada
• Created, implemented and directed theatre in education projects such as, English novel study through theatre for English classes and community integration through theatre for Social Studies classes in public schools
• Collaborated regularly with teachers


Bachelor of Arts & Education 1997
Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, Canada
• French/Theatre/Dance
Professional BC Teaching Certificate 1999
Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, Canada
• Professional Development Program - French & Drama Modules
• English and French


Instructor (part-time) of Theatre workshops, intensives and programs 1989-2023
Various private institutions/schools, Vancouver, BC, Canada
• Taught students of all ages all aspects of Theatre Arts, such as acting, voice, movement, mask, dance, improvisational and self-awareness skills.

• Performer (resume spans over 30 years) including Role Play for University Medical student exams
• Certified BodyTalk Practitioner - Energy medicine - turningpointhealing.com
• Body/Mind Practices, Meditation
• Yoga, Tai Chi Chuan, African percussion, piano
• Professional Dance background – Modern/Theatre/African

Sarah Best - Principal at Seycove Secondary School - North Vancouver School District, North Vancouver BC, Canada - sbest@sd44.ca 604-903-3666
Cecile Steudel - Teacher Colleague - Burnaby School District, BC, Canada - cisteudel@shaw.ca
Alex Bruhanski – Teacher Colleague – Bruhanski Theatre Studio, Vancouver, BC, Canada -bruhanski@gmail.com


I came to Japan with my husband because he got a principal job at a Japanese/Canadian Private School. I am learning Japanese and I love Japan. I became an English and French teacher many years ago because I love languages and I love teaching. Currently, I am teaching English 9 hours a week at a Japanese Private Junior and Senior High school. I am integrating with the Japanese culture, but I am looking for more hours of teaching and I feel confident and excited about teaching privately or in small groups.


I am very excited to teach you English I have many skills and a lot of experience that make learning a language easy and fun. My methods will increase your ability to retain the ...

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✔ 上達して卒業された


I came to Japan with my husband because he got a principal job at a Japanese/Canadian Private School. I am learning Japanese and I love Japan. I became an English and French teacher many years ago because I love languages and I love teaching. Currently, I am teaching English 9 hours a week at a Japanese Private Junior and Senior High school. I am integrating with the Japanese culture, but I am looking for more hours of teaching and I feel confident and excited about teaching privately or in small groups.


I have materials and methods that are fun and engaging. Bringing the mind and body together through movement, phrases, and role play will help you learn the language fast, and remember what you have learned. and have fun while you learn. I believe that learning through kinesthetic ways, such as speaking and moving simultaneously helps students get the language in their bodies and brains and keep it there.


Please see my resume below:

English & French Language | Curriculum Development | Drama


A certified and passionate educator with over 30 years’ experience in teaching grades 7-12 as well as adults. Monique is known for her innovative and creative teaching style with expertise based in theatre and movement applications that facilitate self-awareness, confidence and high learning retention. Highly skilled in the pedagogies of SEL, effective communications, and leadership for growth mindset. Consistently demonstrates an adaptable, intuitive, empathetic, and dynamic approach to teaching. “An outstanding teacher, supportive and enthusiastic. Wish there were more like her” (Vancouver Community College - Rating/Review)

English (ESL) Teacher 2024
Bunka Gakuen University Suginami Junior and Senior High School, Tokyo, Japan
• Taught grade 10 English Communications via Cambridge English
• Collaborated with Japanese teachers
• Integrated with the Japanese school culture

English & French Language Teacher 1998 - 2024
North Vancouver & Vancouver School Districts, Vancouver, BC Canada
• Taught grades 8-12 in continuing contract positions & as a substitute
• Managed classrooms of 30-40 students at one time
• Created innovative lesson plans through theatrical and movement-based applications to language learning which facilitated confidence and high achievement/retention
• Developed lesson plans to suit a variety of learning abilities including ESL and students with specialized educational needs.
• Increased the number of courses offered due to popularity of course
• Evaluated grades 8-12 in a variety of ways
• Engaged in peer collaboration regularly
• Designed original student learning plans in coordination with students and parents

ESL Co-Teacher 2021 - 2022
North Vancouver School District, North Vancouver, BC Canada
• Co-taught ESL and evaluated international students in grades 9, 11 &12
• Collaborated daily with peer teacher on pedagogical approaches
• Facilitated oral confidence through fun and engaging lesson plans/activities

Instructor for Educators & ESL learners 2010
University of British Columbia, Explore program -Vancouver, BC, Canada
• Instructed School Educators on teaching through the art of Theatre
• Instructed in both English & English.
• Taught English language workshops to post-secondary French students & French language workshops to post-secondary English students

French Language Teacher 2006 - 2016
Vancouver Community College, Vancouver, BC, Canada
• Revitalized Program and increased number of courses offered from one to four due to popularity of the course
• Taught young adults, adults and senior adults
• Inspired post-secondary students to learn a new language via theatrical expression
• Gained a solid and renowned reputation for providing engaging classes whereby students retained a large percentage of the material
• Created personalized and creative projects for students to enhance their language learning
Curriculum Designer/Writer for Teachers 1992 - 2020
KBAM! / Vancouver Playhouse / Firehall Arts centre, Vancouver BC, Canada
• Conceived and authored over 100 K-12 curriculum-based study guides in both French and English for teachers and students to foster better understanding and learning from various educational theatrical and/or musical presentations.

