
    1. 日常会話で覚える英単語





    Kate and Mari are talking about the Girls’ Day.

    Mari: Do you know what day it is the day after tomorrow?

    Kate: Well, it’s March 3rd.

    Is that a special day?

    Mari: Yes.  That is called Girls’ Day.

    Kate: What is that?

    Mari: That’s the day we celebrate the birth of girls and wish them happiness.

     We set up dolls for that festival.

    Kate: Have you set them up at your house?

    Mari: Yes, we have.

    And we have to pack them up by the middle of March.

    Kate: Why don’t you leave them unpacked for long?

    Mari: It is said the lady of that family will marry late if we don’t pack them up soon.

    Kate: That’s funny.

    Mari: Yes, but my mother believes it.


    Girls’ Day:「ひな祭り」

    what day:「何の日」

    the day after tomorrow:「明後日」

    special day:「特別な日」

    be called~:「~と呼ばれている」


    wish~ happiness:「~の幸せを願う」

    set up:「セットする」「配置する」



    middle of March:「3月中旬」


    for long:「長い間」

    It is said~:「~と言われている」

    marry late:「遅く結婚する」




    Kate and Mari are talking about the Girls’ Day.


    Mari: Do you know what day it is the day after tomorrow?


    Kate: Well, it’s March 3rd.(ええと、3月3日ね。)

     Is that a special day?(特別の日なの?)

    Mari: Yes.  That is called Girls’ Day.(そうよ。ひな祭りと呼ばれているの。)

    Kate: What is that?(それって何?)

    Mari: That’s the day we celebrate the birth of girls and wish them happiness.


    We set up dolls for that festival.


    Kate: Have you set them up at your house?


    Mari: Yes, we have.(ええ、飾ってあるわ。)

     And we have to pack them up by the middle of March.


    Kate: Why don’t you leave them unpacked for long?


    Mari: It is said the lady of that family will marry late if we don’t pack them up soon.


    Kate: That’s funny.(おかしな話ね。)

    Mari: Yes, but my mother believes it.



