業界トップの経験豊富な英語講師 業界トップの経験豊富な英語講師

英会話マンツーマン > 英会話マンツーマン一覧 > 東急田園都市線 > 三軒茶屋




三軒茶屋 N/A N/A先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.1730 Sam Bannerman /N/A N/A 先生 up おすすめ先生 おすすめ先生
更新日時 2025/02/13
出身/日本語レベル London / 中級
居住地 東京都 目黒区
最寄駅 東京
希望駅 東海道新幹線:東京
東急東横線:代官山 祐天寺 学芸大学 都立大学
東急目黒線:田園調布 新丸子
東急田園都市線:池尻大橋 三軒茶屋 桜新町 用賀 二子玉川 二子新地 高津 溝の口 宮崎台 宮前平 鷺沼
講師歴 2010年12月

You can use your own text and topics.


Music producer

University lecturer

Law enforcement

English Teacher JHS

List of companies associated with:

Tokyo Business Language college
Sushi Zanma

Additional Skills: Level:

????* Excellent Communication skills
????* Advanced Exceptional organisational skill

????????* Japanese basic beginners level; enthusiastically working towards JLPT 4-1; will attend classes, on commencement of employment.

???? I have a gentle style of teaching.I always incourage students to try new vocabulary and phrases.


The culture and people.


Relax and have FUN! I am serious about fun and laughter through education.I explain mistakes and correct you by using examples which relate to both cultures (Japanese and English...

➡ この英語先生を、もっと見る

➡ レッスンを受けた

✔ 上達して卒業された


The culture and people.


You can use your own text and topics.


Music producer

University lecturer

Law enforcement

English Teacher JHS

List of companies associated with:

Tokyo Business Language college
Sushi Zanma

Additional Skills: Level:

????* Excellent Communication skills
????* Advanced Exceptional organisational skill

????????* Japanese basic beginners level; enthusiastically working towards JLPT 4-1; will attend classes, on commencement of employment.

???? I have a gentle style of teaching.I always incourage students to try new vocabulary and phrases.

三軒茶屋 Do Hien Giang先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.5178 Do Hien Giang/Do Hien Giang 先生 up おすすめ先生
更新日時 2025/02/06
出身/日本語レベル Vietnam / 中級
居住地 東京都 世田谷区
最寄駅 下高井戸
希望駅 山手線:五反田 恵比寿 渋谷 原宿 代々木 新宿 新大久保 目白 池袋 西日暮里 日暮里 新橋
東武東上線:池袋 成増 和光市 朝霞 朝霞台 志木 柳瀬川 鶴瀬
講師歴 2018年6月

???? Learning English becomes an exciting exploration of your passions and ideas! ????

In my personalized 60-minute sessions, we’ll transform English learning into a dynamic and engaging experience centered around your unique interests. Love art or calligraphy? We’ll discuss techniques, famous works, and create imaginary masterpieces while expanding your vocabulary. Passionate about photography? Let’s explore storytelling through images and learn to describe the world from behind the lens. If interior design excites you, we can talk about styles, create your dream space, and build the language to express creative concepts. Are books your thing? Together, we’ll dive into thought-provoking stories, analyze characters, and share ideas. Or perhaps you’re fascinated by psychology? We’ll explore topics like human behavior, mental health, and even mindfulness practices, all while improving your conversational skills.
With my expertise in creative fields and psychological studies, every lesson is tailored to engage your mind and spark meaningful conversations. Whether you’re looking to express yourself more fluently, grow your confidence, or simply enjoy learning through what you love, I’m here to guide and inspire you. Together, we’ll make learning English an exciting and rewarding journey!


English Conversation Tutor (Part-Time)
September 2022 – March 2023
- Conduct one-on-one conversational English classes tailored to students’ interests.
- Integrate hobbies like photography, art, calligraphy, interior design, and literature into engaging lessons.
Utilize critical thinking and oral conversation to enhance student engagement in English.

English Private Tutor (Part-Time)
June 2018 – December 2023

- Customized lesson plans and exercise to improve students’ fluency and confidence.
- Focused on basic English skills using real-world applications and creative interests.
- Achieved positive feedback from students for engaging and personalized lesson.


Japan has always been a dream destination for me. Its rich culture, beautiful aesthetics, and seamless blend of tradition and innovation felt like the perfect place to explore and grow personally and professionally. As someone passionate about art, design, and psychology, I’ve found endless inspiration here—from the architecture to the way people value mindfulness and creativity in daily life. Becoming an English teacher felt like the ideal way to connect with people and share something meaningful. It’s not just about teaching a language—it’s about helping others build confidence, express themselves, and reach their goals. Plus, it’s a great opportunity for me to bring my interests into the classroom, like using photography, art, and even psychology to make learning more interactive and engaging. For me, teaching is more than just a job; it’s a way to connect cultures, spark creativity, and create an experience that’s as enjoyable for my students as it is for me.


Hi there! My name is Giang, but you can call me Jinji. I’m an English conversation tutor who believes that learning a language should be fun, engaging, and all about you. With a ...

➡ この英語先生を、もっと見る

➡ レッスンを受けた

✔ 上達して卒業された


Japan has always been a dream destination for me. Its rich culture, beautiful aesthetics, and seamless blend of tradition and innovation felt like the perfect place to explore and grow personally and professionally. As someone passionate about art, design, and psychology, I’ve found endless inspiration here—from the architecture to the way people value mindfulness and creativity in daily life. Becoming an English teacher felt like the ideal way to connect with people and share something meaningful. It’s not just about teaching a language—it’s about helping others build confidence, express themselves, and reach their goals. Plus, it’s a great opportunity for me to bring my interests into the classroom, like using photography, art, and even psychology to make learning more interactive and engaging. For me, teaching is more than just a job; it’s a way to connect cultures, spark creativity, and create an experience that’s as enjoyable for my students as it is for me.


???? Learning English becomes an exciting exploration of your passions and ideas! ????