French Language Teacher 1999 - 2001
Burnaby North Secondary School, Burnaby, BC, Canada
• Taught and evaluated grade 8's and 11's French language acquisition
• Managed classrooms of 30 or more students
• Collaborated with peer teachers regularly

Community Schools Curriculum Designer & Coordinator 1991 - 1993
Firehall Arts Centre/Vancouver Playhouse, Vancouver, BC, Canada
• Created, implemented and directed theatre in education projects such as, English novel study through theatre for English classes and community integration through theatre for Social Studies classes in public schools
• Collaborated regularly with teachers


Bachelor of Arts & Education 1997
Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, Canada
• French/Theatre/Dance
Professional BC Teaching Certificate 1999
Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, Canada
• Professional Development Program - French & Drama Modules
• English and French


Instructor (part-time) of Theatre workshops, intensives and programs 1989-2023
Various private institutions/schools, Vancouver, BC, Canada
• Taught students of all ages all aspects of Theatre Arts, such as acting, voice, movement, mask, dance, improvisational and self-awareness skills.

• Performer (resume spans over 30 years) including Role Play for University Medical student exams
• Certified BodyTalk Practitioner - Energy medicine - turningpointhealing.com
• Body/Mind Practices, Meditation
• Yoga, Tai Chi Chuan, African percussion, piano
• Professional Dance background – Modern/Theatre/African

Sarah Best - Principal at Seycove Secondary School - North Vancouver School District, North Vancouver BC, Canada - sbest@sd44.ca 604-903-3666
Cecile Steudel - Teacher Colleague - Burnaby School District, BC, Canada - cisteudel@shaw.ca
Alex Bruhanski – Teacher Colleague – Bruhanski Theatre Studio, Vancouver, BC, Canada -bruhanski@gmail.com

下北沢 フシイーン ハムデイカブドウラーヒ 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.5175 Huseen Hamdi Cabdulaahi/フシイーン ハムデイカブドウラーヒ 先生
更新日時 2024/12/09
出身/日本語レベル England / 初級
居住地 東京都 練馬区
最寄駅 上石神井
希望駅 山手線:目黒 恵比寿 渋谷 新宿 高田馬場 池袋
中央線(快速):四ツ谷 新宿 中野 阿佐ケ谷 荻窪 西荻窪 吉祥寺 三鷹 東小金井
西武新宿線:上石神井 武蔵関
井の頭線:渋谷 下北沢 永福町
講師歴 2018年11月

I am passionate about fostering a positive learning environment where students feel supported and motivated to succeed. I aim to create an inclusive classroom culture that nurtures academic and social-emotional growth.


I had the opportunity to teach various subjects within the English langauge such as vocabulary, conversation English, building, checking Eiken to students between the ages of 2-14 as well as adults. In this role, I developed and implemented lesson plans that were both engaging and aligned with state standards.


I came to Japan a year ago to progress further into Japanese society. The fundamental of this is to learn Japanese and as someone who is learning a new language, I have a good understanding when it comes to supporting the students in the best way possible.


Hello, my name is Hamdi and I am from the norther part of England.

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✔ 上達して卒業された


I came to Japan a year ago to progress further into Japanese society. The fundamental of this is to learn Japanese and as someone who is learning a new language, I have a good understanding when it comes to supporting the students in the best way possible.


I am passionate about fostering a positive learning environment where students feel supported and motivated to succeed. I aim to create an inclusive classroom culture that nurtures academic and social-emotional growth.


I had the opportunity to teach various subjects within the English langauge such as vocabulary, conversation English, building, checking Eiken to students between the ages of 2-14 as well as adults. In this role, I developed and implemented lesson plans that were both engaging and aligned with state standards.

下北沢 グルジャル アディット先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.5054 Gurjar Adit/グルジャル アディット 先生
更新日時 2022/11/29
出身/日本語レベル India / 中級
居住地 東京都 文京区
最寄駅 護国寺
希望駅 山手線:大崎 五反田 目黒 恵比寿 渋谷 原宿 代々木 新宿 新大久保 高田馬場 目白 池袋 大塚 巣鴨 駒込 田端 西日暮里 日暮里 鶯谷 上野
講師歴 2022年8月

Depending on your language ability and learning goals, appropriate texts will be used


English tutor at リキオ語学学校


I am currently a sophomore at The University of Tokyo (東京大学). The opportunities this university presented were my main reasons to choose to come to Japan. I am currently pursuing my undergraduate degree in Environmental Science. In parallel, I am conducting research in laser physics and biotechnology. I love teaching. Apart from English, I am also a Math and Science tutor. Tutoring gives me the satisfaction that very few activities do. So why not utilize my free time to do something I enjoy and that's helpful to others.


Hey there. I am Adit Gurjar. I am a second-year undergraduate student at the University of Tokyo. I am studying Environmental Science and wish to become a researcher in the futur...

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✔ 上達して卒業された


I am currently a sophomore at The University of Tokyo (東京大学). The opportunities this university presented were my main reasons to choose to come to Japan. I am currently pursuing my undergraduate degree in Environmental Science. In parallel, I am conducting research in laser physics and biotechnology. I love teaching. Apart from English, I am also a Math and Science tutor. Tutoring gives me the satisfaction that very few activities do. So why not utilize my free time to do something I enjoy and that's helpful to others.


Depending on your language ability and learning goals, appropriate texts will be used


English tutor at リキオ語学学校

下北沢 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.4837 Paul Keady / 先生
更新日時 2022/09/01
出身/日本語レベル London / 中級
居住地 東京都 目黒区
最寄駅 下落合
希望駅 井の頭線:渋谷 駒場東大前 池ノ上 下北沢
東急東横線:渋谷 代官山 中目黒 学芸大学
東急田園都市線:渋谷 池尻大橋 三軒茶屋
銀座線:表参道 渋谷
日比谷線:恵比寿 中目黒
講師歴 2018年12月


Fifteen years teaching English in Japan, UK, and Ireland.


