
    1. 会話で学ぶ英語表現





    (Ichiro asks a man on the street.)

    Ichiro: Excuse me, where is the tourist information center?

    Man: I’m sorry, I’m a stranger here, too.

    Ichiro: Oh, that’s OK.

    (Ichiro asks a woman.)

    Ichiro: Excuse me, do you know where the tourist information center is?

    Woman: Yes, it is over there.

    (That woman points to the building.)

    Woman: Can you see that 5-story white building?

    Ichiro: Oh, yes.

    Woman: It’s just next to that building.

    Ichiro: Thank you, I’ll go there.

    Woman: It’s my pleasure.

    (Ichiro goes to the tourist information center.)

    Staff: May I help you?

    Ichiro: Yes, may I have a free city map?

    Staff: Here you are.

    Ichiro: Thank you.

    Could you tell me about some interesting places in this town?

    Staff: What kind of things are you interested in?

    Ichiro: I’m interested in art.

    Staff: Then how about going to the British Museum?

    Ichiro: That’s nice!

    What time does the museum open?

    Staff: It opens at 10 a.m.

    You can watch the special exhibition about Egypt now.

    Ichiro: That sounds great!

    I’ll go there for a kickoff.

    Thank you.

    Staff: You are welcome.


    tourist information center:「観光案内所」


    do you know where the tourist information center is?:do you knowが付いているので、where以降は、主語+動詞の順になる。

    over there:「向こうに」

    point to~:「~を指さす」


    next to~;「~のとなり」

    It’s my pleasure.:「どういたしまして」pleasureは「喜び」


    city map:「街の地図」


    What kind of~:「どのような種類の~」

    be interested in~:「~に興味がある」


    how about~:「~はどうですか」

    special exhibition:「特別展」



    for a kickoff:「まず始めに」



    (Ichiro asks a man on the street.)


    Ichiro: Excuse me, where is the tourist information center?


    Man: I’m sorry, I’m a stranger here, too.


    Ichiro: Oh, that’s OK.(ああ、大丈夫です。)

    (Ichiro asks a woman.)


    Ichiro: Excuse me, do you know where the tourist information center is?


    Woman: Yes, it is over there.


    (That woman points to the building.)


    Woman: Can you see that 5-story white building?


    Ichiro: Oh, yes.(あ、はい。)

    Woman: It’s just next to that building.


    Ichiro: Thank you, I’ll go there.


    Woman: It’s my pleasure.(どういたしまして。)

    (Ichiro goes to the tourist information center.)


    Staff: May I help you?


    Ichiro: Yes, may I have a free city map?


    Staff: Here you are.(はいどうぞ。)

    Ichiro: Thank you.(ありがとうございます。)

    Could you tell me about some interesting places in this town?


    Staff: What kind of things are you interested in?


    Ichiro: I’m interested in art.


    Staff: Then how about going to the British Museum?


    Ichiro: That’s nice!(それは良いですね!)

    What time does the museum open?


    Staff: It opens at 10 a.m.


    You can watch the special exhibition about Egypt now.


    Ichiro: That sounds great!


    I’ll go there for a kickoff.


    Thank you.


    Staff: You are welcome.



