業界トップの経験豊富な英語講師 業界トップの経験豊富な英語講師

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英会話マンツーマン 東京都カフェde個人レッスンおすすめ先生をまとめました!


東京都 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.4863 Richard Layton / 先生
更新日時 2019/03/15
出身/日本語レベル London / 初級
居住地 東京都 世田谷区
最寄駅 三軒茶屋
希望駅 井の頭線:下北沢
東急田園都市線:渋谷 池尻大橋 三軒茶屋 駒沢大学 桜新町 二子玉川
講師歴 2019年3月


I have no formal experience teaching, however I have helped friends, and my wife in their English conversational ability.
My wife is an English teacher, who has also studied translation/interpretation, all of which I've helped in to some capacity.


I have a background in Business having worked for several years in an Investment Bank in London, and I worked in the IT department. I have a keen interest in the Economy and Tech...

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I have no formal experience teaching, however I have helped friends, and my wife in their English conversational ability.
My wife is an English teacher, who has also studied translation/interpretation, all of which I've helped in to some capacity.

東京都 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.4861 Audrey Shikota / 先生
更新日時 2019/03/08
出身/日本語レベル Singapore / 初級
居住地 東京都 多摩市
最寄駅 聖蹟桜ヶ丘
希望駅 京王線:調布 府中 分倍河原 中河原 聖蹟桜ヶ丘 京王八王子
講師歴 2019年3月


● F&N Foods Pte Ltd

Assistant Brand Manager May 16 ? May 18

Proposal of brand positioning strategies including planning and developing plans and campaigns
Plan and execute product launch, in-store promotions, product revamp, update in packaging especially for product range of Milk, Yogurt and Yogurt Smoothie’s.
Coming up with In-Store Promotions monthly, quarterly, every festive season throughout Singapore.

● Nissin Foods Singapore
Dec 13 ? Apr 16
Assistant Marketing Manager

Marketing Management

Solely develop marketing communication materials such as in-house press releases, brand content, website content, media kits, leaflets, catalogues, posters and all other promotional collaterals including in-store displays and brand events
Manage the strategic content posted on Facebook and website to build upon the brand equity in a gradual, consistent and engaging manner that is in line with all other brand executions

Project Management

Managing the end to end roll out of new product development including pre-launch, launch and post-launch involving overseas counterparts and suppliers
In charge of managing marketing budget and yearly investment planning based on 3 to 5 years brand strategy and goal

★ English Trainer

Coaching internal staff on English language skills on both conversational and business levels

● Beacon Consulting

English Instructor Jan 13 ? Nov 13

Teaching English to students and working adults including topics such as letter writing, presentation skills and social etiquette skills
Counselling participants on different issues faced in their student or working life through discussions and facilitation
Carry out activities which help in team bonding such as outdoor team building in various overseas locations such as Malaysia and Indonesia


Greetings everyone! It’s great to know that you would like to learn the English language. I believe that learning needs to be fun and interactive hence my teaching style is cus...

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● F&N Foods Pte Ltd

Assistant Brand Manager May 16 ? May 18

Proposal of brand positioning strategies including planning and developing plans and campaigns
Plan and execute product launch, in-store promotions, product revamp, update in packaging especially for product range of Milk, Yogurt and Yogurt Smoothie’s.
Coming up with In-Store Promotions monthly, quarterly, every festive season throughout Singapore.

● Nissin Foods Singapore
Dec 13 ? Apr 16
Assistant Marketing Manager

Marketing Management

Solely develop marketing communication materials such as in-house press releases, brand content, website content, media kits, leaflets, catalogues, posters and all other promotional collaterals including in-store displays and brand events
Manage the strategic content posted on Facebook and website to build upon the brand equity in a gradual, consistent and engaging manner that is in line with all other brand executions

Project Management

Managing the end to end roll out of new product development including pre-launch, launch and post-launch involving overseas counterparts and suppliers
In charge of managing marketing budget and yearly investment planning based on 3 to 5 years brand strategy and goal

★ English Trainer

Coaching internal staff on English language skills on both conversational and business levels

● Beacon Consulting

English Instructor Jan 13 ? Nov 13

Teaching English to students and working adults including topics such as letter writing, presentation skills and social etiquette skills
Counselling participants on different issues faced in their student or working life through discussions and facilitation
Carry out activities which help in team bonding such as outdoor team building in various overseas locations such as Malaysia and Indonesia

東京都 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.4860 Keiji Mamiya / 先生
更新日時 2019/03/07
出身/日本語レベル Geneva / 中級
居住地 東京都 世田谷区
最寄駅 三軒茶屋
希望駅 山手線:渋谷 新宿
日比谷線:恵比寿 中目黒
講師歴 2019年3月


2009 - 2011 : International General Certificate of Secondary Education
2011 - 2013 : International Baccalaureat
2014 - 2018 : Bachelor in Psychology

Work experience :
- InterSoccer
-Football Coach

-Institu Le Rosey
-Sports teacher, weekend activity organiser, team games, translator

- Park Hotel

- Tokyo Snowclub
- Guide and snowboard instructor


● hey! I am a 24 year old male who was born in Tokyo. I moved to Switzerland when I was 9 where I attended an international school. ● I then moved to France for University wher...

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2009 - 2011 : International General Certificate of Secondary Education
2011 - 2013 : International Baccalaureat
2014 - 2018 : Bachelor in Psychology

Work experience :
- InterSoccer
-Football Coach

-Institu Le Rosey
-Sports teacher, weekend activity organiser, team games, translator

- Park Hotel

- Tokyo Snowclub
- Guide and snowboard instructor

東京都 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.4856 Tan Yongxing / 先生
更新日時 2019/02/21
出身/日本語レベル シンガポール / 中級
居住地 東京都 荒川区
最寄駅 日暮里
希望駅 山手線:田端 西日暮里 日暮里 鶯谷 上野 御徒町 秋葉原 神田 東京 有楽町 新橋 浜松町
日暮里・舎人ライナー:日暮里 西日暮里 赤土小学校前 熊野前 足立小台 扇大橋 高野
講師歴 2019年2月


● ソフトウェアエンジニア
● 兵役
● 本屋
● ドラマのエキストラ


★ 英語を教えるということについて、私はTeach less, learn moreという信念があります。 ★ 一つの授業でたくさん英語の知識を教えても覚えられないとか、役に立たないとかという理由で私がそれで授業を台無しにすると思っています。 ★ 毎回、よく役にたつ知識を教えるのは私の授業プランです。 ★ 英語を上達するために一緒に頑張りましょう!...