Hello! My name is Paul. I am from England, but I have lived in Japan many years. I am friendly and professional. I have helped hundreds of students improve their English. I can ...

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Fifteen years teaching English in Japan, UK, and Ireland.

下北沢 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.4908 Liam Langan / 先生
更新日時 2020/05/26
出身/日本語レベル Tokyo / 上級
居住地 東京都 世田谷区
最寄駅 駒沢大学
希望駅 井の頭線:下北沢
東急東横線:渋谷 自由が丘
東急田園都市線:渋谷 池尻大橋 三軒茶屋 駒沢大学 桜新町 用賀 二子玉川
講師歴 2019年11月


LANDI - Regular Teacher
September 2019 -
Online English teaching classes to Chinese children aged five to early teens. Curriculum provided, classes with a focus on speaking and reading abilities.

JPREP - Assistant English Teacher
May 2018 - August 2018
Supervising and teaching English-language conversation and writing to Japanese children aged five to early teens.



Hello! My name is Liam Langan. こんにちわ、私の名前はランガンリアムです。I am English and Japanese. 私はイギリスと日本のハーフです。I love teaching English for two reasons. 私は英語を教えるのが大好きな理由は二つあります。The first reason i...

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✔ 上達して卒業された



LANDI - Regular Teacher
September 2019 -
Online English teaching classes to Chinese children aged five to early teens. Curriculum provided, classes with a focus on speaking and reading abilities.

JPREP - Assistant English Teacher
May 2018 - August 2018
Supervising and teaching English-language conversation and writing to Japanese children aged five to early teens.


下北沢 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.4944 Andrew Quirk / 先生
更新日時 2020/04/24
出身/日本語レベル Wellington / 上級
居住地 東京都 杉並区
最寄駅 荻窪
希望駅 山手線:渋谷 代々木 新宿
井の頭線:渋谷 下北沢 永福町
丸ノ内線:新宿 西新宿 中野坂上 新中野 東高円寺 新高円寺 荻窪
講師歴 2020年4月


Experience teaching at Nova, other English schools, including kids and private lessons .


I’m a New Zealander who works in Japan as a Snowboard guide however as tourism isn’t looking good this year am seeking students I have a friendly easy going personality and I enc...

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Experience teaching at Nova, other English schools, including kids and private lessons .

下北沢 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.4920 Larissa Rodrigues / 先生
更新日時 2019/12/12
出身/日本語レベル S?o Paulo / 中級
居住地 東京都 三鷹市
最寄駅 新宿
希望駅 京王線:新宿 明大前 調布
井の頭線:渋谷 下北沢
講師歴 2019年12月


I’ve worked in an English camp for Japanese kids as a teacher assistant for 4 years every summer when I was in high school and after.

I have experience working in Japan as a cashier, waitress and clothing sales.


Hello everyone, My name is Larissa. I was born in Brazil but I grew up in Japan most of my life. Speak Portuguese (native level), English ( Native Level) and Japanese ( Fluent )....

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✔ 上達して卒業された



I’ve worked in an English camp for Japanese kids as a teacher assistant for 4 years every summer when I was in high school and after.

I have experience working in Japan as a cashier, waitress and clothing sales.

下北沢 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.4863 Richard Layton / 先生
更新日時 2019/03/15
出身/日本語レベル London / 初級
居住地 東京都 世田谷区
最寄駅 三軒茶屋
希望駅 井の頭線:下北沢
東急田園都市線:渋谷 池尻大橋 三軒茶屋 駒沢大学 桜新町 二子玉川
講師歴 2019年3月


I have no formal experience teaching, however I have helped friends, and my wife in their English conversational ability.
My wife is an English teacher, who has also studied translation/interpretation, all of which I've helped in to some capacity.


I have a background in Business having worked for several years in an Investment Bank in London, and I worked in the IT department. I have a keen interest in the Economy and Tech...

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I have no formal experience teaching, however I have helped friends, and my wife in their English conversational ability.
My wife is an English teacher, who has also studied translation/interpretation, all of which I've helped in to some capacity.

下北沢 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.4636 Joseph Weaver / 先生
更新日時 2018/02/22
出身/日本語レベル New York City, NY / 初級
居住地 東京都 世田谷区
最寄駅 世田谷代田
希望駅 中央線(快速):神田 御茶ノ水 四ツ谷 新宿 中野
井の頭線:渋谷 下北沢 明大前 永福町 久我山 吉祥寺
小田急線:新宿 代々木上原 世田谷代田 梅ヶ丘
講師歴 2018年2月


Over 6 years teaching experience.
Masters of Education from RGSE-NYC
Teacher in NYC for 2 years
ESL Teacher in Tokyo for over 3 years


Hi, I'm Shey. It's nice to meet you. I moved to Tokyo from New York City because I love living in big cities and Tokyo is amazing. I have a lot of experience teaching English ...

