
  1. 日常会話で覚える英単語




Tom, Ann and Risa are talking.

Tom: Where do you want to visit?

Ann: I want to visit Hokkaido.

Risa: Me, too!

Tom: Hokkaido is very large.

Which city or area of Hokkaido do you want to visit?

Ann: How about Shiretoko Peninsula?

Risa: What is that?

Ann: Shiretoko Peninsula is one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

Tom: Oh, I know that.

I’m interested in that place.

It is located in the northeast of Hokkaido.

Risa: It sounds nice.

What kind of food can we eat?

Ann: We can eat a lot of marine products.

Specially, crabs are famous.

Risa: I love crabs!

Tom: Which hotel will we stay?

Ann: That is the most difficult problem.

There are few hotels near that peninsula.

Tom: Let’s check them right now.

Risa: All right.

(They check the hotels around the peninsula on the Internet.)

Tom: Look!

This hotel has hot springs and a few vacancies.

We can see the nice view of the ocean form those rooms.

Risa: That’s great!

Ann: Shall we make a tentative reservation?

Tom & Risa: Why not?





World Heritage Site:「世界遺産登録地域」

be interested in~:「~に興味がある」

be located:「位置している」

marine products:「海産物」


the most difficult:「一番難しい」difficultはthe mostを付けて最上級になる。


right now:「今すぐに」「直ちに」


on the Internet:「インターネットで」

hot springs:「温泉」

a few:「いくつかの」






reservation:「予約」make a reservationで「予約をする」

Why not?:ここでは、相手の提案に対して、「そうしよう」と同意するときに言う。文字通り、「なぜしないのか?」と言う場合もある。



Tom, Ann and Risa are talking.


Tom: Where do you want to visit?


Ann: I want to visit Hokkaido.


Risa: Me, too!(私もよ!)

Tom: Hokkaido is very large.


 Which city or area of Hokkaido do you want to visit?


Ann: How about Shiretoko Peninsula?


Risa: What is that?


Ann: Shiretoko Peninsula is one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites.


Tom: Oh, I know that.


I’m interested in that place.


It is located in the northeast of Hokkaido.


Risa: It sounds nice.


What kind of food can we eat?


Ann: We can eat a lot of marine products.


Specially, crabs are famous.


Risa: I love crabs!


Tom: Which hotel will we stay?


Ann: That is the most difficult problem.


There are few hotels near that peninsula.


Tom: Let’s check them right now.


Risa: All right.(わかったわ。)

(They check the hotels around the peninsula on the Internet.)


Tom: Look!(ほら見て!)

This hotel has hot springs and a few vacancies.


We can see the nice view of the ocean form those rooms.


Risa: That’s great!


Ann: Shall we make a tentative reservation?


Tom & Risa: Why not?(そうしよう!)