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● ソフトウェアエンジニア
● 兵役
● 本屋
● ドラマのエキストラ

東京都 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.2165 Nicolas Durand / 先生
更新日時 2019/02/17
出身/日本語レベル Marseille / 上級
居住地 東京都 江戸川区
最寄駅 西葛西
希望駅 山手線:五反田 目黒 恵比寿 渋谷 原宿 代々木 新宿 新大久保 高田馬場 目白 池袋 大塚
東西線:中野 落合 高田馬場 早稲田 神楽坂 飯田橋 九段下 竹橋
講師歴 2010年9月


April 2010-PresentFrench teacher, ELTC, Tokyo

April 2005-Jan 2010French teacher, JM&C, Tokyo

Feb 2004-Dec 2006French teacher, KLA, Tokyo

Oct 2003-PresentFrench teacher, Escapade Francaise, Tokyo

Aug 2003- Dec 2007Translator and Proofreader, Torindo, Tokyo

April-May 2003French teacher, Japan Language System, Tokyo

April 2003-PresentTranslator and Proofreader, Language Union, Matsudo

April 2003-PresentFrench teacher, IES, Tokyo

April 2003-Oct 2008French teacher, Gateway 21, Tokyo

January 2003Game monitor, Koei, Hiyoshi

Dec 2002-Dec 2008French teacher, La Provence, Tokyo


Salut! 16年間東京に住んでて、色んな人に色んな場所で教えてきました。留学が目的で、仕事関係で、単なる趣味でフランス語を勉強しようと思ってる方は是非一緒に頑張って欲しいです。子供から大人まで、学生でも会社員でもよろしくお願いします。 A bientot!

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April 2010-PresentFrench teacher, ELTC, Tokyo

April 2005-Jan 2010French teacher, JM&C, Tokyo

Feb 2004-Dec 2006French teacher, KLA, Tokyo

Oct 2003-PresentFrench teacher, Escapade Francaise, Tokyo

Aug 2003- Dec 2007Translator and Proofreader, Torindo, Tokyo

April-May 2003French teacher, Japan Language System, Tokyo

April 2003-PresentTranslator and Proofreader, Language Union, Matsudo

April 2003-PresentFrench teacher, IES, Tokyo

April 2003-Oct 2008French teacher, Gateway 21, Tokyo

January 2003Game monitor, Koei, Hiyoshi

Dec 2002-Dec 2008French teacher, La Provence, Tokyo

東京都 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.4852 Mary Kate Boyd / 先生
更新日時 2019/01/29
出身/日本語レベル Boston / 初級
居住地 東京都 世田谷区
最寄駅 仙川
希望駅 山手線:渋谷 原宿 新宿 池袋
京王線:新宿 笹塚 代田橋 明大前 下高井戸 桜上水 上北沢 八幡山 芦花公園 千歳烏山 仙川 つつじヶ丘 柴崎
講師歴 2019年1月


● I have taught students in a variety of subjects and environments.
● In the US I taught large groups of children ages 5-15 concepts in STEM and engineering using LEGO as a medium for 5 years.
● In Japan I have worked at en eikaiwa and in an international school for children ages 1-8.
● I have consistently tutored adults one-on-one in a casual, conversation based manner both in person and via email/text since university (2010-present).


Hello! I'm Mary Kate, and I am excited to learn English with you! I've always had a passion for teaching, and always strive for my lessons to be fun as well as educational! ...

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● I have taught students in a variety of subjects and environments.
● In the US I taught large groups of children ages 5-15 concepts in STEM and engineering using LEGO as a medium for 5 years.
● In Japan I have worked at en eikaiwa and in an international school for children ages 1-8.
● I have consistently tutored adults one-on-one in a casual, conversation based manner both in person and via email/text since university (2010-present).

東京都 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.4846 Daniel Fahrenkrog / 先生
更新日時 2019/01/15
出身/日本語レベル Granada Hills, California / 中級
居住地 東京都 渋谷区
最寄駅 笹塚
希望駅 山手線:大崎 五反田 目黒 恵比寿 渋谷 原宿 代々木 新宿 新大久保 高田馬場 目白 池袋 大塚 巣鴨 駒込 田端 西日暮里 日暮里 鶯谷 上野
講師歴 2019年1月


My name is Daniel Fahrenkrog and I was very attracted to the job listing you posted for several reasons!

I am currently living in Japan in Tokyo and I am looking for a new opportunity in teaching that use all of the varied skills I have acquired over my ten years in the education field.

I specialize in the education of standardized English proficiency tests such as Eiken, TOEFL, TOEIC, and IELTS. I also have many private students that are business professionals with varied needs. Their lessons range from brushing up their business vernacular to communicate with English speaking colleagues, developing the skills necessary to create professional and grammatically correct e-mail correspondences, as well as building their confidence to make important presentations in high stress situations in a language that is not their first.

Previously, I developed a line of educational videos when I was employed in Beijing, China and I spent a year learning how the world of online education is developing rapidly and the many promising directions that it can be taken in. I wrote, produced, and edited content to be distributed to schools all across China in areas that were less developed so that they could also learn English despite their lack of resources.

It brings me lots of satisfaction and pride to help others when their need is to communicate in a language I was lucky enough to learn as my first. I am always willing to go the extra mile for my students and my employer and I am looking for a chance to use my many creative teaching abilities if the right opportunity presents itself.

Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you! Take care.


Hello! My name is Daniel Fahrenkrog, I am from Los Angeles, California, and I am very excited to get started with our lessons! I have experience teaching everything from standa...

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My name is Daniel Fahrenkrog and I was very attracted to the job listing you posted for several reasons!

I am currently living in Japan in Tokyo and I am looking for a new opportunity in teaching that use all of the varied skills I have acquired over my ten years in the education field.

I specialize in the education of standardized English proficiency tests such as Eiken, TOEFL, TOEIC, and IELTS. I also have many private students that are business professionals with varied needs. Their lessons range from brushing up their business vernacular to communicate with English speaking colleagues, developing the skills necessary to create professional and grammatically correct e-mail correspondences, as well as building their confidence to make important presentations in high stress situations in a language that is not their first.

Previously, I developed a line of educational videos when I was employed in Beijing, China and I spent a year learning how the world of online education is developing rapidly and the many promising directions that it can be taken in. I wrote, produced, and edited content to be distributed to schools all across China in areas that were less developed so that they could also learn English despite their lack of resources.

It brings me lots of satisfaction and pride to help others when their need is to communicate in a language I was lucky enough to learn as my first. I am always willing to go the extra mile for my students and my employer and I am looking for a chance to use my many creative teaching abilities if the right opportunity presents itself.

Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you! Take care.

東京都 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.4845 Mohit Kumbhojkar / 先生
更新日時 2019/01/15
出身/日本語レベル Sangli / 初級
居住地 東京都 新宿区
最寄駅 神楽坂
希望駅 山手線:原宿 新宿 高田馬場 池袋 鶯谷 秋葉原
銀座線:浅草 青山一丁目
日比谷線:銀座 六本木
講師歴 2019年1月


English teacher Freelancer 2011-present


Hello, This message is intended for the interested learners of the language and also the prospective students. Firstly, I would like to thank you for your interest your desi...

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English teacher Freelancer 2011-present

東京都 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.3775 Simon Green / 先生
更新日時 2018/12/27
出身/日本語レベル Reading / 中級
居住地 東京都 港区
最寄駅 白金台
希望駅 山手線:大崎 五反田 目黒 恵比寿 渋谷 原宿 代々木 新宿 東京 有楽町 新橋 浜松町 田町 品川
南北線:溜池山王 六本木一丁目 麻布十番 白金高輪 白金台 目黒
講師歴 2014年4月


Media Researcher - Aceolutions - 01/2019 - present
Office Manager at The Harris Firm - 05/2017 ? 12/2018
Native English Instructor at Eigo No Jikan - 03/2016 ? 03/2018
Volunteer English Teacher at Peace Boat - 03/2015 - 07/2015
English Teacher at Interac / RCS - 08/2010 ? 03/2016
Media Technician at Farnborough Tech College - 01/2010 -08/2010


Dear Students, My name is Simon and I am England. I grew up in the countryside but somehow found my way to Tokyo. I have lived in Japan for over 8 years. I have lived in Iwate, H...

