
    1. 日常会話で覚える英単語




    (Kenta talks to Pearl.)

    Kenta: If you have time, can you go to the library with me?

    Pearl: Well, all right.

    But are there CDs in the library?

    Kenta: Of course there are many CDs.

    Pearl: Then, let’s go there soon.

    I want to borrow some CDs.

    (They arrive at the library.)

    Kenta: Do you want to look for CDs?

    There are CDs over there.

    Pearl: I see.  I’ll go there.

    Kenta: I want to look for some books about Japanese history.

    So can you come back here after a while?

    Pearl: OK.

    (After a while they come back at that place.)

    Pearl: I found the CDs that I wanted to borrow.

    Kenta: How many CDs do you have now?

    Pearl: I have Seven CDs.

    Kenta: You cannot borrow all of them.

    We can borrow only six CDs.

    Pearl: I see. I’ll return one of these.

    (They go to the service counter.)

    Pearl: Can I borrow these CDs?

    Library Clerk: Do you have a library card?

    Pearl: Sorry I don’t have it.

    Library Clerk: Do you have any ID card?

    Pearl: Yes, here you are.

    Library Clerk: Could you fill out this form?

    (Pearl fills out that form and hands it to the library clerk.)

    Library Clerk: Just a moment, we’ll make you your library card soon.

    This is your library card.

    You can borrow 12 books and 6 CDs.

    Pearl: Thank you.

    Library Clerk: You are welcome.


    If you have time:「時間があれば」

    arrive at~:「~に到着する」

    over there:「向こうに」

    look for~:「~を探す」


    Japanese history:「日本史」

    come back:「戻ってくる」

    after a while:「しばらくしてから」「少し間を置いて」



    all of them:「それら全て」

    one of these:「これらのうちの一つ」

    library clerk:「図書館員」

    library card:「図書館カード」

    ID card:「身分証明書」

    here you are:「はいどうぞ」と何かを差し出す時に言う。

    fill out:「記入する」




    (Kenta talks to Pearl.)


    Kenta: If you have time, can you go to the library with me?


    Pearl: Well, all right.


    But are there CDs in the library?


    Kenta: Of course there are many CDs.


    Pearl: Then, let’s go there soon.


    I want to borrow some CDs.


    (They arrive at the library.)


    Kenta: Do you want to look for CDs?


    There are CDs over there.


    Pearl: I see.  I’ll go there.


    Kenta: I want to look for some books about Japanese history.


    So can you come back here after a while?


    Pearl: OK.(わかったわ。)

    (After a while they come back at that place.)


    Pearl: I found the CDs that I wanted to borrow.


    Kenta: How many CDs do you have now?


    Pearl: I have Seven CDs.


    Kenta: You cannot borrow all of them.


    We can borrow only six CDs.


    Pearl: I see. I’ll return one of these.


    (They go to the service counter.)


    Pearl: Can I borrow these CDs?


    Library Clerk: Do you have a library card?


    Pearl: Sorry I don’t have it.


    Library Clerk: Do you have any ID card?


    Pearl: Yes, here you are.


    Library Clerk: Could you fill out this form?


    (Pearl fills out that form and hands it to the library clerk.)


    Library Clerk: Just a moment, we’ll make you your library card soon.


    This is your library card.


    You can borrow 12 books and 6 CDs.


    Pearl: Thank you.


    Library Clerk: You are welcome.