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Over 6 years teaching experience.
Masters of Education from RGSE-NYC
Teacher in NYC for 2 years
ESL Teacher in Tokyo for over 3 years

下北沢 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.4626 Scot Cuellar / 先生
更新日時 2018/02/14
出身/日本語レベル Los Angeles / 初級
居住地 東京都 練馬区
最寄駅 三鷹
希望駅 中央線(快速):新宿 中野 高円寺 阿佐ケ谷 荻窪 西荻窪 吉祥寺 三鷹 武蔵境 東小金井 武蔵小金井 国分寺 西国分寺 国立 立川
西武新宿線:武蔵関 東伏見 西武柳沢 田無
講師歴 2018年2月


1. Global Language Institute - Senshu University High School
Position Title : English Language Teacher
Employment period : Apr, 2012 - Present (5 years 11 months)
Country : Japan
Position Description

Teach High School students English conversation at Senshu University High School, assist in developing curriculum and making worksheets, make and correct exams, monitor students' progress

2. Nichibei English Service
English Instructor
Employment period : Apr, 2012 - Jun, 2016 (4 years 3 months)
Country : Japan
Position Description :
Teaching Business and Conversation English classes, monitor students' progress and writing progress

3. Interlang
English Instructor
Employment period Jun, 2007 - Apr, 2013 (5 years 11 months)
Country : Japan
Position Description :
Teach both Business English and English Conversation to adult students on a one to one basis as well as group lessons. Design ciriculum for lessons and develop worksheets.

4. Hampton School - Kunimoto Gakuin High School - Jinnan Elementary School
English Instructor
Employment period Aug, 2005 - Mar, 2012 (6 years 8 months)
Country : Japan
Position Description :
As an ALT, instructing junior high and high school students in English communication, reading and listening comprehension. Creating worksheets for students' practice, teaching English at an elementary school. Creating training manual for new ALTs as well as interviewing and training new recruits. Developing English lesson curriculum

5. Model Language School
English Instructor
Employment period Jan, 2004 - Sep, 2005 (1 year 9 months)
Country : Japan
Position Description :
Instruct children and adults in English communication, conduct demonstration lessons to recruit new students, invent creative methods to deliver the cirriculum in engaging ways.


Hello, My name is Scot. I am an English teacher living in Nerimaku, Japan currently teaching at a high school. I am from Los Angeles, California in the U.S.A. and have been in Ja...

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1. Global Language Institute - Senshu University High School
Position Title : English Language Teacher
Employment period : Apr, 2012 - Present (5 years 11 months)
Country : Japan
Position Description

Teach High School students English conversation at Senshu University High School, assist in developing curriculum and making worksheets, make and correct exams, monitor students' progress

2. Nichibei English Service
English Instructor
Employment period : Apr, 2012 - Jun, 2016 (4 years 3 months)
Country : Japan
Position Description :
Teaching Business and Conversation English classes, monitor students' progress and writing progress

3. Interlang
English Instructor
Employment period Jun, 2007 - Apr, 2013 (5 years 11 months)
Country : Japan
Position Description :
Teach both Business English and English Conversation to adult students on a one to one basis as well as group lessons. Design ciriculum for lessons and develop worksheets.

4. Hampton School - Kunimoto Gakuin High School - Jinnan Elementary School
English Instructor
Employment period Aug, 2005 - Mar, 2012 (6 years 8 months)
Country : Japan
Position Description :
As an ALT, instructing junior high and high school students in English communication, reading and listening comprehension. Creating worksheets for students' practice, teaching English at an elementary school. Creating training manual for new ALTs as well as interviewing and training new recruits. Developing English lesson curriculum

5. Model Language School
English Instructor
Employment period Jan, 2004 - Sep, 2005 (1 year 9 months)
Country : Japan
Position Description :
Instruct children and adults in English communication, conduct demonstration lessons to recruit new students, invent creative methods to deliver the cirriculum in engaging ways.

下北沢 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.4395 Mohamed Hamidi / 先生
更新日時 2017/01/06
出身/日本語レベル Relizane / 初級
居住地 東京都 府中市
最寄駅 多磨霊園
希望駅 京王線:新宿 明大前 多磨霊園 府中
井の頭線:渋谷 下北沢
講師歴 2017年1月


Used car export
Oil and gas company work safety
Volunteer teacher (French, English


A good teacher is a good student, Let's learn together and teach others after.

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Used car export
Oil and gas company work safety
Volunteer teacher (French, English

下北沢 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.4332 Norbert Maile / 先生
更新日時 2016/04/15
出身/日本語レベル Setagaya-ku / 初級
居住地 東京都 世田谷区
最寄駅 久我山
希望駅 井の頭線:渋谷 神泉 駒場東大前 池ノ上 下北沢 新代田 東松原 明大前 永福町 西永福 浜田山 高井戸 富士見ヶ丘 久我山 三鷹台 井の頭公園 吉祥寺
講師歴 2016年4月


Corporate Training


Hello. My name is Norbert Maile. I am a Canadian born German, having lived and been schooled in Canada my whole lif...

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Corporate Training

下北沢 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.4269 Martha Kemunto / 先生
更新日時 2015/12/10
出身/日本語レベル Nakuru / 中級
居住地 東京都 府中市
最寄駅 府中
希望駅 山手線:原宿
中央・総武線:新宿 代々木 千駄ケ谷 市ケ谷 飯田橋 御茶ノ水
井の頭線:下北沢 明大前
講師歴 2015年12月


Upon my graduation of a bachelors degree in 2009 till 2014, I worked as trainer of farmers and exporters in the horticulture industry in Kenya. It involved teaching on international standards and requirements for food for export. From this experience I have managed to develop my teaching skills,and teacher-student relationship discipline.


Hello to my prospective students. I am Martha from Kenya. I love to meet new people and make friends. In addition if there is an opportunity like this one to build English flue...