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Media Researcher - Aceolutions - 01/2019 - present
Office Manager at The Harris Firm - 05/2017 ? 12/2018
Native English Instructor at Eigo No Jikan - 03/2016 ? 03/2018
Volunteer English Teacher at Peace Boat - 03/2015 - 07/2015
English Teacher at Interac / RCS - 08/2010 ? 03/2016
Media Technician at Farnborough Tech College - 01/2010 -08/2010

東京都 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.4834 Jesse Chiula Samacuva Ulundo / 先生
更新日時 2018/12/18
出身/日本語レベル Luanda / 中級
居住地 東京都 三鷹市
最寄駅 吉祥寺
希望駅 山手線:代々木 池袋
中央・総武線:三鷹 吉祥寺 西荻窪 荻窪 阿佐ケ谷 高円寺 中野 東中野 大久保 新宿 代々木
講師歴 2018年12月


Primary school and High School Teacher - 2009
High school Computer Studies Teacher - 2009
Junior System Engineer - 2011
Researcher - 2013
AI Engineer - 2017


I am a very open and entertaining person, that loves to teach and openly discuss about various themes about the world. I am person with so much cultural experience so I love lear...

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Primary school and High School Teacher - 2009
High school Computer Studies Teacher - 2009
Junior System Engineer - 2011
Researcher - 2013
AI Engineer - 2017

東京都 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.4824 Simardeep Singh / 先生
更新日時 2018/11/20
出身/日本語レベル East Brunswick / 中級
居住地 東京都 西東京市
最寄駅 田無
希望駅 湘南新宿ライン:池袋 新宿
西武新宿線:西武新宿 高田馬場 新井薬師前 花小金井
講師歴 2018年11月


Miyako Sogo Jitsugyo koko (MSG Highschool Okinawa)
Alt English teacher 2017-2018
Irabu HighSchool 2017-2018
Plainfield Highschool 2009-2016
Tefl Certified English Instructor


Hi My name may be long but just call me Deep Sensei. I've taught in public highschools in Japan as well as tutored college students. I will work with you to not only reach but al...

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Miyako Sogo Jitsugyo koko (MSG Highschool Okinawa)
Alt English teacher 2017-2018
Irabu HighSchool 2017-2018
Plainfield Highschool 2009-2016
Tefl Certified English Instructor

東京都 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.4605 Thom Harrison / 先生
更新日時 2018/11/13
出身/日本語レベル Bristol, UK / 中級
居住地 東京都 豊島区
最寄駅 目白
希望駅 山手線:大崎 五反田 目黒 恵比寿 渋谷 原宿 代々木 新宿 新大久保 高田馬場 目白 池袋 大塚 巣鴨 駒込 田端 西日暮里 日暮里 鶯谷 上野
講師歴 2018年1月


I have over 8 years' experience in the education industry in both Korea and Japan. I also work as a curriculum developer - creating English textbooks which have been published.


Thanks for visiting my profile! My name is Thom (トム) and I am from Bristol in the UK. My city is famous for its 150 year-old suspension bridge. It is close to Cheddar village, w...

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I have over 8 years' experience in the education industry in both Korea and Japan. I also work as a curriculum developer - creating English textbooks which have been published.

東京都 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.4820 Louis Lai / 先生
更新日時 2018/10/31
出身/日本語レベル Ipoh / 初級
居住地 東京都 台東区
最寄駅 上野
希望駅 銀座線:上野 銀座 渋谷
講師歴 2018年10月


I used to do my exchange program in Turkey, and also been to United States for few months. And also, I also worked as a primary school tutor 2 to 3 years ago for total duration of 8 months. Hence, I am definitely having the confidence to teach and communicate about travel experience with funny english.


I don't like to stress my student with homework and memorizing boring vocabulary, language has to be learnt in active learning.

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I used to do my exchange program in Turkey, and also been to United States for few months. And also, I also worked as a primary school tutor 2 to 3 years ago for total duration of 8 months. Hence, I am definitely having the confidence to teach and communicate about travel experience with funny english.

東京都 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.4811 Daniel Coriu / 先生
更新日時 2018/10/17
出身/日本語レベル Bucharest / 初級
居住地 東京都 国立市
最寄駅 立川
希望駅 中央線(快速):国立 立川
講師歴 2018年10月




Hi there, I personally believe that a language is learned easily with persistent practice and never ending curiousity to know more of it. Craming the basic rules is of course im...

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東京都 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.4808 Jonathan Yoshihiro Mita / 先生
更新日時 2018/10/16
出身/日本語レベル Arcadia / 中級
居住地 東京都 新宿区
最寄駅 高田馬場
希望駅 山手線:新宿 新大久保 高田馬場 池袋
中央・総武線:中野 大久保
講師歴 2018年10月


Japanese Middle School English Teacher- 3 Years

International School Teacher- 2 Years

TOEFL ITP Instructor- 3 Years

University English Support Teacher- 3 Years ~


Hello! My Name is Jonathan Yoshihiro Mita, I am a Japanese-American PhD Student in Tokyo and would love to assist you with English! Hope to see you soon!

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Japanese Middle School English Teacher- 3 Years

International School Teacher- 2 Years

TOEFL ITP Instructor- 3 Years

University English Support Teacher- 3 Years ~

東京都 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.4483 Anjoo Srivastava / 先生
更新日時 2018/10/08
出身/日本語レベル Lucknow / 初級
居住地 東京都 江戸川区
最寄駅 東大島
希望駅 都営新宿線:住吉 西大島 大島 東大島 船堀
講師歴 2017年9月


total experience of 12 years in my field.
Teaching in Japan in a international school from last 6 years.


Hello all ,love to be part of this institution, so that can meet new people and teach them or help them in english teaching.

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total experience of 12 years in my field.
Teaching in Japan in a international school from last 6 years.

東京都 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.4502 Nur Athirah Idrus / 先生
更新日時 2018/10/07
出身/日本語レベル Selangor / 中級
居住地 東京都 荒川区
最寄駅 三河島
希望駅 山手線:渋谷 新宿 高田馬場 池袋 日暮里 上野 御徒町
講師歴 2017年9月


I graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison with a degree in Economics. Upon graduation, I worked for almost 3 years at the Land Public Transport Commission of Malaysia as an Economist.


みんなさん、こんにちは!アティラーです。英語を上手になるために、私と一緒に勉強しましょう。 Hello! My name is Athirah and if you're looking for an English teacher, English is probably not your first language. English is not...

➡ この英語先生を、もっと見る

➡ レッスンを受けた

✔ 上達して卒業された



I graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison with a degree in Economics. Upon graduation, I worked for almost 3 years at the Land Public Transport Commission of Malaysia as an Economist.