In my personalized 60-minute sessions, we’ll transform English learning into a dynamic and engaging experience centered around your unique interests. Love art or calligraphy? We’ll discuss techniques, famous works, and create imaginary masterpieces while expanding your vocabulary. Passionate about photography? Let’s explore storytelling through images and learn to describe the world from behind the lens. If interior design excites you, we can talk about styles, create your dream space, and build the language to express creative concepts. Are books your thing? Together, we’ll dive into thought-provoking stories, analyze characters, and share ideas. Or perhaps you’re fascinated by psychology? We’ll explore topics like human behavior, mental health, and even mindfulness practices, all while improving your conversational skills.
With my expertise in creative fields and psychological studies, every lesson is tailored to engage your mind and spark meaningful conversations. Whether you’re looking to express yourself more fluently, grow your confidence, or simply enjoy learning through what you love, I’m here to guide and inspire you. Together, we’ll make learning English an exciting and rewarding journey!


English Conversation Tutor (Part-Time)
September 2022 – March 2023
- Conduct one-on-one conversational English classes tailored to students’ interests.
- Integrate hobbies like photography, art, calligraphy, interior design, and literature into engaging lessons.
Utilize critical thinking and oral conversation to enhance student engagement in English.

English Private Tutor (Part-Time)
June 2018 – December 2023

- Customized lesson plans and exercise to improve students’ fluency and confidence.
- Focused on basic English skills using real-world applications and creative interests.
- Achieved positive feedback from students for engaging and personalized lesson.

三軒茶屋 ブラウン エリック先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.2247 Erik Brown / ブラウン エリック 先生
更新日時 2025/01/22
出身/日本語レベル USA / 初級
居住地 東京都 世田谷区
最寄駅 桜新町
希望駅 東急田園都市線:渋谷 池尻大橋 三軒茶屋 駒沢大学 桜新町 用賀 二子玉川 つくし野 すずかけ台 南町田グランベリーパーク
講師歴 1970年10月

Topic materials provided. Student may also choose topic and materials for focus study.


Graphic Designer/Technician
Private Language Teacher
BA Illustration


-My interest in custom, culture and arts. -helping others with their ability and range in English for their benefit.


Welcome and thank you for the interest in improving your English. With me you will learn the basic English language required in daily life. Vocabulary and sentence structure comm...

➡ この英語先生を、もっと見る

➡ レッスンを受けた

✔ 上達して卒業された


-My interest in custom, culture and arts. -helping others with their ability and range in English for their benefit.


Topic materials provided. Student may also choose topic and materials for focus study.


Graphic Designer/Technician
Private Language Teacher
BA Illustration

三軒茶屋 クウェレペタ ロイ先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.4589 Roy Kwelepeta /クウェレペタ ロイ 先生
更新日時 2023/08/04
出身/日本語レベル Malawi / 中級
居住地 東京都 世田谷区
最寄駅 用賀
希望駅 東急田園都市線:渋谷 三軒茶屋 駒沢大学 桜新町 用賀 二子玉川
講師歴 2018年6月



Teaching High School students in Agriculture and Science in America.

Preparing adults for TOEFL examinations in Malawi.


I came to Japan as a student. I've made many Japanese friends and I enjoy helping them with their English. I also work as an English Instructor and would like to learn more English with you!


Hello, We will talk about anything you want in English, be it grammar or conversational. I can help you with your accent too! I have so many stories about Africa, America, and...

➡ この英語先生を、もっと見る

➡ レッスンを受けた

✔ 上達して卒業された


I came to Japan as a student. I've made many Japanese friends and I enjoy helping them with their English. I also work as an English Instructor and would like to learn more English with you!




Teaching High School students in Agriculture and Science in America.

Preparing adults for TOEFL examinations in Malawi.

三軒茶屋 ゴダサラ ムルーガ先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.5080 Ghodasara Mruga/ゴダサラ ムルーガ 先生
更新日時 2023/07/31
出身/日本語レベル India / 初級
居住地 神奈川県 川崎市多摩区
最寄駅 久地
希望駅 南武線:川崎 尻手 矢向 鹿島田 平間 向河原 武蔵小杉 武蔵中原 武蔵新城 武蔵溝ノ口 津田山 久地 宿河原 登戸 中野島 稲田堤 矢野口 稲城長沼 南多摩 府中本町
講師歴 2023年6月



I have 3 years of experience as a Software engineer.


I want to work with children. I will teach them to use some easy techniques. I love to engage with children.


I want to work with children. I will teach them to use some easy techniques. I love to engage with children.




I have 3 years of experience as a Software engineer.

三軒茶屋 ベン チャン先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.4778 Ben Chan /ベン チャン 先生
更新日時 2023/07/19
出身/日本語レベル Calgary, Canada / 上級
居住地 東京都 台東区
最寄駅 南千住
希望駅 山手線:池袋 巣鴨 日暮里 上野 秋葉原 田町
常磐線(上野~取手):上野 日暮里 南千住 北千住 取手
京浜東北線:日暮里 上野 秋葉原 田町
東急田園都市線:渋谷 三軒茶屋
丸ノ内線:池袋 銀座
講師歴 2018年8月

We will take notes of today's lesson's topics, vocabulary, grammar, etc


I am a native English speaker (Canadian).

I have been teaching English at various places in Tokyo, including elementary school, JHS/SHS, colleges, English conversation schools, and adult classes.


I enjoy teaching.


Hello! I'm Ben. I'm from Canada. I have been teaching in Japan for 12 years. I like jogging and traveling. I'm looking forward to our lesson. カナダ出身のベンです。 日本で教える経験が12年...

➡ この英語先生を、もっと見る

➡ レッスンを受けた

✔ 上達して卒業された


I enjoy teaching.


We will take notes of today's lesson's topics, vocabulary, grammar, etc


I am a native English speaker (Canadian).

I have been teaching English at various places in Tokyo, including elementary school, JHS/SHS, colleges, English conversation schools, and adult classes.

三軒茶屋 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.4837 Paul Keady / 先生
更新日時 2022/09/01
出身/日本語レベル London / 中級
居住地 東京都 目黒区
最寄駅 下落合
希望駅 井の頭線:渋谷 駒場東大前 池ノ上 下北沢
東急東横線:渋谷 代官山 中目黒 学芸大学
東急田園都市線:渋谷 池尻大橋 三軒茶屋
銀座線:表参道 渋谷
日比谷線:恵比寿 中目黒
講師歴 2018年12月


Fifteen years teaching English in Japan, UK, and Ireland.