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Upon my graduation of a bachelors degree in 2009 till 2014, I worked as trainer of farmers and exporters in the horticulture industry in Kenya. It involved teaching on international standards and requirements for food for export. From this experience I have managed to develop my teaching skills,and teacher-student relationship discipline.

下北沢 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.2888 Mia Yusuf / 先生
更新日時 2015/07/30
出身/日本語レベル Bandung / 中級
居住地 東京都 府中市
最寄駅 多磨霊園
希望駅 京王線:新宿 笹塚 代田橋 明大前 下高井戸 桜上水 上北沢 八幡山 芦花公園 千歳烏山 仙川 つつじヶ丘 柴崎 国領 布田 調布 西調布 飛田給 武蔵野台 多磨霊園
講師歴 2012年1月


Employment Experiences

? July 2012 - August 2012, Library Assistant at Matsushita Library, International Universty of Japan, Urasa, Niigata, Japan

? Dec. 2004 - Sept. 2011, Supervisor of Personnel and Secretary, Dr. Titi Moertolo Skin & Beauty Clinic, Jakarta, Indonesia

? Dec. 2003 - Dec. 2004, Staff Traffic, PT. Markindo Mataritama (Advertisement Company), Jakarta, Indonesia

? Feb. 2003 - Sept. 2003, Staff Marketing, PT. Anugerah Surya Jaya (Conoco Oil Distributor), Bandung, Indonesia

? Aug. 2001 - May 2002, Staff Marketing, PT. Sistem Aplikasi Network (IT company), Bandung, Indonesia


? Nov.2012 - March 2013, Nagaoka University of Technology, Major : Management Information System

? Sept. 2011- Augt. 2012,International University of Japan (IUJ), Niigata, Japan, Major : eBusiness Management Program (eBiz)

? Sept. 1995 - Nov. 2000, Institut Teknologi Nasional (Itenas), Bandung, Indonesia, Major : Civil Engineering

Teaching Experiences

? Apr. 2013 - Present, English Teacher, Hatakeyama Total Academy English school, Nagaoka, Japan

? Dec. 2012 - Present, Business English Instructor, Honyaku Corporation, Nagaoka, Japan

? July 2012 - August 2012 English Facilitator for Fuji Xerox Company’s English Business Class, International
University of Japan, Urasa, Niigata, Japan

? May 2012 - July 2012, English Teacher, NOES llc (International Language Academy & Foreign Exchange), Ojiya, Niigata, Japan

? December 2011 - Present, Volunteer for Ojiya City Office Education Board for teaching elementary schools students in Ojiya about Indonesian culture and communicate with them in English

? Oct. 2011 - Dec. 2011English teacher, UMEX (Uonuma Association for Multicultural Ex- change), Urasa, Niigata, Japan

? September 2011 - August 2011, Volunteer of Community Action Team (CAT)for teaching elementary schools students in Minami Uonuma about Indonesian culture and communicate with them in English


Dear all, It would be nice to have you as my students. I will teach you as convenient as you will study with your friends, so that you can improve your English ability, also you...

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Employment Experiences

? July 2012 - August 2012, Library Assistant at Matsushita Library, International Universty of Japan, Urasa, Niigata, Japan

? Dec. 2004 - Sept. 2011, Supervisor of Personnel and Secretary, Dr. Titi Moertolo Skin & Beauty Clinic, Jakarta, Indonesia

? Dec. 2003 - Dec. 2004, Staff Traffic, PT. Markindo Mataritama (Advertisement Company), Jakarta, Indonesia

? Feb. 2003 - Sept. 2003, Staff Marketing, PT. Anugerah Surya Jaya (Conoco Oil Distributor), Bandung, Indonesia

? Aug. 2001 - May 2002, Staff Marketing, PT. Sistem Aplikasi Network (IT company), Bandung, Indonesia


? Nov.2012 - March 2013, Nagaoka University of Technology, Major : Management Information System

? Sept. 2011- Augt. 2012,International University of Japan (IUJ), Niigata, Japan, Major : eBusiness Management Program (eBiz)

? Sept. 1995 - Nov. 2000, Institut Teknologi Nasional (Itenas), Bandung, Indonesia, Major : Civil Engineering

Teaching Experiences

? Apr. 2013 - Present, English Teacher, Hatakeyama Total Academy English school, Nagaoka, Japan

? Dec. 2012 - Present, Business English Instructor, Honyaku Corporation, Nagaoka, Japan

? July 2012 - August 2012 English Facilitator for Fuji Xerox Company’s English Business Class, International
University of Japan, Urasa, Niigata, Japan

? May 2012 - July 2012, English Teacher, NOES llc (International Language Academy & Foreign Exchange), Ojiya, Niigata, Japan

? December 2011 - Present, Volunteer for Ojiya City Office Education Board for teaching elementary schools students in Ojiya about Indonesian culture and communicate with them in English

? Oct. 2011 - Dec. 2011English teacher, UMEX (Uonuma Association for Multicultural Ex- change), Urasa, Niigata, Japan

? September 2011 - August 2011, Volunteer of Community Action Team (CAT)for teaching elementary schools students in Minami Uonuma about Indonesian culture and communicate with them in English

下北沢 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.3980 Nathalie Kilian / 先生
更新日時 2015/01/07
出身/日本語レベル Mannheim / 上級
居住地 東京都 荒川区
最寄駅 田端
希望駅 山手線:大崎 五反田 目黒 恵比寿 渋谷 原宿 代々木 新宿 新大久保 高田馬場 目白 池袋 大塚 巣鴨 駒込 田端 西日暮里 日暮里 鶯谷 上野
講師歴 2015年1月


I have been teaching English for 11 years.
Other than that I had been working in the hospitality industry.


