
  1. 日常会話で覚える英単語




Tommy and Saori are at the fast food restaurant.

Clerk: Next, please.

Tommy: I’d like a hamburger and a coffee.

Clerk: Sure.  Anything else?

Tommy: No, that’s all.

Clerk: Will that be for here or to go?

Tommy: For here, please.

Clerk: Here you are.

3.5 dollars.

Tommy: Here. (Giving money to the clerk)

Clerk: Thanks.

Saori asks Tommy.

Saori: What did that clerk say?

Tommy: She said ‘ For here or to go?.’

Saori: What does it mean?

Tommy: It means ‘ Will you eat them here or take them out?.’

Saori: Oh, I see.

Saori orders.

Saori: May I have two hot dogs with ketchup and mustard, please?

Clerk: Anything else?

Saori: And an iced tea, please.

Clerk: For here or to go?

Saori: Fore here, please.

Clerk: That’ll be 4 dollars.

Saori: Here you are.

Clerk: Thank you.

Tommy and Saori start to eat there.

Saori: Do you often have lunch here?

Tommy: Yes, I eat lunch every other day here.

Saori: I have never had lunch at the fast food restaurant.

Tommy: Really?  But why?

Saori: Because I want to eat a lot of vegetables.

But I can’t eat them very much here.

And you have to take a nutritionally balanced dish.

Tommy: Do you cook dinner?

Saori: Of course, I do it almost every day.

Will you come to my house and have dinner made by me?

Tommy: Oh, I’d love to!


fast food restaurant:「セルフサービス式レストラン」




that’s all:「それで全てです」「それだけです」

for here:ファストフード店で「ここで食べる」の意味。

to go:ファストフード店で「持ち帰る」の意味。

take out:「持ち出す」ここでは、「買って持ち帰る」の意味。

with ketchup and mustard:「ケチャップとマスタードを付けて」


iced tea:「アイスティー」

have never had:現在完了形「一度も食べたことがない」


not ~very much:「あまり~ない」





Will you~?:「~しませんか?」

dinner made by me:dinnerをmade by meが修飾している。「私によって作られた食事」

I’d love to!:前に言われたことに対して、「是非そうしたい!」ときに言う。



Tommy and Saori are at the fast food restaurant.


Clerk: Next, please.(次の方どうぞ。)

Tommy: I’d like a hamburger and a coffee.


Clerk: Sure.  Anything else?

(はい。 ほかに何かございますか?)

Tommy: No, that’s all.


Clerk: Will that be for here or to go?


Tommy: For here, please.(ここで食べます。)

Clerk: Here you are.(はいどうぞ。)

3.5 dollars.(3ドル50セントです。)

Tommy: Here. (Giving money to the clerk)


Clerk: Thanks.(ありがとうございます。)

Saori asks Tommy.


Saori: What did that clerk say?


Tommy: She said ‘ For here or to go?.’


Saori: What does it mean?


Tommy: It means ‘ Will you eat them here or take them out?.’


Saori: Oh, I see.(ああ、わかったわ。)

Saori orders.(サオリが注文をする。)

Saori: May I have two hot dogs with ketchup and mustard, please?


Clerk: Anything else?(ほかに何か?)

Saori: And an iced tea, please.


Clerk: For here or to go?


Saori: Fore here, please.(ここで食べます。)

Clerk: That’ll be 4 dollars.(4ドルになります。)

Saori: Here you are.(はいどうぞ。)

Clerk: Thank you.(ありがとうございます。)

Tommy and Saori start to eat there.


Saori: Do you often have lunch here?


Tommy: Yes, I eat lunch every other day here.


Saori: I have never had lunch at the fast food restaurant.


Tommy: Really?  But why?(ほんとう? どうして?)

Saori: Because I want to eat a lot of vegetables.


But I can’t eat them very much here.


And you have to take a nutritionally balanced dish.


Tommy: Do you cook dinner?


Saori: Of course, I do it almost every day.


Will you come to my house and have dinner made by me?


Tommy: Oh, I’d love to!





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英語が驚くほど上達する実感 | 何度でも聞ける1対1レッスン