I have a passion for education and I believe lanuage learning is crucial to anyone who is seeking more opportunties in their lives. I become an English teacher because I can get a sense of satisfication when I am teaching, and I feel proud when my students make progress.
I came japan because I am exploring more possibilities and I love japanese culture and I want to live here to experience the culture.
Hi, my name is Caleb, I am from Shanghai,china and I went America when I was 17 and I started to grow interest in learning language, until this moment, I can speak uo to 5 lanuages, Chinese, Shanghainess, English, Japanese and Korean. I am still learning French. I beilieve that leanring a new language is supposed to super fun and you should enjoy learning not just the language but every information related to that.I started teaching English 5 years ago and I have experience of teaching students from many countries at different levels, I can show you how you can master the language from the beginnner level to the native level!!
I will use a wide range of texts and any resources from online, but if the student prefer his/her own texts, I am comfortable with that as well.
I've taught both adult and kids ( 7 - 20) for over 4 years, most of my students are at a basick level, but I can also teach students who are advanced level. I've taught English in japan for over 11 months.
現在の職業 | Student |
日本滞在歴 | 2022/07 |
教える言語 | 英語 |
趣 味 | Language exchange, sports, music, gaming |
日本語レベル | 中級 |
教える対象 | 成人男性 、成人女性 、子供 |
教えるレベル | 基礎 、初心者 、中級 、上級 |
教える内容 | 日常会話 、状況場面 、ビジネス 、TOEIC/ TOEFL |
\ | 月 | 火 | 水 | 木 | 金 | 土 | 日 |
07:00-08:00 | ● | ● | ● | ● | × | × | ● |
08:00-12:00 | ● | ● | ● | ● | ● | × | ● |
12:00-17:00 | ● | ● | ● | ● | ▲ | × | ● |
17:00-22:00 | ● | ● | ● | ● | × | × | ● |
I major in communication studies, and minor in business.
During my teaching career, I specialized in business english and speaking.
And I also tutor for Egnlish writing class.
山手線: 渋谷 │原宿 │代々木 │新宿 │新大久保 │高田馬場 │目白 │池袋 │大塚 │巣鴨 │駒込 │田端 │上野 │御徒町 │秋葉原 │神田 │東京
中央本線(東京~塩尻): 東京 │四ツ谷 │新宿 │吉祥寺 │三鷹 │国分寺 │日野
中央・総武線: 吉祥寺 │高円寺 │東中野 │大久保 │新宿 │代々木 │千駄ケ谷 │信濃町 │四ツ谷 │市ケ谷 │飯田橋 │水道橋 │御茶ノ水 │秋葉原 │浅草橋 │両国 │錦糸町 │亀戸 │平井 │新小岩 │小岩
常磐線(上野~取手): 上野 │日暮里 │三河島 │南千住
西武池袋線: 池袋 │椎名町 │東長崎 │江古田 │桜台 │練馬
中央本線(東京~塩尻): 上野原 │梁川 │竜王
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