
    1. 会話で学ぶ英語表現



    A husband and his wife are talking.

    Wife: Do you remember this photo?

    Husband: What is that?

    Wife: This is a picture taken on the day we got married.

    Husband: Oh, it sure is!

    Wife: Do you remember who took this picture?

    Husband: Let me see…

    Wife: My brother did.

    Husband: Where did he take it?

    Wife: He took it at the church where we had a wedding ceremony.

    Husband: Oh, I remember now.

    Wife: Do you remember the day when we got married?

    Husband: I sure do.

    Wife: And do you know what day it is today?

    Husband: Well…

    Wife: It’s our wedding anniversary!


    a picture taken:「撮られた写真」

    a picture (which is) takenの( )が省略されたもの。

    the day we got married:「私たちが結婚した日」

    the day (when) we got marriedの( )が省略されている。       

    it sure is:直前に言われたことに対して「その通りだ」と言いたいときに使う。

    sure do:直前に言われたことに対して「もちろん」と言いたいときに使う。

    Let me see:「ええと」


    wedding ceremony:「結婚式」


    what day:「何の日」

    wedding anniversary:「結婚記念日」



    A husband and his wife are talking.(夫婦が会話をしています。)

    Wife: Do you remember this photo?(この写真覚えている?)

    Husband: What is that?(何、それ?)

    Wife: This is a picture taken on the day we got married.


    Husband: Oh, it sure is!(ああ、そうだったね!)

    Wife: Do you remember who took this picture?


    Husband: Let me see…(ええと……。)

    Wife: My brother did.(私の兄よ。)

    Husband: Where did he take it?(どこで撮ったんだろう?)

    Wife: He took it at the church where we had a wedding ceremony.


    Husband: Oh, I remember now.(ああ、今思い出した。)

    Wife: Do you remember the day when we got married?


    Husband: I sure do.(もちろんさ。)

    Wife: And do you know what day it is today?


    Husband: Well…(え~と……。)

    Wife: It’s our wedding anniversary!(私たちの結婚記念日よ!)