English isn't as difficult as it might seem. It's just that most teachers explain it more confusing as needed. Let's have fun learning English by using topics of your interest...

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I have been teaching English for 11 years.
Other than that I had been working in the hospitality industry.

下北沢 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.3720 Mika Kenzheev / 先生
更新日時 2014/01/23
出身/日本語レベル Bishkek / 初級
居住地 東京都 世田谷区
最寄駅 下北沢
希望駅 京王線:新宿
井の頭線:渋谷 下北沢
講師歴 2014年1月



?Great Falls High School (2001-2003), USA, Great Falls, Montana
?Major: Bachelor of Arts in Government. University of Great Falls, May 2007, USA Great Falls, Montana
?Language courses, Major: Master of Arts in International Relations, Nankai University, 2009-2012, China, Tianjin
?Major: Master of Arts in International Relations, University of Tsukuba, December 2013, Japan, Tsukuba

Professional Experience
Accounts Payable
City of Great Falls (2005-2007)
?Various city projects, the city budget, preparation and presentation of various briefings, assist customers over the phone, create and manage financial spreadsheets, organize client files and develop client follow up procedures

Executive Assistant to the Vice President
American University-Central Asia (2007-March 2009)
?Provide executive level administrative support to the Vice President with a demonstrated ability to improvise, improve procedures, meet demanding deadlines, troubleshooting assignments to the Vice President’s office, establishing operations and financial controls, assisting the Vice President in charge of other departments, preparing monthly operation reports, plan and coordinate important meetings, duties include word processing of letters, memos, travel arrangements, liaison between all impacted departments to ensure proper communications and reporting practices

ESL (2010-2012)
?Corporate training, teaching Siemens employees business English

I taught English one on one in China for three years at Hampson English. I always shared my knowledge and wisdom with my students. I vividly remember my first days of teaching and I was always eager to help my students with whatever I can. I taught them that learning English can become one of their hobbies. For instance, to make flashcards and recite all of them while on the bus, taxi, family trip etc. At the same time I also worked for ESL school in Tianjin. I was teaching business English Siemens employees. It was my first time teaching business English and I found it very interesting teaching adult students. Of course it was difficult to change their habits on how to learn English but eventually they accepted some of my ideas how to learn English effectively. Overall, I enjoyed both teaching English one on one and group students (Siemens employees).


I taught English one on one in China for three years at Hampson English. I always shared my knowledge and wisdom with my students. I vividly remember my first days of teaching an...

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?Great Falls High School (2001-2003), USA, Great Falls, Montana
?Major: Bachelor of Arts in Government. University of Great Falls, May 2007, USA Great Falls, Montana
?Language courses, Major: Master of Arts in International Relations, Nankai University, 2009-2012, China, Tianjin
?Major: Master of Arts in International Relations, University of Tsukuba, December 2013, Japan, Tsukuba

Professional Experience
Accounts Payable
City of Great Falls (2005-2007)
?Various city projects, the city budget, preparation and presentation of various briefings, assist customers over the phone, create and manage financial spreadsheets, organize client files and develop client follow up procedures

Executive Assistant to the Vice President
American University-Central Asia (2007-March 2009)
?Provide executive level administrative support to the Vice President with a demonstrated ability to improvise, improve procedures, meet demanding deadlines, troubleshooting assignments to the Vice President’s office, establishing operations and financial controls, assisting the Vice President in charge of other departments, preparing monthly operation reports, plan and coordinate important meetings, duties include word processing of letters, memos, travel arrangements, liaison between all impacted departments to ensure proper communications and reporting practices

ESL (2010-2012)
?Corporate training, teaching Siemens employees business English

I taught English one on one in China for three years at Hampson English. I always shared my knowledge and wisdom with my students. I vividly remember my first days of teaching and I was always eager to help my students with whatever I can. I taught them that learning English can become one of their hobbies. For instance, to make flashcards and recite all of them while on the bus, taxi, family trip etc. At the same time I also worked for ESL school in Tianjin. I was teaching business English Siemens employees. It was my first time teaching business English and I found it very interesting teaching adult students. Of course it was difficult to change their habits on how to learn English but eventually they accepted some of my ideas how to learn English effectively. Overall, I enjoyed both teaching English one on one and group students (Siemens employees).

下北沢 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.2833 IVAN BOB ANWAR / 先生
更新日時 2013/10/06
出身/日本語レベル Ottawa / 中級
居住地 東京都 世田谷区
最寄駅 明大前
希望駅 山手線:大崎 五反田 目黒 恵比寿 渋谷 原宿 代々木 新宿 新大久保 高田馬場 目白 池袋 品川
中央線(快速):新宿 中野
京王線:新宿 笹塚 代田橋 明大前
講師歴 2011年11月


Career Objective: English teacher
Japanese Language Certificates from Carleton University (Ottawa, Canada) and
The Ottawa Board of Education (Ottawa, Canada).

Nortec Air Conditioning Industries Ltd.
On the job training, 6 months, 1989.

Carleton Board of Education
Word Processing Certificate, 6 months, 1991.
Ottawa Processing Certificate, 6 months, 1991
Ottawa University (Ottawa, Canada).
Bachelor of Arts (Honors),International Relations, 4 years, 1983.
Sociology and Psychology for 2 years
Experience Related to career objective

English Teacher Volunteer.
Carleton Refugee Centre(Ottawa, Canada) Duration, 5 Years.
Taught new immigrants from all over world.
Worked with classes of approximately 30 students.
Taught from beginner level to advance level , vocabularies, grammars and idioms .