東京都 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.4453 Ricky Brown / 先生
更新日時 2018/08/31
出身/日本語レベル Chicago / 中級
居住地 東京都 北区
最寄駅 東十条
希望駅 山手線:大崎 五反田 目黒 恵比寿 渋谷 原宿 代々木 新宿 高田馬場 目白 池袋 大塚 駒込 田端 西日暮里 日暮里 上野 御徒町 神田 東京
講師歴 2017年8月


2 years as an 英会話先生.
1 year as a 小学校 ALT.
7 months as an 英会話 Chat and party host.


Hello! My name is Ricky! Let's have some fun and learn some English!

➡ この英語先生を、もっと見る

➡ レッスンを受けた

✔ 上達して卒業された



2 years as an 英会話先生.
1 year as a 小学校 ALT.
7 months as an 英会話 Chat and party host.

東京都 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.3759 Champagne M. Oden / 先生
更新日時 2018/08/23
出身/日本語レベル Akron / 中級
居住地 東京都 葛飾区
最寄駅 四ツ木
希望駅 山手線:品川
常磐線(上野~取手):金町 柏
講師歴 2014年3月


Teaching experience
Work Experience

August 2016 to September 2016
Corporate Trainer & English Tutor, Techworld Global Language Solutions
*Providing corporate training and English tutoring for a Japanese family (father, mother, sister, and brother) relocating to Atlanta, Georgia (USA) in September, 2016.
**Corporate training (travelling to Coca-Cola in Shibuya):
****Conducting question training to improve fluency and confidence when speaking.
****Conducting pronunciation training to speak clearly with the correct intonation.
****Conducting business English training to prepare student for marketing meetings, American business manners, making/receiving *English phone calls, and traveling English.
English training (travelling to family’s home in Yoyogi):
**Delivering a crash course to the mother in daily conversation, introductions, making appointments,
**Assisting in enrolling the children into two different international schools, by assisting with the application process.
**Providing English lessons to the children (1 brother and 1 sister) to prepare them for American school by teaching: phonics awareness, alphabet, reading, and writing.

August 2016 to present
English Teacher, ISA, Inc.
*Partaking in English Camp programs to incorporate students into cross-cultural workshops and outdoor activities to familiarize them with English culture.
*Encouraging elementary/junior high school/high school students to be part of the global community through international education, by teaching English skills social skills, reading, writing, speaking, listening and grammar skills.
*Teaching presentation skills to students by:
**Training pronunciation skills to speak clearly with the correct intonation.
**Training speaking skills to speak influentially and grammatically correct.
*Teaching debating skills to students by:
**Training them to present their opinions and rebuttal their opponents’ argument.
**Training them to develop problem-solving skills and improve their critical thinking skills.

June 2016 to present
English Instructor/Corporate Trainer, High Speed English
*Conducting ‘Hell Training’ Bootcamp to adult students (corporate workers, English students and teachers) who want to enhance their English.
*Traveling to an overnight faculty to be on site with the adult students, during the day and night.
*These ‘Bootcamps’ range from 5/7/13 day courses and teachers train students intensively in:
**Question training to improve fluency and confidence when speaking.
**Pronunciation training to speak clearly with the correct intonation.
**Listening to improve decoding skills to fully grasp Building vocabulary to expand their knowledge and discuss different subjects in details.
**Problem-solving to improve their critical thinking skills and resolve their problems.
**Debate skills to clearly present their opinions and rebuttal their opponents’ points.
*Teachers run a 4/7/13 day long ‘Bootcamp’ training sessions (from morning until night) for students with high energy and passion to push them out of their comfort zones.
*Present the differences between English speakers and Japanese speakers, to improve communication skills, thinking skills and confidence.

January 2016 to present
Corporate Trainer, Ideal Development Inc.
*Attending group sessions at companies to develop communication skills, persuasive opinions skills, base logic skills in employees.
*Attending Olympus Freshmen sessions.
**Developing critical thinking skills and communication skills; presenting their job and expectations; introducing products and answering questions about them; discussing philosophy and chosen job paths; practicing social interactions about Japanese culture and answering questions.
*Attending Hitachi Systems 4th and 5th year sessions.
Doing good examples of self-introductions and answering questions; answering questions about the company’s products; using the matrix logic to explain large amounts of information in an understandable way; explaining the product map to give the company’s position and reason for doing something; strategizing how to win globally; discussing trends and data in the industry and how to adapt to them; introducing data visuals to explain shirts in information technology; and developing clear and precise communication techniques.
*Conducting ‘Telephone Lessons’ with students to practice their communication techniques.
**Giving feedback, interrupting, confirming and asking student to explain themselves.
**Having a discussion about the reading assignment and asking them summarizing.
*Conducting ‘Telephone Conference Lessons’ with students to practice their presentation techniques.
**Opening the lesson to assign students roles as the presenter and then give feedback to them, so that they can improve for their next lessons.

January 2016 to present
English Teacher/Private Tutor, Eigo Pass Passport to Global Communication
*Meeting with potential students to provide demo lesson to interested candidates who want to learn English.
*Providing English lessons to children (Japanese and overseas) (ages 6 to 15) students to prepare them for EIKEN and TOEFL tests; maintain and improve their English lessons; and tutor them in school subjects and homework, such as phonics awareness, alphabet, math, language arts, and literature.
*Providing English lessons to adult students to provide guidance in:
Business English, such as presenting presentations, making/receiving English phone calls, conducting business meetings, preparing for interviews (in English), traveling English, studying
**Travel English, such as studying abroad, and preparing for the TOEIC and TOEFL tests.
*Prepare them for EIKEN and TOEFL tests; maintain and improve their English lessons; and tutor them in school subjects and homework, such as phonics awareness, alphabet, math, language arts, and literature.
*Do lesson planning for all students and providing Google Docs, so that parents and students can preview lesson materials and also track lesson plans history.
*Maintaining a website for students to provide additional information for passive learning, and also blogging with students to answer homework and job related.

January 2016 to present
English Teacher, Yotsuya Nagase Brothers-Sesame Street English
*Team Teaching English with JTE (Japanese English Teacher), using Sesame Street media to engage children in learning English:
**Kindergarten Age (ages 3 to 6) levels 1 to 3 to learn the alphabet, phonics, reading, writing and expose them to English.
**Primary School Age (ages 6 to 12) levels 1 to 6 to learn content-based learning (math, science, social studies), phonics, basic grammar, reading and writing.
*Preparing for lessons by downloading lesson plans from the website and organizing flash cards and prompts.
*Checking homework weekly at the beginning of class to ensure students understand the content; opening and ending the lesson with a song and dance; teaching using Sesame Street videos and then completing seated activities.
*Substituting for other teachers when they are unavailable to teach a class, and teaching at special school events, such Spring Schools, Easter School Events, and trial lessons to recruit new students.
*Speaking to parents after lessons to relate what students are learning during the lesson and to distribute homework assignments.
*Attending students’ recitals as a judge to give performance scores, and participating in the speaking and coloring booths to engage students to speak English.
*Participating in school events (Halloween, Christmas, Easter) to teach students about foreign holidays, and engage them in the English lessons.
*Attending special school events, such as Halloween, Easter, or Christmas events to teach students about Westerns cultures and to engage them in the lesson.
Participating in students’ recitals by welcoming children at the ‘Speaking Booth’ and the ‘Coloring Booth,’ and by judging and scoring their performances.

