Moving to Japan was inspired by a desire to experience its rich culture, advanced technology, and educational opportunities. Japan's commitment to high-quality education and unique teaching approaches also attracted me.
Becoming an English teacher allows me to share my language skills with young learners in Japan. Teaching English helps bridge cultures and gives students tools to explore the world through language. This role is a rewarding way to contribute to students' growth and development, while also enriching my own experiences in a new country.
Hello, everyone! My name is Zain, and I’m excited to be your English teacher. Learning a new language can be a lot of fun, and I’m here to help make English easy and enjoyable for you.
I look forward to getting to know each of you and learning together. Remember, every question is welcome, and mistakes are just part of the journey! Let’s have a great time learning English!
When teaching English to children, prioritize policies that focus on communication skills, age-appropriate vocabulary, and interactive learning.
2 Year of Experience of Civil Engineering and 1 year of experience of teaching
/ Bachelors of Science / 1 Year of teaching experience
現在の職業 | Student |
日本滞在歴 | 2024/09 |
教える言語 | 英語 |
趣 味 | Play badminton |
日本語レベル | 初級 |
教える対象 | 子供 |
教えるレベル | 中級 |
教える内容 | 日常会話 、状況場面 |
\ | 月 | 火 | 水 | 木 | 金 | 土 | 日 |
07:00-08:00 | × | ● | × | × | × | ● | × |
08:00-12:00 | × | ● | × | × | × | ● | × |
12:00-17:00 | × | ● | ▲ | ▲ | ▲ | ● | × |
17:00-22:00 | × | ● | ● | ● | ● | ● | × |
西武新宿線: 所沢 │航空公園 │新所沢 │入曽 │狭山市 │新狭山 │南大塚 │本川越
山手線: 大崎 │五反田 │恵比寿 │渋谷 │原宿 │新宿 │高田馬場 │目白 │池袋 │田端 │鶯谷 │高輪ゲートウェイ │品川
西武新宿線: 西武新宿 │高田馬場 │下落合 │中井 │新井薬師前 │沼袋 │野方 │都立家政 │鷺ノ宮 │下井草 │井荻 │上井草 │上石神井 │武蔵関 │東伏見 │西武柳沢 │田無 │花小金井 │小平 │久米川 │東村山
東西線: 落合 │早稲田 │飯田橋 │竹橋 │南砂町 │葛西
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