
  1. 会話で学ぶ英語表現



I’m going to take a train.

I have to look for my commuter pass.

Where did I put my commuter pass?

Oh, I can’t find my pass.

I must have left it in the pocket of my another jacket.

As a last resort, I have to buy a train ticket.

But I have to stand in line to buy it.

I go in through the ticket gate.

I wait on the platform.

I wonder what time the next train will come.

The train comes.

I get on the train.

I don’t like riding on crowded trains.

I feel bad.

I always listen to the music to escape this condition.

女性が ATM 機を操作しています。


look for:「探す」

commuter pass:「定期券」train passとも言う。


as a last resort:「仕方がないので」

train ticket:「電車の切符」

ticket gate:「改札口」

stand in line:「列に並ぶ」


get on~:「~に乗る」


feel bad:「気分が悪い」




I’m going to take a train.(私は電車に乗ろうとしている。)

I have to look for my commuter pass.(定期券を探さなきゃ。)

Where did I put my commuter pass?(定期券、どこへ置いたかな?)

Oh, I can’t find my pass.(定期券が見つからない。)

I must have left it in the pocket of my another jacket.


As a last resort, I have to buy a train ticket.


But I have to stand in line to buy it.(でも、それを買うのに並ばなきゃ。)

I go in through the ticket gate.(改札口を通って入る。)

I wait on the platform.(プラットフォームで待つ。)

I wonder what time the next train will come.



The train comes.(電車が来る。)

I get on the train.(電車に乗る。)

I don’t like riding on crowded trains.(混み合った電車に乗るのはいやだ。)

I feel bad.(気分が悪い。)

I always listen to the music to escape this condition.