Hello! My name is Paul. I am from England, but I have lived in Japan many years. I am friendly and professional. I have helped hundreds of students improve their English. I can ...

➡ この英語先生を、もっと見る

➡ レッスンを受けた

✔ 上達して卒業された



Fifteen years teaching English in Japan, UK, and Ireland.

三軒茶屋 太伊 恒寛レオン先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.4937 Tai Tsunehiro Tai /太伊 恒寛レオン 先生
更新日時 2022/02/28
出身/日本語レベル Tokyo / 上級
居住地 東京都 世田谷区
最寄駅 駒沢大学
希望駅 山手線:大崎 目黒 渋谷 代々木 新大久保 目白 大塚 駒込 西日暮里 鶯谷 御徒町 神田 有楽町 浜松町 高輪ゲートウェイ
東急田園都市線:渋谷 三軒茶屋 桜新町 二子玉川 高津
講師歴 1980年6月

Any textbooks the student are required to use.


St. Mary's International School (Tokyo) 1993
Bridgewater State College (USA) 1998

Work Experience
Travel Agent : 10-yrs.
Freight Forwarder : 1-yr.
Call Center Staff: 2.5-yrs.
Tourist Information : 1.5-yrs.
Freelancer/Consultant : Current

Teaching Experience:
Conversational : 1-yr.


My family started business here so I was born and raised in Tokyo, Japan.


I am an outgoing and powerful individual who likes to make people happy. Very passionate with career and would love to see each student be a talented English speaker in the futur...

➡ この英語先生を、もっと見る

➡ レッスンを受けた

✔ 上達して卒業された


My family started business here so I was born and raised in Tokyo, Japan.


Any textbooks the student are required to use.


St. Mary's International School (Tokyo) 1993
Bridgewater State College (USA) 1998

Work Experience
Travel Agent : 10-yrs.
Freight Forwarder : 1-yr.
Call Center Staff: 2.5-yrs.
Tourist Information : 1.5-yrs.
Freelancer/Consultant : Current

Teaching Experience:
Conversational : 1-yr.

三軒茶屋 シェルトン モリス先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.4821 Maurice Shelton /シェルトン モリス 先生
更新日時 2021/10/31
出身/日本語レベル Atlanta / 中級
居住地 神奈川県 川崎市麻生区
最寄駅 あざみ野
希望駅 山手線:品川
小田急線:新宿 下北沢 成城学園前 登戸 百合ヶ丘 新百合ヶ丘 柿生 町田 相模大野 相武台前 座間 海老名
東急東横線:中目黒 自由が丘 武蔵小杉 日吉 大倉山 菊名 横浜
講師歴 2001年11月

Student centered lessons are the goal. I will use a collection of texts from reputable publications as well as a combination of current events and other pertinent topics depending on the customer’s needs.


ALT for Tokyo BOE
Corporate business trainer
Preschool teacher
Private tutor


Love of family and curiosity about Japan and Japanese culture.


If you want to reach the next level of English fluency, please contact me for help. よろしくお願い致します!

➡ この英語先生を、もっと見る

➡ レッスンを受けた

✔ 上達して卒業された


Love of family and curiosity about Japan and Japanese culture.


Student centered lessons are the goal. I will use a collection of texts from reputable publications as well as a combination of current events and other pertinent topics depending on the customer’s needs.


ALT for Tokyo BOE
Corporate business trainer
Preschool teacher
Private tutor

三軒茶屋 ショーン ショーン先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.4947 Shawn /ショーン ショーン 先生
更新日時 2021/10/28
出身/日本語レベル San Diego / 中級
居住地 東京都 目黒区
最寄駅 新宿
希望駅 山手線:大崎 五反田 目黒 恵比寿 渋谷 原宿 代々木 新宿 新大久保 高田馬場 目白 池袋 大塚 巣鴨 駒込 田端 西日暮里 日暮里 鶯谷 上野
講師歴 2020年4月



英語コンサルタント  勤務地:東京
ビジネス英語、TOEIC、TOEFL、IELTS、英検、MBA /大学院準備、語学学校、私立学生など、さまざまなジャンルの生徒を指導しています。 企業向けでは、国際的な大企業の幹部に対し、会議やプレゼンテーション、交渉スキル、言語の基礎、異文化外交テクニック等を教えています。学生のクライアントでは、世界有数な大学へのMBAやLLMの応募者も多く、卒業後はビジネスリーダーとして活躍する生徒たちに、論文や面接対策、資格試験対策を個別指導しています。

外国語講師  勤務地:群馬・高崎
JETプログラム(語学指導等を行う外国青年招致事業 ”The Japan Exchange and Teaching Programme”の略で、地方自治体等で任用し、外国語教育の充実と地域の国際交流の推進を図る)に選ばれ、群馬県内トップのスーパーサイエンス校を含む2つの公立高校に配属されました。 双方の学校で、10名の英語インストラクターと共に、各24名のクラスで構成される計900人を超える学生を指導しました。講師としての仕事に加え、スピーチコンテストの審査や国際科学キャンプの司会者を務めたほか、人気コーチングチームが開催していたスピーチコースも支援しました。


London School of Economics: Certificate in Business, International Relations and Political Economy
テンプル大学日本キャンパス アジア経済・社会学科卒業
カリフォルニア大学心理学部 学士号取得




こんにちは!私はアメリカ出身で、東京に住んでいます。日本のトップ企業で英語を教えています。会話型の英語、ビジネス英語、ミーティングとディスカッション、プレゼンテーション、交渉、面接の練習、レポートと電子メールの作成を教えます。リラックスしたフリートークもできます。スピーキング、ボキャブラリー、重要なフレーズ、発音、リスニング、文法を学ぶことができます。 ...