January 2016 to present
English Teacher, Everest English School
*Providing English lessons to junior high school students in groups of 2 or 3, with an emphasis on speaking naturally and fluently.
*Coaching students on how to record their written speeches to perform with their partners, which shows what they have learned during the lesson.
*Recording videos to pre-teach subjects what students will learn later in class, by engaging students by teaching vocabulary, sentence structure, and natural English phrases.

January 2016 to present
English Teacher, YY School
*Providing English lessons to students throughout Katsushika area to adults and children students.
*Teaching English to adult students to maintain their English levels and to practice travel English to prepare for their overseas trips.
*Teaching and engaging kindergarten children in English, such as alphabet, numbers, colors, foods and animals.

July 2015 to present
Online English Teacher (Independent Consultant), VIPKID
*Providing exciting online English lessons to Chinese students, aged 5 to 12 years old, throughout China, who want to experience native English lessons with a teacher from the USA.
*Teaching 1-on-1 online full American English immersion language, which include numbers, colors, alphabet, phonics (CVC words and blending), and content classes, which include social studies (neighbours, habitats, festival and ceremonies), math (addition, subtractions, multiplication, and division) and language arts (reading books and answering questions).
*Teaching classes based on an American curriculum using the Common Core State Standards.
*Provide daily feedback to inform parents of their children's English progress, and monthly unit assessment to assess students' level in math, social studies, speaking and reading.

August 2015 to January 2016
*Pre-kindergarten Teacher, Hand in Hand International School
Preparing and developing lesson plans for pre-kindergarten classes, to develop a yearly curriculum.
*Teaching children language arts-phonemic awareness, early mathematical-printing up to 20, patterning, comparing and sequencing, fine motor skills development, social development, and creative development-dramatic play, singing and dancing.
*Doing morning circle to sing songs and dance, providing educational activities to teach students their colors, numbers, shapes and animal, and doing story time to engage the children's imagination.
*Conducting parent-teacher conferences to inform parents about the assessment progress of their children's speaking skills.
*Providing weekly round-ups reports to parents (via our app) to inform them of weekly complete themes and classwork.
*Team teaching with the kindergarten teacher throughout the day to take the children to the park and to collaborate on music, art, library time, dramatic play, physical education, and monthly theme studies.

January 2014 to July 2015
Language Arts & Math Teacher, Tokyo Korean International School
*Teaching language arts and math lessons to Korean children and returnee students, so that they can learn about different cultures from around the world to become bi-cultural in other cultural settings.
*Teaching students about modern history and writing through language arts, so that they can identify main characters, plot, setting, problem and resolution, and the beginning, middle and end of the story.
*Teaching language arts and math lessons to class 6th grade advance (and lower level), 5th grade advanced and 4th grade advanced classes, as well as writing unit plans and developing teaching materials and tests.
*Taking students to the library for reading skills and so that they can develop research skills and complete in class projects.
*Researching and developing printed, audio, visual, and electronic English teaching materials for in-class lessons and tests, as well as, developing teaching materials.
*Maintaining a classroom website so that parents can follow the classroom progression, monthly newspaper, and download teaching materials that are covered in class.
*Conducting the administration of all taught classes and using a special Korean governmental grading system software to produce Korean styled report cards.
*Maintaining the school's Public Behavior System (PBS) in school by implementing the classroom rules of being Respectful, Aware and Responsible in and outside of the school.

April 2012 to December 2013
Oral Communications Teacher (Full Time), Tsuchiura Nihon University Secondary School
*Having a proven ability in leadership, while writing unit plans, Achievement and Unit Tests for Form 2 and Form 5 on a rotation, while doing so in a multi-cultural setting.
*Participating and developing an effective English language program for all taught forms, as well as developing an entire curriculum for Form 1 Advance Class and 2 Advanced Class.
*Conducting and participating in institutional assessments, to development English Language Program.
*Researching and developing printed, audio, visual, and electronic English teaching materials for in-class lessons and tests, as well as, developing teaching materials.
*Conducting the administration of all taught classes and conducting a needs analysis to determine if students
are improving in their studies and tests.
*Participating in an overseas study abroad trip to Banbury, England and Hiroshima, Japan, to supervise students on campus and during weekend excursions, and to teach lessons to Form 2 Advanced.
*Attending and participating in Skills Up meetings where teachers conduct outside research regarding applying updated new teaching techniques.
*Managing the interactive forum session during the Open House to showcase students' debating and conversation talents to parents and other spectators.

March 2010 to March 2012
Junior English Teacher (JES) & Kindergarten Teacher (Full Time), Katoh Gakuen School
*Team teaching with Japanese teacher during class to ensure students understands and can follow the lesson plan.
Preparing and developing lesson plans and themes for grades 3, 5, and 6 and all kindergarten classes, to develop a yearly curriculum.
*Teaching after school JES English classes to students who choose to further their knowledge of the English language, for both kindergarten and elementary students.
*Teaching English to non-native English speaking children by teaching the alphabet; colors; shapes; phonics; writing their names, and speaking.
*Conducting parent-teacher conferences to inform parents about the assessment progress of children’s’ receptive and productive English speaking skills; social skills between classmates; and overall developmental skills.
*Participating and preparing for Sports Days; International Day; Kobato (Christmas) Concert and observation days, where students are enriched with cultural understanding about different cultures and languages.

January 2008 to March 2010
Assistant Language Teacher (ALT) & Language Consultant (Full Time), Interac Co., Ltd.
*Using curriculum-based assessments during lesson planning to accommodate students’ performances, and make learning activities to meet their specific learning needs.
*Communicating collaboratively with JTE (Japanese Teacher of English) and Head Teachers of each grade, during meetings to combine lesson plans and discuss learning activities.
*Teaching using activity based learning to accommodate the nine different multi-intelligent learning styles, which every student processes.
*Using the MAT (Model-Action-Talk) special drilling techniques to practice key phrases and sentence patterns, thus improving communication skills.
*Successfully managing and organizing a safe English classroom environment to make learning conducive.

The University of Havana2015 (April)Havana, Cuba
Received 1 credit in Cuban educational system, realities and prospects developed
Northcentral University2011-presentArizona, USA
Ph.D. in Education, Specialization in Educational Leadership
London Metropolitan University 2004-2006 London, England
Masters of Arts in International Business
Wheeling Jesuit University 1999-2004 Wheeling, USA
Bachelor of Arts in International Studies

Professional Qualifications
Four-year alternative resident educator license in English Ohio, USA
2015- present
Ohio Department of Education
Four-year alternative resident educator license in TESOL Ohio, USA
Ohio Department of Education
Ibaraki Prefecture Teacher’s License
2012-2015Ibaraki, Japan
Granite State College
2010-2011 The Internet
Classroom Management for Young Children (4 credits earned)
The International TEFL Corp.2009
The Internet
TITC Business English Certification (50 hours)
The International TEFL Corp. 2009
The Internet
ITTT TEFL Certification, Tutor Support (100 hours)


Hello! My name is Champagne Oden. I have been teaching in Japan for 8 years and 10 months. Prior to this I lived in China, Japan and England and I enjoy meeting new students onli...