I have been working in Japan for 16 years and still, Teaching English to Children, Elementary, Junior, and high Schools during daytimes and evenings.
Advanced level adults and two days company classes.
Worked 3 years in Sony Company and 2 years in Fujitsu Company as an English Business Instructor.
Expert in travel, Daily ,Fashions, and Cross Culture Business Conversation teachnique.

Other old Experience in Canada.
Tester and Quality Control, Nortec Air-conditioning Industries Ltd.
Gloucester, Canada
Section Superior : Performed inspection and testing of electrical components and their related assemblies and
Mechanical parts.
Inspected wiring to ensure correct routing and connections to detect improper soldering,
frayed wires and loose terminal screws.


please repeat again and practise more often and most important near give up.

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Career Objective: English teacher
Japanese Language Certificates from Carleton University (Ottawa, Canada) and
The Ottawa Board of Education (Ottawa, Canada).

Nortec Air Conditioning Industries Ltd.
On the job training, 6 months, 1989.

Carleton Board of Education
Word Processing Certificate, 6 months, 1991.
Ottawa Processing Certificate, 6 months, 1991
Ottawa University (Ottawa, Canada).
Bachelor of Arts (Honors),International Relations, 4 years, 1983.
Sociology and Psychology for 2 years
Experience Related to career objective

English Teacher Volunteer.
Carleton Refugee Centre(Ottawa, Canada) Duration, 5 Years.
Taught new immigrants from all over world.
Worked with classes of approximately 30 students.
Taught from beginner level to advance level , vocabularies, grammars and idioms .

I have been working in Japan for 16 years and still, Teaching English to Children, Elementary, Junior, and high Schools during daytimes and evenings.
Advanced level adults and two days company classes.
Worked 3 years in Sony Company and 2 years in Fujitsu Company as an English Business Instructor.
Expert in travel, Daily ,Fashions, and Cross Culture Business Conversation teachnique.

Other old Experience in Canada.
Tester and Quality Control, Nortec Air-conditioning Industries Ltd.
Gloucester, Canada
Section Superior : Performed inspection and testing of electrical components and their related assemblies and
Mechanical parts.
Inspected wiring to ensure correct routing and connections to detect improper soldering,
frayed wires and loose terminal screws.

下北沢 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.3552 Chris Wong / 先生
更新日時 2013/09/20
出身/日本語レベル London / 初級
居住地 東京都 杉並区
最寄駅 明大前
希望駅 井の頭線:渋谷 神泉 駒場東大前 池ノ上 下北沢 新代田 東松原 明大前 永福町 西永福 浜田山 高井戸 富士見ヶ丘 久我山 三鷹台 井の頭公園 吉祥寺
講師歴 2013年7月


18months teaching in a private English school in Japan.

CELTA teaching qualification from International House London

Psychology BSc from a London University.


I am a YOUNG and FUN teacher and I want to help you with English! I am a good teacher if you plan to STUDY ABROAD because I was a student in England very recently. I was born and...

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18months teaching in a private English school in Japan.

CELTA teaching qualification from International House London

Psychology BSc from a London University.

下北沢 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.3512 Michelle Zeller / 先生
更新日時 2013/06/10
出身/日本語レベル Tokyo / 上級
居住地 東京都 世田谷区
最寄駅 下北沢
希望駅 山手線:大崎 五反田 目黒 恵比寿 渋谷 原宿 代々木 新宿 東京 有楽町 新橋 浜松町 田町 高輪ゲートウェイ 品川
井の頭線:渋谷 神泉 駒場東大前 池ノ上 下北沢
講師歴 2013年6月


After school tutoring


Hi my name is Michelle. I was born in Japan and raised in the USA. I studied at university of colorado. I have a degree in Japanese and a degree in international affairs. I am a ...

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After school tutoring

下北沢 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.3468 Dunstan Matekenya / 先生
更新日時 2013/06/09
出身/日本語レベル Zomba / 初級
居住地 東京都 目黒区
最寄駅 駒場東大前
希望駅 山手線:渋谷 原宿 代々木 新宿
井の頭線:渋谷 神泉 駒場東大前 池ノ上 下北沢
講師歴 2013年5月


Miscellaneous Teaching assignments while in college(2004-2005): During vacations,i taught a primary school child English and Mathematics. I also tutored students preparing for University entrance examinations English and Mathematics.

Secondary(High) School Teacher(2006-2007): I was a teacher in Mathematics but teaching in English.

Statistician(2007-present): Statistical work with a lot of assignments training adults

Master of Science with Distinction(Western Australia)

Bachelor of Education(Malawi)


I am young,energetic and enthusiastic with regard learning more about Japan through meeting many people. I am sure that sharing my knowledge of English is the best way to interac...

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Miscellaneous Teaching assignments while in college(2004-2005): During vacations,i taught a primary school child English and Mathematics. I also tutored students preparing for University entrance examinations English and Mathematics.

Secondary(High) School Teacher(2006-2007): I was a teacher in Mathematics but teaching in English.

Statistician(2007-present): Statistical work with a lot of assignments training adults

Master of Science with Distinction(Western Australia)

Bachelor of Education(Malawi)

下北沢 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.3460 Matt Miller / 先生
更新日時 2013/04/25
出身/日本語レベル Portland / 初級
居住地 東京都 世田谷区
最寄駅 下北沢
希望駅 井の頭線:渋谷 神泉 駒場東大前 池ノ上 下北沢
半蔵門線:渋谷 表参道 青山一丁目
都営大江戸線:麻布十番 六本木 青山一丁目
講師歴 2013年4月


Freelance Filmmaker
Head Teacher at an international school


I direct my focus and attention on establishing an environment where my clientele feel secure and comfortable, where they know what to expect from me and they know that their pri...