➡ この英語先生を、もっと見る

➡ レッスンを受けた

✔ 上達して卒業された






英語コンサルタント  勤務地:東京
ビジネス英語、TOEIC、TOEFL、IELTS、英検、MBA /大学院準備、語学学校、私立学生など、さまざまなジャンルの生徒を指導しています。 企業向けでは、国際的な大企業の幹部に対し、会議やプレゼンテーション、交渉スキル、言語の基礎、異文化外交テクニック等を教えています。学生のクライアントでは、世界有数な大学へのMBAやLLMの応募者も多く、卒業後はビジネスリーダーとして活躍する生徒たちに、論文や面接対策、資格試験対策を個別指導しています。

外国語講師  勤務地:群馬・高崎
JETプログラム(語学指導等を行う外国青年招致事業 ”The Japan Exchange and Teaching Programme”の略で、地方自治体等で任用し、外国語教育の充実と地域の国際交流の推進を図る)に選ばれ、群馬県内トップのスーパーサイエンス校を含む2つの公立高校に配属されました。 双方の学校で、10名の英語インストラクターと共に、各24名のクラスで構成される計900人を超える学生を指導しました。講師としての仕事に加え、スピーチコンテストの審査や国際科学キャンプの司会者を務めたほか、人気コーチングチームが開催していたスピーチコースも支援しました。


London School of Economics: Certificate in Business, International Relations and Political Economy
テンプル大学日本キャンパス アジア経済・社会学科卒業
カリフォルニア大学心理学部 学士号取得

三軒茶屋 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.5002 Christina Gomez / 先生
更新日時 2021/05/17
出身/日本語レベル Kawasaki / 初級
居住地 神奈川県 川崎市多摩区
最寄駅 向ヶ丘遊園
希望駅 山手線:恵比寿 渋谷 代々木 新宿
講師歴 2021年5月


I graduated from the premiere Teacher Training Institution in the Philippines - Philippine Normal University. I am a licensed professional English Teacher. I have started teaching since 2010 in Junior High School and Senior High School. In between these assignments, I have worked as an Operations Manager in the only Dolby Atmos accredited Post- Production studio in the Philippines. Moreover, I have been given a chance to create and delivery Public Speaking Modules in a private Marketing Company in the Philippines.


Hi everyone! Language learning is difficult, but let's not give up easily. There are ways which you can learn better and meaningfully with the right strategy and context. I'll he...

➡ この英語先生を、もっと見る

➡ レッスンを受けた

✔ 上達して卒業された



I graduated from the premiere Teacher Training Institution in the Philippines - Philippine Normal University. I am a licensed professional English Teacher. I have started teaching since 2010 in Junior High School and Senior High School. In between these assignments, I have worked as an Operations Manager in the only Dolby Atmos accredited Post- Production studio in the Philippines. Moreover, I have been given a chance to create and delivery Public Speaking Modules in a private Marketing Company in the Philippines.

三軒茶屋 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.4641 Allen Hoog Antink / 先生
更新日時 2020/08/06
出身/日本語レベル Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia / 中級
居住地 東京都 世田谷区
最寄駅 用賀
希望駅 山手線:渋谷 新宿
東急田園都市線:渋谷 池尻大橋 三軒茶屋 駒沢大学 桜新町 用賀 二子玉川
半蔵門線:渋谷 表参道 青山一丁目 永田町
講師歴 2018年2月


Bachelor of Arts (Japanese Language Major) - 2013

Graduate Certificate in TESOL - 2017


Hello! My name is Allen and I look forward to helping you strengthen your English communication and conversation skills! I can also help you with other areas of your English lang...

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Bachelor of Arts (Japanese Language Major) - 2013

Graduate Certificate in TESOL - 2017

三軒茶屋 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.4908 Liam Langan / 先生
更新日時 2020/05/26
出身/日本語レベル Tokyo / 上級
居住地 東京都 世田谷区
最寄駅 駒沢大学
希望駅 井の頭線:下北沢
東急東横線:渋谷 自由が丘
東急田園都市線:渋谷 池尻大橋 三軒茶屋 駒沢大学 桜新町 用賀 二子玉川
講師歴 2019年11月


LANDI - Regular Teacher
September 2019 -
Online English teaching classes to Chinese children aged five to early teens. Curriculum provided, classes with a focus on speaking and reading abilities.

JPREP - Assistant English Teacher
May 2018 - August 2018
Supervising and teaching English-language conversation and writing to Japanese children aged five to early teens.



Hello! My name is Liam Langan. こんにちわ、私の名前はランガンリアムです。I am English and Japanese. 私はイギリスと日本のハーフです。I love teaching English for two reasons. 私は英語を教えるのが大好きな理由は二つあります。The first reason i...

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LANDI - Regular Teacher
September 2019 -
Online English teaching classes to Chinese children aged five to early teens. Curriculum provided, classes with a focus on speaking and reading abilities.

JPREP - Assistant English Teacher
May 2018 - August 2018
Supervising and teaching English-language conversation and writing to Japanese children aged five to early teens.


三軒茶屋 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.4863 Richard Layton / 先生
更新日時 2019/03/15
出身/日本語レベル London / 初級
居住地 東京都 世田谷区
最寄駅 三軒茶屋
希望駅 井の頭線:下北沢
東急田園都市線:渋谷 池尻大橋 三軒茶屋 駒沢大学 桜新町 二子玉川
講師歴 2019年3月


I have no formal experience teaching, however I have helped friends, and my wife in their English conversational ability.
My wife is an English teacher, who has also studied translation/interpretation, all of which I've helped in to some capacity.


I have a background in Business having worked for several years in an Investment Bank in London, and I worked in the IT department. I have a keen interest in the Economy and Tech...

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I have no formal experience teaching, however I have helped friends, and my wife in their English conversational ability.
My wife is an English teacher, who has also studied translation/interpretation, all of which I've helped in to some capacity.

三軒茶屋 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.4453 Ricky Brown / 先生
更新日時 2018/08/31
出身/日本語レベル Chicago / 中級
居住地 東京都 北区
最寄駅 東十条
希望駅 山手線:大崎 五反田 目黒 恵比寿 渋谷 原宿 代々木 新宿 高田馬場 目白 池袋 大塚 駒込 田端 西日暮里 日暮里 上野 御徒町 神田 東京
講師歴 2017年8月


2 years as an 英会話先生.
1 year as a 小学校 ALT.
7 months as an 英会話 Chat and party host.


Hello! My name is Ricky! Let's have some fun and learn some English!