➡ この英語先生を、もっと見る

➡ レッスンを受けた

✔ 上達して卒業された



Teaching experience
Work Experience

August 2016 to September 2016
Corporate Trainer & English Tutor, Techworld Global Language Solutions
*Providing corporate training and English tutoring for a Japanese family (father, mother, sister, and brother) relocating to Atlanta, Georgia (USA) in September, 2016.
**Corporate training (travelling to Coca-Cola in Shibuya):
****Conducting question training to improve fluency and confidence when speaking.
****Conducting pronunciation training to speak clearly with the correct intonation.
****Conducting business English training to prepare student for marketing meetings, American business manners, making/receiving *English phone calls, and traveling English.
English training (travelling to family’s home in Yoyogi):
**Delivering a crash course to the mother in daily conversation, introductions, making appointments,
**Assisting in enrolling the children into two different international schools, by assisting with the application process.
**Providing English lessons to the children (1 brother and 1 sister) to prepare them for American school by teaching: phonics awareness, alphabet, reading, and writing.

August 2016 to present
English Teacher, ISA, Inc.
*Partaking in English Camp programs to incorporate students into cross-cultural workshops and outdoor activities to familiarize them with English culture.
*Encouraging elementary/junior high school/high school students to be part of the global community through international education, by teaching English skills social skills, reading, writing, speaking, listening and grammar skills.
*Teaching presentation skills to students by:
**Training pronunciation skills to speak clearly with the correct intonation.
**Training speaking skills to speak influentially and grammatically correct.
*Teaching debating skills to students by:
**Training them to present their opinions and rebuttal their opponents’ argument.
**Training them to develop problem-solving skills and improve their critical thinking skills.

June 2016 to present
English Instructor/Corporate Trainer, High Speed English
*Conducting ‘Hell Training’ Bootcamp to adult students (corporate workers, English students and teachers) who want to enhance their English.
*Traveling to an overnight faculty to be on site with the adult students, during the day and night.
*These ‘Bootcamps’ range from 5/7/13 day courses and teachers train students intensively in:
**Question training to improve fluency and confidence when speaking.
**Pronunciation training to speak clearly with the correct intonation.
**Listening to improve decoding skills to fully grasp Building vocabulary to expand their knowledge and discuss different subjects in details.
**Problem-solving to improve their critical thinking skills and resolve their problems.
**Debate skills to clearly present their opinions and rebuttal their opponents’ points.
*Teachers run a 4/7/13 day long ‘Bootcamp’ training sessions (from morning until night) for students with high energy and passion to push them out of their comfort zones.
*Present the differences between English speakers and Japanese speakers, to improve communication skills, thinking skills and confidence.

January 2016 to present
Corporate Trainer, Ideal Development Inc.
*Attending group sessions at companies to develop communication skills, persuasive opinions skills, base logic skills in employees.
*Attending Olympus Freshmen sessions.
**Developing critical thinking skills and communication skills; presenting their job and expectations; introducing products and answering questions about them; discussing philosophy and chosen job paths; practicing social interactions about Japanese culture and answering questions.
*Attending Hitachi Systems 4th and 5th year sessions.
Doing good examples of self-introductions and answering questions; answering questions about the company’s products; using the matrix logic to explain large amounts of information in an understandable way; explaining the product map to give the company’s position and reason for doing something; strategizing how to win globally; discussing trends and data in the industry and how to adapt to them; introducing data visuals to explain shirts in information technology; and developing clear and precise communication techniques.
*Conducting ‘Telephone Lessons’ with students to practice their communication techniques.
**Giving feedback, interrupting, confirming and asking student to explain themselves.
**Having a discussion about the reading assignment and asking them summarizing.
*Conducting ‘Telephone Conference Lessons’ with students to practice their presentation techniques.
**Opening the lesson to assign students roles as the presenter and then give feedback to them, so that they can improve for their next lessons.

January 2016 to present
English Teacher/Private Tutor, Eigo Pass Passport to Global Communication
*Meeting with potential students to provide demo lesson to interested candidates who want to learn English.
*Providing English lessons to children (Japanese and overseas) (ages 6 to 15) students to prepare them for EIKEN and TOEFL tests; maintain and improve their English lessons; and tutor them in school subjects and homework, such as phonics awareness, alphabet, math, language arts, and literature.
*Providing English lessons to adult students to provide guidance in:
Business English, such as presenting presentations, making/receiving English phone calls, conducting business meetings, preparing for interviews (in English), traveling English, studying
**Travel English, such as studying abroad, and preparing for the TOEIC and TOEFL tests.
*Prepare them for EIKEN and TOEFL tests; maintain and improve their English lessons; and tutor them in school subjects and homework, such as phonics awareness, alphabet, math, language arts, and literature.
*Do lesson planning for all students and providing Google Docs, so that parents and students can preview lesson materials and also track lesson plans history.
*Maintaining a website for students to provide additional information for passive learning, and also blogging with students to answer homework and job related.

January 2016 to present
English Teacher, Yotsuya Nagase Brothers-Sesame Street English
*Team Teaching English with JTE (Japanese English Teacher), using Sesame Street media to engage children in learning English:
**Kindergarten Age (ages 3 to 6) levels 1 to 3 to learn the alphabet, phonics, reading, writing and expose them to English.
**Primary School Age (ages 6 to 12) levels 1 to 6 to learn content-based learning (math, science, social studies), phonics, basic grammar, reading and writing.
*Preparing for lessons by downloading lesson plans from the website and organizing flash cards and prompts.
*Checking homework weekly at the beginning of class to ensure students understand the content; opening and ending the lesson with a song and dance; teaching using Sesame Street videos and then completing seated activities.
*Substituting for other teachers when they are unavailable to teach a class, and teaching at special school events, such Spring Schools, Easter School Events, and trial lessons to recruit new students.
*Speaking to parents after lessons to relate what students are learning during the lesson and to distribute homework assignments.
*Attending students’ recitals as a judge to give performance scores, and participating in the speaking and coloring booths to engage students to speak English.
*Participating in school events (Halloween, Christmas, Easter) to teach students about foreign holidays, and engage them in the English lessons.
*Attending special school events, such as Halloween, Easter, or Christmas events to teach students about Westerns cultures and to engage them in the lesson.
Participating in students’ recitals by welcoming children at the ‘Speaking Booth’ and the ‘Coloring Booth,’ and by judging and scoring their performances.

January 2016 to present
English Teacher, Everest English School
*Providing English lessons to junior high school students in groups of 2 or 3, with an emphasis on speaking naturally and fluently.
*Coaching students on how to record their written speeches to perform with their partners, which shows what they have learned during the lesson.
*Recording videos to pre-teach subjects what students will learn later in class, by engaging students by teaching vocabulary, sentence structure, and natural English phrases.

January 2016 to present
English Teacher, YY School
*Providing English lessons to students throughout Katsushika area to adults and children students.
*Teaching English to adult students to maintain their English levels and to practice travel English to prepare for their overseas trips.
*Teaching and engaging kindergarten children in English, such as alphabet, numbers, colors, foods and animals.

