
    1. 会話で学ぶ英語表現






    Kenta is at the souvenir store.

    Salesclerk:May I help you?

    Kenta: No, thank you.

    I’m just looking.

    (He thinks in his heart.)

    I have to get a lot of souvenirs.

    For my friends, colleagues and my family.

    (He sees around the store.  And he stops at the stationery section.)

    (He talks to a salesclerk.)

    Kenta: Excuse me.

    Salesclerk: Yes, may I help you?

    Kenta: Yes.  Do you have any special stationery?

    Salesclerk: How about this one?

    Kenta: What is that?

    Salesclerk: This is a ballpoint pen.

    Kenta: What is special?

    Salesclerk: Look at here.

    You can see a view which is one of the most famous landscapes here.

    Kenta: Wow!  That’s nice!  I like it.

    How much is it?

    Salesclerk: 5 dollars.

    Kenta: I’d like to get 20 of them.

    Salesclerk: All right.

    (At the check-out counter.)

    Kenta: How much are they?

    Salesclerk: 100 dollars.

    Kenta: Could you give me a discount?

    Salesclerk: Well, how about 95 dollars?

    Kenta: Can you make it 90 dollars for cash?

    Salesclerk: All right.

    Kenta: Thank you.

    Salesclerk: Do you need small bags for each of them?

    Kenta: Yes, I do.

    (Kenta pays 90 dollars.)

    Salesclerk: Thank you.  And have a nice trip.

    Kenta: Thanks.



    I’m just looking.:「ただ見ているだけです」justは「ただ」「単に」の意味。

    in his heart:「心の中で」

    have to~:「~しなければならない」




    How about~?:「~はどうですか?」

    ballpoint pen:「ボールペン」



    one of~:「~の中の一つ」

    the most famous:「一番有名な」


    I’d like to~:「~したいのですが」

    20 of~:「~を20個」


    make A B:「AをBにする」


    for cash:「現金で」

    each of~:「~のそれぞれ」




    Kenta is at the souvenir store.


    Salesclerk:May I help you?


    Kenta: No, thank you.


    I’m just looking.


    (He thinks in his heart.)


    I have to get a lot of souvenirs.


    For my friends, colleagues and my family.


    (He sees around the store.  And he stops at the stationery section.)

    (彼は店を見て回る。 そして、文房具売り場で立ち止まる。)

    (He talks to a salesclerk.)


    Kenta: Excuse me.(すみませんが。)

    Salesclerk: Yes, may I help you?


    Kenta: Yes.  Do you have any special stationery?

    (はい。 何か特別な文房具はありますか?)

    Salesclerk: How about this one?


    Kenta: What is that?(それは何ですか?)

    Salesclerk: This is a ballpoint pen.


    Kenta: What is special?


    Salesclerk: Look at here.


    You can see a view which is one of the most famous landscapes here.


    Kenta: Wow!  That’s nice!  I like it.

    (わ~! すごい! 気に入りました。)

    How much is it?(いくらですか?)

    Salesclerk: 5 dollars.(5ドルです。)

    Kenta: I’d like to get 20 of them.


    Salesclerk: All right.(承知しました。)

    (At the check-out counter.)


    Kenta: How much are they?


    Salesclerk: 100 dollars.(100ドルです。)

    Kenta: Could you give me a discount?


    Salesclerk: Well, how about 95 dollars?


    Kenta: Can you make it 90 dollars for cash?


    Salesclerk: All right.(わかりました。)

    Kenta: Thank you.(ありがとうございます。)

    Salesclerk: Do you need small bags for each of them?


    Kenta: Yes, I do.(はい、お願いします。)

    (Kenta pays 90 dollars.)


    Salesclerk: Thank you.  And have a nice trip.

    (ありがとうございます。 良いご旅行を。)

    Kenta: Thanks.(ありがとう。)