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2 years as an 英会話先生.
1 year as a 小学校 ALT.
7 months as an 英会話 Chat and party host.

三軒茶屋 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.4588 Sen SHENG / 先生
更新日時 2018/06/20
出身/日本語レベル SHANGHAI / 中級
居住地 東京都 世田谷区
最寄駅 三軒茶屋
希望駅 東急田園都市線:渋谷 三軒茶屋
東西線:高田馬場 早稲田 飯田橋 九段下
副都心線:池袋 東新宿
講師歴 2018年1月


UK.英国一流大学出身 修士卒業

Japan.日本一流大学 在学中



英語で HAPPY になろう!!! 生徒達に各方面から英語の醍醐味を感じさせます。 生徒様と共に英語で上達になることを楽しみにしております。

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UK.英国一流大学出身 修士卒業

Japan.日本一流大学 在学中


三軒茶屋 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.4731 Elizabeth Savchuk / 先生
更新日時 2018/05/22
出身/日本語レベル Kiev / 上級
居住地 東京都 世田谷区
最寄駅 駒沢大学
希望駅 東急田園都市線:渋谷 池尻大橋 三軒茶屋 駒沢大学 桜新町 用賀 二子玉川
講師歴 2018年5月


2016-2018, Kobe University, Kobe, Japan (Master degree)
Major ? Business Administration.
In Master thesis focusing on corporate social responsibility, corporate culture, and performance measurement systems.

2011-2015, Borys Grinchenko Kiev University, Kiev, Ukraine (Bachelor degree)
I major in English, Spanish languages, and foreign literature.

2017, May ? December
Japan Assist International Co., Ltd, Tokyo, Japan
Position: Translator/Interpreter/Customer support (Russian, Japanese, English)
?Organizing medical facilities (hospitals, clinics) and providing medical support to foreigners in Japan
?Translating medical documentation
?Consecutive three-way telephone interpretation (cases of accidents on the roads, insurance disputes and claims etc.)

2013-2016, Temys Trade LLC, Kiev, Ukraine
Position: Translator/Interpreter
?Translating documentation, emails into English, Russian, Japanese, Ukrainian, sometimes Spanish
?Cooperating with Chinese and Japanese companies
?Providing language support at meetings, parties, conferences, trips
?Clients’ coordinating and interpretation
?Localizing website of the company, documentation

2011-present time
Have been working as a private tutor of Russian, Ukrainian, English and Japanese languages for 7 years.
Have had students of different ages (6-65 years), backgrounds, professional levels, and nationalities.


Hi! My name is Elizabeth. I have a Bachelor degree in Linguistics, and my specialization is a teacher of foreign languages. I have been teaching English, Japanese, Ukrainian and ...

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2016-2018, Kobe University, Kobe, Japan (Master degree)
Major ? Business Administration.
In Master thesis focusing on corporate social responsibility, corporate culture, and performance measurement systems.

2011-2015, Borys Grinchenko Kiev University, Kiev, Ukraine (Bachelor degree)
I major in English, Spanish languages, and foreign literature.

2017, May ? December
Japan Assist International Co., Ltd, Tokyo, Japan
Position: Translator/Interpreter/Customer support (Russian, Japanese, English)
?Organizing medical facilities (hospitals, clinics) and providing medical support to foreigners in Japan
?Translating medical documentation
?Consecutive three-way telephone interpretation (cases of accidents on the roads, insurance disputes and claims etc.)

2013-2016, Temys Trade LLC, Kiev, Ukraine
Position: Translator/Interpreter
?Translating documentation, emails into English, Russian, Japanese, Ukrainian, sometimes Spanish
?Cooperating with Chinese and Japanese companies
?Providing language support at meetings, parties, conferences, trips
?Clients’ coordinating and interpretation
?Localizing website of the company, documentation

2011-present time
Have been working as a private tutor of Russian, Ukrainian, English and Japanese languages for 7 years.
Have had students of different ages (6-65 years), backgrounds, professional levels, and nationalities.

三軒茶屋 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.4729 Maya Sause / 先生
更新日時 2018/05/18
出身/日本語レベル Denver / 中級
居住地 東京都 世田谷区
最寄駅 渋谷
希望駅 東急東横線:渋谷 代官山 中目黒 学芸大学 都立大学 自由が丘
東急田園都市線:渋谷 池尻大橋 三軒茶屋 駒沢大学 桜新町 二子玉川
講師歴 2018年5月


Worked at an eikaiwa for the first few months I was in Japan; transitioned to freelance teaching in May


Hello! Nice to meet you! I'm Maya. I moved to Japan last August and have been teaching English since I arrived! I speak a little Japanese too, so beginners in English are welcom...

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Worked at an eikaiwa for the first few months I was in Japan; transitioned to freelance teaching in May

三軒茶屋 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.4673 Robert Brower / 先生
更新日時 2018/03/27
出身/日本語レベル San Francisco / 中級
居住地 東京都 杉並区
最寄駅 笹塚
希望駅 京王新線:新線新宿 初台 幡ヶ谷
東急田園都市線:渋谷 三軒茶屋
講師歴 2018年3月


-Eikaiwa School ? English Language Teacher ? Sangenjaya, Tokyo, Japan July. 2016 ? Present
-Nica Desarrollo Internet Services ? Administrator ? Playa Gigante, Nicaragua ? Aug. 2012 ? Aug. 2015
-Party Wave Gigante Cafe & Surf Shop ? Proprietor ? Playa Gigante, Nicaragua ? Feb. 2012 ? Sept. 2015
-SIS Inc. - Wells Fargo (WFSC) CICCT Data Team, Systems QA Analyst, Oct. 2009 ? Mar. 2011
-Hainan Adventures - Outdoor Adventure and Eco-tours - Sanya, Hainan, China May 2008 ? Sept. 2009
-Planet Kids English Language School ? Kindergarten and Elementary Assistant Conversation Teacher ? Chengdu, China, May 2007 ? April 2008
-Sofia Zemi English Language School ? Kindergarten and Elementary Conversation Teacher, Hiroshima, Japan September 2005 ? March 2007
-Mihara Senior High School ? Assistant Language Teacher - Hiroshima, Japan Aug. 2003 ? August 2005
-Wells Fargo (WFSC) ? Middleware Services Data Group Manager, Feb. 2000 ? July 2003
-American Peace Corps ? Volunteer, February 1996 ? July 1999


About two years ago I sold a cafe and computer school that I started in Nicaragua. I was also managing a small internet service provider. Prior to that I worked for a large Ameri...