July 2015 to present
Online English Teacher (Independent Consultant), VIPKID
*Providing exciting online English lessons to Chinese students, aged 5 to 12 years old, throughout China, who want to experience native English lessons with a teacher from the USA.
*Teaching 1-on-1 online full American English immersion language, which include numbers, colors, alphabet, phonics (CVC words and blending), and content classes, which include social studies (neighbours, habitats, festival and ceremonies), math (addition, subtractions, multiplication, and division) and language arts (reading books and answering questions).
*Teaching classes based on an American curriculum using the Common Core State Standards.
*Provide daily feedback to inform parents of their children's English progress, and monthly unit assessment to assess students' level in math, social studies, speaking and reading.

August 2015 to January 2016
*Pre-kindergarten Teacher, Hand in Hand International School
Preparing and developing lesson plans for pre-kindergarten classes, to develop a yearly curriculum.
*Teaching children language arts-phonemic awareness, early mathematical-printing up to 20, patterning, comparing and sequencing, fine motor skills development, social development, and creative development-dramatic play, singing and dancing.
*Doing morning circle to sing songs and dance, providing educational activities to teach students their colors, numbers, shapes and animal, and doing story time to engage the children's imagination.
*Conducting parent-teacher conferences to inform parents about the assessment progress of their children's speaking skills.
*Providing weekly round-ups reports to parents (via our app) to inform them of weekly complete themes and classwork.
*Team teaching with the kindergarten teacher throughout the day to take the children to the park and to collaborate on music, art, library time, dramatic play, physical education, and monthly theme studies.

January 2014 to July 2015
Language Arts & Math Teacher, Tokyo Korean International School
*Teaching language arts and math lessons to Korean children and returnee students, so that they can learn about different cultures from around the world to become bi-cultural in other cultural settings.
*Teaching students about modern history and writing through language arts, so that they can identify main characters, plot, setting, problem and resolution, and the beginning, middle and end of the story.
*Teaching language arts and math lessons to class 6th grade advance (and lower level), 5th grade advanced and 4th grade advanced classes, as well as writing unit plans and developing teaching materials and tests.
*Taking students to the library for reading skills and so that they can develop research skills and complete in class projects.
*Researching and developing printed, audio, visual, and electronic English teaching materials for in-class lessons and tests, as well as, developing teaching materials.
*Maintaining a classroom website so that parents can follow the classroom progression, monthly newspaper, and download teaching materials that are covered in class.
*Conducting the administration of all taught classes and using a special Korean governmental grading system software to produce Korean styled report cards.
*Maintaining the school's Public Behavior System (PBS) in school by implementing the classroom rules of being Respectful, Aware and Responsible in and outside of the school.

April 2012 to December 2013
Oral Communications Teacher (Full Time), Tsuchiura Nihon University Secondary School
*Having a proven ability in leadership, while writing unit plans, Achievement and Unit Tests for Form 2 and Form 5 on a rotation, while doing so in a multi-cultural setting.
*Participating and developing an effective English language program for all taught forms, as well as developing an entire curriculum for Form 1 Advance Class and 2 Advanced Class.
*Conducting and participating in institutional assessments, to development English Language Program.
*Researching and developing printed, audio, visual, and electronic English teaching materials for in-class lessons and tests, as well as, developing teaching materials.
*Conducting the administration of all taught classes and conducting a needs analysis to determine if students
are improving in their studies and tests.
*Participating in an overseas study abroad trip to Banbury, England and Hiroshima, Japan, to supervise students on campus and during weekend excursions, and to teach lessons to Form 2 Advanced.
*Attending and participating in Skills Up meetings where teachers conduct outside research regarding applying updated new teaching techniques.
*Managing the interactive forum session during the Open House to showcase students' debating and conversation talents to parents and other spectators.

March 2010 to March 2012
Junior English Teacher (JES) & Kindergarten Teacher (Full Time), Katoh Gakuen School
*Team teaching with Japanese teacher during class to ensure students understands and can follow the lesson plan.
Preparing and developing lesson plans and themes for grades 3, 5, and 6 and all kindergarten classes, to develop a yearly curriculum.
*Teaching after school JES English classes to students who choose to further their knowledge of the English language, for both kindergarten and elementary students.
*Teaching English to non-native English speaking children by teaching the alphabet; colors; shapes; phonics; writing their names, and speaking.
*Conducting parent-teacher conferences to inform parents about the assessment progress of children’s’ receptive and productive English speaking skills; social skills between classmates; and overall developmental skills.
*Participating and preparing for Sports Days; International Day; Kobato (Christmas) Concert and observation days, where students are enriched with cultural understanding about different cultures and languages.

January 2008 to March 2010
Assistant Language Teacher (ALT) & Language Consultant (Full Time), Interac Co., Ltd.
*Using curriculum-based assessments during lesson planning to accommodate students’ performances, and make learning activities to meet their specific learning needs.
*Communicating collaboratively with JTE (Japanese Teacher of English) and Head Teachers of each grade, during meetings to combine lesson plans and discuss learning activities.
*Teaching using activity based learning to accommodate the nine different multi-intelligent learning styles, which every student processes.
*Using the MAT (Model-Action-Talk) special drilling techniques to practice key phrases and sentence patterns, thus improving communication skills.
*Successfully managing and organizing a safe English classroom environment to make learning conducive.

The University of Havana2015 (April)Havana, Cuba
Received 1 credit in Cuban educational system, realities and prospects developed
Northcentral University2011-presentArizona, USA
Ph.D. in Education, Specialization in Educational Leadership
London Metropolitan University 2004-2006 London, England
Masters of Arts in International Business
Wheeling Jesuit University 1999-2004 Wheeling, USA
Bachelor of Arts in International Studies

Professional Qualifications
Four-year alternative resident educator license in English Ohio, USA
2015- present
Ohio Department of Education
Four-year alternative resident educator license in TESOL Ohio, USA
Ohio Department of Education
Ibaraki Prefecture Teacher’s License
2012-2015Ibaraki, Japan
Granite State College
2010-2011 The Internet
Classroom Management for Young Children (4 credits earned)
The International TEFL Corp.2009
The Internet
TITC Business English Certification (50 hours)
The International TEFL Corp. 2009
The Internet
ITTT TEFL Certification, Tutor Support (100 hours)

東京都 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.4683 Ana Mindog / 先生
更新日時 2018/08/07
出身/日本語レベル Davao / 中級
居住地 東京都 杉並区
最寄駅 新高円寺
希望駅 中央・総武線:荻窪 高円寺 新宿
丸ノ内線:新宿三丁目 新宿 西新宿 中野坂上 新中野 東高円寺 新高円寺 荻窪
講師歴 2018年4月


9/205-9/2016 Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics,University College London- Institute of Education, University of London

6/199-3/2003 Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Major in Marketing,
Ateneo de Davao University, Philippines

10/2006 - TESOL Certification from TEFL International

1/2010 - Certificate of Japanese Language Proficiency Level 2 (Nihongo Nouryoku Shiken 2kyu)

Teaching Experience

April 2009 - July 2015, April 2017 - present (7 years 4 months) ? full-time ALT at INTERAC Nagoya, INTERAC Tokyo - Private JHS/SHS teacher

April 2013 ? August 2015 ? part-time One-to-One English teacher at Atlas Nagoya

March 2012 ? July 2015 ? part-time English teacher at Eigoen

November 2006 ? June 2007 ? full-time English teacher at Asahi Language Academy


Hello, everyone! I’m Ana. I’m a hardworking, dedicated and friendly person who is eager to use my vast experience as an English teacher in order to help students achieve their go...