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Freelance Filmmaker
Head Teacher at an international school

下北沢 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.3348 Niels Soenderborg / 先生
更新日時 2013/01/16
出身/日本語レベル Fredericia / 中級
居住地 東京都 世田谷区
最寄駅 桜上水
希望駅 中央線(快速):東京 神田 御茶ノ水 四ツ谷 新宿 中野
京王線:新宿 笹塚 代田橋 明大前 下高井戸 桜上水 上北沢
井の頭線:渋谷 神泉 駒場東大前 池ノ上 下北沢 新代田 東松原
講師歴 2013年1月


Taught English as an ALT/NEA since November 2009.
During same period taught one-to-one English to public servants on occasion.

Taught Danish to all age groups and all levels since April 2011.

Worked in an international theme park at the information center, being in change of all foreign customers. (February 2007 to August 2009)


Hello there! Let's have a smashing time exchanging ideas and developing communicative skills to great down the barriers of language and culture! Let's bring our worlds closer to...

➡ この英語先生を、もっと見る

➡ レッスンを受けた

✔ 上達して卒業された



Taught English as an ALT/NEA since November 2009.
During same period taught one-to-one English to public servants on occasion.

Taught Danish to all age groups and all levels since April 2011.

Worked in an international theme park at the information center, being in change of all foreign customers. (February 2007 to August 2009)

下北沢 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.3017 John Kerr / 先生
更新日時 2012/08/18
出身/日本語レベル Gold Coast / 上級
居住地 東京都 世田谷区
最寄駅 明大前
希望駅 京王線:新宿 笹塚 代田橋 明大前 下高井戸 桜上水 上北沢 八幡山 芦花公園 千歳烏山 仙川 つつじヶ丘 柴崎 国領 布田 調布 西調布 飛田給 武蔵野台 多磨霊園
講師歴 2012年5月


-English Teacher for an Elementary School and Junior high schools

Responsibilities and skills developed
? Teaching English to a class of thirty children.
? Pre-planning lessons for various grades before classes.
? In charge of grades one, three and five (elementary) and all grades at junior high school.
? Experience in team teaching (with the home-room teacher) and teacher-centered, student- centered teaching.
? Translator for Western parents who had trouble understanding Japanese.

-Telephone English Teacher

? Teaching English over the phone using an activity book with various types of activities such as, grammar and theme based lessons.

-Business English Class Tutor

Responsibilities and skills developed
?Teaching English related to business, such as differences between formal and informal phrases, word choices and phrases that could be useful for business situations.
?Creating lesson plans based on the requests made from the students.

-English Tutor

Responsibilities and skills developed
?Teaching English to a group of students of various proficiency levels.
? Pre-planning lessons for three different classes every week.
?Experience in teaching English patterns that can be used in daily conversations.


“Hi everyone! I'm a bilingual being half Australian and half Japanese. I will try to speak in English as much as possible, but if you require help or need to ask a question in Ja...

➡ この英語先生を、もっと見る

➡ レッスンを受けた

✔ 上達して卒業された



-English Teacher for an Elementary School and Junior high schools

Responsibilities and skills developed
? Teaching English to a class of thirty children.
? Pre-planning lessons for various grades before classes.
? In charge of grades one, three and five (elementary) and all grades at junior high school.
? Experience in team teaching (with the home-room teacher) and teacher-centered, student- centered teaching.
? Translator for Western parents who had trouble understanding Japanese.

-Telephone English Teacher

? Teaching English over the phone using an activity book with various types of activities such as, grammar and theme based lessons.

-Business English Class Tutor

Responsibilities and skills developed
?Teaching English related to business, such as differences between formal and informal phrases, word choices and phrases that could be useful for business situations.
?Creating lesson plans based on the requests made from the students.

-English Tutor

Responsibilities and skills developed
?Teaching English to a group of students of various proficiency levels.
? Pre-planning lessons for three different classes every week.
?Experience in teaching English patterns that can be used in daily conversations.



渋谷  | 神泉  | 駒場東大前  | 池ノ上  | 下北沢  | 新代田  | 東松原  | 明大前  | 永福町  | 西永福  | 浜田山  | 高井戸  | 富士見ヶ丘  | 久我山  | 三鷹台  | 井の頭公園  | 吉祥寺


  • ここがポイント!
  • リーズナブルな料金:入会金9,800円、月会費3,000円、マンツーマンレッスンは1回(60分)3,000円と手頃な価格で提供。
  • 生の英語に触れられる!:ネイティブ講師との会話を通して、自然な発音や表現を身につけられます。
  • 文化を体験できる!:レッスンを通して、ネイティブの文化や習慣を深く理解し、ネイティブ旅行がもっと楽しくなります。
  • アットホームな雰囲気!:カフェでのレッスンなので、リラックスして学習できます。
  • 実践的な内容:会話、文法、読み書き、聴解など、英語の総合的なスキルアップを目指した内容で、ネイティブ文化や社会についても学べます。
  • オンラインレッスンもOK!:忙しい方でも、オンラインで気軽にレッスンを受講できます。
  • 🌟自分に合ったスタイルで楽しく英語を学んでみませんか?🌟


  • 🌟 今すぐ無料体験レッスンを予約! 🌟


  • 🌟 よくある質問やお問い合わせは、こちら 🌟