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-Eikaiwa School ? English Language Teacher ? Sangenjaya, Tokyo, Japan July. 2016 ? Present
-Nica Desarrollo Internet Services ? Administrator ? Playa Gigante, Nicaragua ? Aug. 2012 ? Aug. 2015
-Party Wave Gigante Cafe & Surf Shop ? Proprietor ? Playa Gigante, Nicaragua ? Feb. 2012 ? Sept. 2015
-SIS Inc. - Wells Fargo (WFSC) CICCT Data Team, Systems QA Analyst, Oct. 2009 ? Mar. 2011
-Hainan Adventures - Outdoor Adventure and Eco-tours - Sanya, Hainan, China May 2008 ? Sept. 2009
-Planet Kids English Language School ? Kindergarten and Elementary Assistant Conversation Teacher ? Chengdu, China, May 2007 ? April 2008
-Sofia Zemi English Language School ? Kindergarten and Elementary Conversation Teacher, Hiroshima, Japan September 2005 ? March 2007
-Mihara Senior High School ? Assistant Language Teacher - Hiroshima, Japan Aug. 2003 ? August 2005
-Wells Fargo (WFSC) ? Middleware Services Data Group Manager, Feb. 2000 ? July 2003
-American Peace Corps ? Volunteer, February 1996 ? July 1999

三軒茶屋 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.4568 Fred Bellouard / 先生
更新日時 2018/03/14
出身/日本語レベル Toronto / 中級
居住地 神奈川県 相模原市中央区
最寄駅 鷺沼
希望駅 横浜線:十日市場 町田
東急田園都市線:渋谷 三軒茶屋 二子玉川 溝の口 鷺沼 たまプラーザ あざみ野 青葉台 長津田
講師歴 2017年11月


Korakuen English Centre Co., LTD: Project Genius, Tokyo, Japan
High School and Junior High School English Teacher
May 8th, 2017 ? Current

Interac Kanto South
Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan
ALT English Teacher
September 1st, 2015 ? April 28th, 2017

Heart English,Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan
ALT English Teacher for 4 Elementary Schools
April 6th, 2015 - July 31st, 2015

Japan International Education Center,?Kanagawa, Japan
Kindergarten English Teacher
March 24th, 2014 ? March 20th, 2015

Peppy Kids Club,?Toyama, Toyama, Japan
Native English Teacher
March 13th, 2006?? May 16th, 2008


Hello, my name is Fred! And what's your name? My specialty is Conversational English and Eiken and Benesse tutoring. In my 7th year teaching English in Japan, my students have ra...

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✔ 上達して卒業された



Korakuen English Centre Co., LTD: Project Genius, Tokyo, Japan
High School and Junior High School English Teacher
May 8th, 2017 ? Current

Interac Kanto South
Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan
ALT English Teacher
September 1st, 2015 ? April 28th, 2017

Heart English,Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan
ALT English Teacher for 4 Elementary Schools
April 6th, 2015 - July 31st, 2015

Japan International Education Center,?Kanagawa, Japan
Kindergarten English Teacher
March 24th, 2014 ? March 20th, 2015

Peppy Kids Club,?Toyama, Toyama, Japan
Native English Teacher
March 13th, 2006?? May 16th, 2008

三軒茶屋 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.4351 Kym Ramos / 先生
更新日時 2016/10/10
出身/日本語レベル Cabanatuan City / 中級
居住地 神奈川県 川崎市高津区
最寄駅 梶が谷
希望駅 東急目黒線:目黒
東急田園都市線:渋谷 池尻大橋 三軒茶屋 駒沢大学 桜新町 用賀 二子玉川
東急大井町線:大井町 下神明 戸越公園 中延 荏原町 旗の台 北千束 大岡山 緑が丘 自由が丘 九品仏 尾山台
講師歴 2016年5月


Employment experience:
International shipping, travel

BS in Tourism Management - University of the Philippines

Teaching experience:
Private one-on-one lessons, conversational/open-table sessions


Hi! If you're interested in increasing your confidence in speaking English, I can help you. I'm flexible and I always check what my students need, making sure that my teaching m...

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Employment experience:
International shipping, travel

BS in Tourism Management - University of the Philippines

Teaching experience:
Private one-on-one lessons, conversational/open-table sessions

三軒茶屋 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.4107 Isom Winton / 先生
更新日時 2015/05/08
出身/日本語レベル Kansas City / 上級
居住地 東京都 世田谷区
最寄駅 三軒茶屋
希望駅 山手線:恵比寿 渋谷 原宿 代々木 新宿
中央・総武線:新宿 代々木
東急田園都市線:渋谷 池尻大橋 三軒茶屋 駒沢大学 桜新町 用賀 二子玉川
講師歴 2015年5月


TS Planning Inc. (Start-up) Executive Director, Oct. 2014-Present
-As a start-up company in the recruitment/HR space, I focused on all phases of market analysis, media planning, sales strategy, and organizational development to get the business up and running.

Primary Duties and Responsibilities:
?Design and control production of all corporate communications.
?Manage the day-to-day operations of the business, our programs and services.
?Generate leads for our recruiting and staffing services and develop client relationships.
?Identify, recruit, assess and select highly skilled, multilingual and multicultural talent as candidates.
?Track, measure and manage company performance and provide regular reports, summaries and analysis.
?Lead researcher and negotiator with domestic and overseas vendors.