➡ この英語先生を、もっと見る

➡ レッスンを受けた

✔ 上達して卒業された



9/205-9/2016 Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics,University College London- Institute of Education, University of London

6/199-3/2003 Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Major in Marketing,
Ateneo de Davao University, Philippines

10/2006 - TESOL Certification from TEFL International

1/2010 - Certificate of Japanese Language Proficiency Level 2 (Nihongo Nouryoku Shiken 2kyu)

Teaching Experience

April 2009 - July 2015, April 2017 - present (7 years 4 months) ? full-time ALT at INTERAC Nagoya, INTERAC Tokyo - Private JHS/SHS teacher

April 2013 ? August 2015 ? part-time One-to-One English teacher at Atlas Nagoya

March 2012 ? July 2015 ? part-time English teacher at Eigoen

November 2006 ? June 2007 ? full-time English teacher at Asahi Language Academy

東京都 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.4766 Liu Wai Ming / 先生
更新日時 2018/08/01
出身/日本語レベル Hong Kong / 初級
居住地 東京都 豊島区
最寄駅 池袋
希望駅 山手線:新大久保 高田馬場 目白 池袋 大塚
講師歴 2018年8月


I was an Assistant Business Development Manager in Central Business Management Limited, which is a company specialised in Due Diligence. My task was to follow up client inquiries, explore and expand business opportunities, engage in product design and monitor products' quality.
This enriched my communication skill and effectiveness on solving problems, which I believe these skills would be helpful when giving lesson to my future students.


Whatever obstacles you are facing currently, I had experienced all those stages: Being panic to have a conversation with foreigners, struggling on reading an essay or drafting a ...

➡ この英語先生を、もっと見る

➡ レッスンを受けた

✔ 上達して卒業された



I was an Assistant Business Development Manager in Central Business Management Limited, which is a company specialised in Due Diligence. My task was to follow up client inquiries, explore and expand business opportunities, engage in product design and monitor products' quality.
This enriched my communication skill and effectiveness on solving problems, which I believe these skills would be helpful when giving lesson to my future students.

東京都 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.4507 Shann Mirei / 先生
更新日時 2018/07/09
出身/日本語レベル Singapore / 上級
居住地 東京都 練馬区
最寄駅 江古田
希望駅 山手線:新宿 新大久保 高田馬場 目白 池袋 大塚 巣鴨
西武池袋線:池袋 椎名町 東長崎 江古田 桜台 練馬 中村橋 富士見台 練馬高野台 石神井公園 大泉学園
都営大江戸線:都庁前 新宿西口
講師歴 2017年9月


BA. Marketing & Management in Curtin University of Technology, Western Australia.

Teaching Experience of 2 years
Students ranging from housewives, working adults to businessman/ entrepreneurs


はじめまして、シャンと申します。 明るくて、良く日本人の文化と考え方がわかる英語先生と楽しく授業を受けたいと思いますか。旦那さんは日本人です。日本の文化と日本人の考え方が詳しくわかります。よく海外とビジネスを引き続きなので、英語以外海外の文化とうまくコミュニケーションのし方も教えます。英語を教える経験がありまして、特に日本人に向かって、日本語の文章から...

➡ この英語先生を、もっと見る

➡ レッスンを受けた

✔ 上達して卒業された



BA. Marketing & Management in Curtin University of Technology, Western Australia.

Teaching Experience of 2 years
Students ranging from housewives, working adults to businessman/ entrepreneurs

東京都 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.4588 Sen SHENG / 先生
更新日時 2018/06/20
出身/日本語レベル SHANGHAI / 中級
居住地 東京都 世田谷区
最寄駅 三軒茶屋
希望駅 東急田園都市線:渋谷 三軒茶屋
東西線:高田馬場 早稲田 飯田橋 九段下
副都心線:池袋 東新宿
講師歴 2018年1月


UK.英国一流大学出身 修士卒業

Japan.日本一流大学 在学中



英語で HAPPY になろう!!! 生徒達に各方面から英語の醍醐味を感じさせます。 生徒様と共に英語で上達になることを楽しみにしております。

➡ この英語先生を、もっと見る

➡ レッスンを受けた

✔ 上達して卒業された



UK.英国一流大学出身 修士卒業

Japan.日本一流大学 在学中


東京都 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.4741 Lesley Sorra / 先生
更新日時 2018/05/31
出身/日本語レベル Caloocan City / 中級
居住地 東京都 多摩市
最寄駅 聖蹟桜ヶ丘
希望駅 京王線:新宿 府中 分倍河原 聖蹟桜ヶ丘
講師歴 2018年5月


University of the Philippines - BA Linguistics
Chuo University - Exchange Student

Janet Online - Part time ESL teacher (Korean students)
UNHOOP Inc. - Part time ESL teacher (Japanese students)
UP Linguistics Department - student assistant


Hi! I am Lesley, a university student who is currently here in Japan as an exchange student. I have been using the English language ever since I started studying. I have impr...

➡ この英語先生を、もっと見る

➡ レッスンを受けた

✔ 上達して卒業された



University of the Philippines - BA Linguistics
Chuo University - Exchange Student

Janet Online - Part time ESL teacher (Korean students)
UNHOOP Inc. - Part time ESL teacher (Japanese students)
UP Linguistics Department - student assistant

東京都 先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.4734 Ved Gopal Kamat / 先生
更新日時 2018/05/23
出身/日本語レベル Mumbai / 上級
居住地 東京都 大田区
最寄駅 大森
希望駅 京浜東北線:東京 有楽町 新橋 浜松町 田町 品川 大井町 大森
講師歴 2018年5月


-Over 8 years of experience as an English teacher/management trainer/business school trainer
-5 years experience as a business consultant
-3 years experience as a software engineer
-Engineer with a Masters in Business Administration
-Fluency in 4 language including Japanese


Hi learners! I look forward to helping you all achieve your goals.

➡ この英語先生を、もっと見る

➡ レッスンを受けた

✔ 上達して卒業された



-Over 8 years of experience as an English teacher/management trainer/business school trainer
-5 years experience as a business consultant
-3 years experience as a software engineer
-Engineer with a Masters in Business Administration
-Fluency in 4 language including Japanese




  • ここがポイント!
  • リーズナブルな料金:入会金9,800円、月会費3,000円、マンツーマンレッスンは1回(60分)3,000円と手頃な価格で提供。
  • 生の英語に触れられる!:ネイティブ講師との会話を通して、自然な発音や表現を身につけられます。
  • 文化を体験できる!:レッスンを通して、ネイティブの文化や習慣を深く理解し、ネイティブ旅行がもっと楽しくなります。
  • アットホームな雰囲気!:カフェでのレッスンなので、リラックスして学習できます。
  • 実践的な内容:会話、文法、読み書き、聴解など、英語の総合的なスキルアップを目指した内容で、ネイティブ文化や社会についても学べます。
  • オンラインレッスンもOK!:忙しい方でも、オンラインで気軽にレッスンを受講できます。
  • 🌟自分に合ったスタイルで楽しく英語を学んでみませんか?🌟


  • 🌟 今すぐ無料体験レッスンを予約! 🌟


  • 🌟 よくある質問やお問い合わせは、こちら 🌟