Freelance Culture Consultant (Mar. 2008- Oct. 2014)
-Combined my expertise as an ethnographer, culture consultant and Dale Carnegie Certified Coach to work with multinational corporations in Japan. Customized learning and development solutions focusing on Diversity & Inclusion-driven corporate transformation, and advanced thought leadership in the area of cultural competence and inclusive leadership in support of my clients’ business goals. Major projects and collaborations were with Microsoft, Oracle, Mizuho Securities, Toppan Forms Co, Mistui Sumitomo Bank, Taisei Corporation, Japan Tobacco and many more as below:

-Lead project manager for an in-house program focusing on team member engagement and intercultural leadership skills. Honda Motor Company
-Lead consultant and solutions designer, collaborating with various federation members of the Tokyo 2020 Bid Committee on speech-making and intercultural contract negotiations for the March 2013 International Olympic Committee visit to Tokyo. Delivered in English and Japanese. Japanese Olympic Committee
-Culture consultant for 16 managers over approximately one year for international business assignments in Southeast Asia. Suntory Japan
-Project leader and content development specialist for the Berlitz Blog. Main tasks included performing keywords searches relevant to potential customers and using these keywords to create engaging content while managing the corporation’s public image. Berlitz Corporation
-Lead consultant and solutions designer for an in-house program focusing on improving team member engagement, internal communication and intercultural leadership skills between Indian managers and their Japanese staff. Delivered in English and Japanese. Bank of India
-Lead consultant and solutions designer for 30 multicultural and multilingual managers to improve internal communication across departments worldwide. Delivered in English and Japanese. ING Life Insurance Company, LDT.

Berlitz Corporation
Instructional Supervisor, Jan. 2006-Mar.2008
-Managed eleven employees and guided the development of English language acquisition and advertising programs with Japanese managers to retain existing customers and attract new business.

United States Congress (3rd District of Kansas)
Constituent Services Advisor & African-American Outreach Director, June 2004 to Feb. 2005
-Organized informational meetings with 3rdcongressional district community leaders, organized press conferences and attended meetings in the name of Congressman Dennis Moore.
-Appointed by the incumbent Congressman to design and execute projects to mobilize the African-American leadership and voter base.


If you are a serious student that has at least 5 hours/week to self-study, I believe I can support your language learning needs. Let's meet and discuss your ideal curriculum and ...

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TS Planning Inc. (Start-up) Executive Director, Oct. 2014-Present
-As a start-up company in the recruitment/HR space, I focused on all phases of market analysis, media planning, sales strategy, and organizational development to get the business up and running.

Primary Duties and Responsibilities:
?Design and control production of all corporate communications.
?Manage the day-to-day operations of the business, our programs and services.
?Generate leads for our recruiting and staffing services and develop client relationships.
?Identify, recruit, assess and select highly skilled, multilingual and multicultural talent as candidates.
?Track, measure and manage company performance and provide regular reports, summaries and analysis.
?Lead researcher and negotiator with domestic and overseas vendors.

Freelance Culture Consultant (Mar. 2008- Oct. 2014)
-Combined my expertise as an ethnographer, culture consultant and Dale Carnegie Certified Coach to work with multinational corporations in Japan. Customized learning and development solutions focusing on Diversity & Inclusion-driven corporate transformation, and advanced thought leadership in the area of cultural competence and inclusive leadership in support of my clients’ business goals. Major projects and collaborations were with Microsoft, Oracle, Mizuho Securities, Toppan Forms Co, Mistui Sumitomo Bank, Taisei Corporation, Japan Tobacco and many more as below:

-Lead project manager for an in-house program focusing on team member engagement and intercultural leadership skills. Honda Motor Company
-Lead consultant and solutions designer, collaborating with various federation members of the Tokyo 2020 Bid Committee on speech-making and intercultural contract negotiations for the March 2013 International Olympic Committee visit to Tokyo. Delivered in English and Japanese. Japanese Olympic Committee
-Culture consultant for 16 managers over approximately one year for international business assignments in Southeast Asia. Suntory Japan
-Project leader and content development specialist for the Berlitz Blog. Main tasks included performing keywords searches relevant to potential customers and using these keywords to create engaging content while managing the corporation’s public image. Berlitz Corporation
-Lead consultant and solutions designer for an in-house program focusing on improving team member engagement, internal communication and intercultural leadership skills between Indian managers and their Japanese staff. Delivered in English and Japanese. Bank of India
-Lead consultant and solutions designer for 30 multicultural and multilingual managers to improve internal communication across departments worldwide. Delivered in English and Japanese. ING Life Insurance Company, LDT.

Berlitz Corporation
Instructional Supervisor, Jan. 2006-Mar.2008
-Managed eleven employees and guided the development of English language acquisition and advertising programs with Japanese managers to retain existing customers and attract new business.

United States Congress (3rd District of Kansas)
Constituent Services Advisor & African-American Outreach Director, June 2004 to Feb. 2005
-Organized informational meetings with 3rdcongressional district community leaders, organized press conferences and attended meetings in the name of Congressman Dennis Moore.
-Appointed by the incumbent Congressman to design and execute projects to mobilize the African-American leadership and voter base.

三軒茶屋 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.3744 Yanli Xiong / 先生
更新日時 2015/03/02
出身/日本語レベル New York City / 初級
居住地 東京都 荒川区
最寄駅 渋谷
希望駅 東急田園都市線:渋谷 池尻大橋 三軒茶屋 駒沢大学
講師歴 2014年2月


When I was in America, I was an english tutor to a foreign students for several months. I helped them learn to read and understand English test questions, as well as pronounciation.


Hello! I am native english speaker from the United States, currently studying for my Masters at Tokyo University. I would love to help you improve your english communication skil...

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✔ 上達して卒業された



When I was in America, I was an english tutor to a foreign students for several months. I helped them learn to read and understand English test questions, as well as pronounciation.

三軒茶屋 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.3894 Tyler Martin / 先生
更新日時 2014/09/02
出身/日本語レベル Seattle / 中級
居住地 東京都 世田谷区
最寄駅 二子玉川
希望駅 東急田園都市線:三軒茶屋 駒沢大学 桜新町 用賀 二子玉川
東急大井町線:自由が丘 九品仏 尾山台 等々力 上野毛 二子玉川 溝の口
講師歴 2014年9月


Work History

Team Leader - Summer 2014 - English Adventure

Served as team leader for a group of eight Japanese students of similar ages at a English speaking summer camp near Tokyo. Responsibilities included managing the students during various activities; engaging them and keeping them safe at all times, during activities and transitions; also managed a tent of young boys from six to sixteen years old, ensuring they woke up, showered and made it to activities on time as well as keeping the tent reasonably clean.

After School Teacher - 2014 - Tokyo International School

Teacher for a group of young elementary school students for Tokyo International School's after school program. Curriculum included physical education, cooking, arts & crafts, music, geography and civics. Developed lessons plans, helped students with their homework, ensured the safety and comfort of students at all times. Assisted in the launch of a new campus in Yokohama.

English Instructor - 2012-2014 - 川崎市 School District

Full-time English instructor for two elementary schools in the Kawasaki school district. Responsible for the creation and execution of lessons plans adhering to the district provided textbook encouraging the use of written and spoken English.

English Language Teacher 2011-2012 -わせがく高等学校

Conversational English language instructor to tne campuses located in the 千葉, 茨城, 埼玉and 東京 prefectures. Prepared lesson plans and activities for all three grades at each location. On Mondays and Thursdays, served further special needs students whom for personal, financial or social reasons could not attend classes on a more regular basis. Occassionally gave private 英検lessons to students in the afternoon.

Assistant Language Teacher - 2010-2011

Living and working in 大崎市,宮城県 Japan as the assistant to, and sometimes temporary replacement of, the primary English language teacher at 三本木中学校and 三本木小学校. At times also visited and taught classes at ひまわり園Preschool. Duties include working with English teacher to fulfill lesson plans and continually interacting with students to improve their understanding of English and other cultures outside of Japan. Over one-hundred hours working with children with ages varying from three years old to fifteen years old.


Hello, my name is Tyler Martin, I'm an American who's been living in Japan for four years now. I love teaching and have experience with all age groups. No matter how old you are ...

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✔ 上達して卒業された



Work History

Team Leader - Summer 2014 - English Adventure

Served as team leader for a group of eight Japanese students of similar ages at a English speaking summer camp near Tokyo. Responsibilities included managing the students during various activities; engaging them and keeping them safe at all times, during activities and transitions; also managed a tent of young boys from six to sixteen years old, ensuring they woke up, showered and made it to activities on time as well as keeping the tent reasonably clean.

After School Teacher - 2014 - Tokyo International School

Teacher for a group of young elementary school students for Tokyo International School's after school program. Curriculum included physical education, cooking, arts & crafts, music, geography and civics. Developed lessons plans, helped students with their homework, ensured the safety and comfort of students at all times. Assisted in the launch of a new campus in Yokohama.

English Instructor - 2012-2014 - 川崎市 School District

Full-time English instructor for two elementary schools in the Kawasaki school district. Responsible for the creation and execution of lessons plans adhering to the district provided textbook encouraging the use of written and spoken English.

English Language Teacher 2011-2012 -わせがく高等学校

Conversational English language instructor to tne campuses located in the 千葉, 茨城, 埼玉and 東京 prefectures. Prepared lesson plans and activities for all three grades at each location. On Mondays and Thursdays, served further special needs students whom for personal, financial or social reasons could not attend classes on a more regular basis. Occassionally gave private 英検lessons to students in the afternoon.

Assistant Language Teacher - 2010-2011

Living and working in 大崎市,宮城県 Japan as the assistant to, and sometimes temporary replacement of, the primary English language teacher at 三本木中学校and 三本木小学校. At times also visited and taught classes at ひまわり園Preschool. Duties include working with English teacher to fulfill lesson plans and continually interacting with students to improve their understanding of English and other cultures outside of Japan. Over one-hundred hours working with children with ages varying from three years old to fifteen years old.

三軒茶屋 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.1125 Maxime Mathieu / 先生
更新日時 2014/01/16
出身/日本語レベル Grenoble / 中級
居住地 神奈川県 川崎市
最寄駅 二子玉川
希望駅 東急田園都市線:渋谷 池尻大橋 三軒茶屋 駒沢大学 桜新町 用賀 二子玉川
有楽町線:永田町 桜田門 有楽町 銀座一丁目 新富町 月島 辰巳 新木場
半蔵門線:渋谷 表参道 青山一丁目 永田町
講師歴 2009年7月


Since 2008 Assistant Language Teacher
Teaching English in an elementary school.

2007 March to October Video Editor for a French TV Channel.

2005 March to July Database Administrator.

2006-2007 France: Bachelor degree in Multimedia, Video editing and Post-production

2003-2005 Higher national diploma in networks and telecommunication

3 years teaching experience.


3年の経験を持つ、若くてエネルギッシュなフランス人講師が英語/フランス語/スペイン語をお教えします! 時間・レッスンのタイプはご相談に応じます。柔軟で根気のある楽しい講師と一緒に 外国語楽しみがんばりましょう!!! Young, energetic, French man. 3 years teaching experience. Time, plac...

➡ この英語先生を、もっと見る

➡ レッスンを受けた

✔ 上達して卒業された



Since 2008 Assistant Language Teacher
Teaching English in an elementary school.

2007 March to October Video Editor for a French TV Channel.

2005 March to July Database Administrator.

2006-2007 France: Bachelor degree in Multimedia, Video editing and Post-production

2003-2005 Higher national diploma in networks and telecommunication

3 years teaching experience.




  • ここがポイント!
  • リーズナブルな料金:入会金9,800円、月会費3,000円、マンツーマンレッスンは1回(60分)3,000円と手頃な価格で提供。
  • 生の英語に触れられる!:ネイティブ講師との会話を通して、自然な発音や表現を身につけられます。
  • 文化を体験できる!:レッスンを通して、ネイティブの文化や習慣を深く理解し、ネイティブ旅行がもっと楽しくなります。
  • アットホームな雰囲気!:カフェでのレッスンなので、リラックスして学習できます。
  • 実践的な内容:会話、文法、読み書き、聴解など、英語の総合的なスキルアップを目指した内容で、ネイティブ文化や社会についても学べます。
  • オンラインレッスンもOK!:忙しい方でも、オンラインで気軽にレッスンを受講できます。
  • 🌟自分に合ったスタイルで楽しく英語を学んでみませんか?🌟


  • 🌟 今すぐ無料体験レッスンを予約! 🌟


  • 🌟 よくある質問やお問い合わせは、こちら 🌟
