業界トップの経験豊富な英語講師 業界トップの経験豊富な英語講師

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英会話マンツーマン 千葉県カフェde個人レッスンおすすめ先生をまとめました!


千葉県 Ohhashi Ken先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.1926 Ohashi Ken/Ohhashi Ken 先生 up おすすめ先生
更新日時 2024/10/16
出身/日本語レベル Japan / 上級
居住地 千葉県 千葉市
希望駅 武蔵野線:新三郷 南流山 新八柱 市川大野 西船橋 西船橋
総武本線:市川 市川 船橋 船橋 津田沼 津田沼 稲毛 稲毛 千葉 千葉 東千葉
京葉線:東京 東京 八丁堀

Japan is my country of birth. I just want to help people with acquiring a language that can open doors for them.


My name is Ken Ohashi. I am Japanese and fluent in both English and Japanese. Since I spent many years of my childhood in British Columbia, Canada I have a Canadian accent. If yo...

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✔ 上達して卒業された


Japan is my country of birth. I just want to help people with acquiring a language that can open doors for them.

千葉県 ホタク サフィアン先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.5164 Hotak Safina/ホタク サフィアン 先生 new おすすめ先生 up おすすめ先生
更新日時 2024/10/16
出身/日本語レベル Afghanistan / 初級
居住地 千葉県 松戸市
希望駅 山手線:大崎 五反田 目黒 恵比寿 渋谷 原宿 代々木 新宿 新大久保 高田馬場 日暮里 鶯谷 上野 秋葉原 品川
武蔵野線:新三郷 新三郷 三郷 三郷 南流山

I chose to start teaching in Japan to immerse myself in a culturally rich environment while supporting my husband during his PhD studies. Teaching English allows me to share my language skills and engage with diverse learners, fostering cross-cultural communication. Additionally, I believe that working in education will enhance my understanding of Japanese culture and language, creating a mutually beneficial experience for both my students and me.


Dear Students, Welcome! I'm excited to embark on this English learning journey with you. My goal is to create a supportive and engaging environment where you can develop your ...

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✔ 上達して卒業された


I chose to start teaching in Japan to immerse myself in a culturally rich environment while supporting my husband during his PhD studies. Teaching English allows me to share my language skills and engage with diverse learners, fostering cross-cultural communication. Additionally, I believe that working in education will enhance my understanding of Japanese culture and language, creating a mutually beneficial experience for both my students and me.

千葉県 キン テイン先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.808 Kim Tae In/ キン テイン 先生 up おすすめ先生
更新日時 2024/10/14
出身/日本語レベル Seoul / 中級
居住地 千葉県 習志野市
希望駅 山手線:大崎 五反田 目黒 恵比寿 渋谷 原宿 代々木 新宿 新大久保 高田馬場 神田 東京 新橋 品川
中央本線(東京~塩尻):国分寺 立川 日野 豊田 八王子 西八王子

I’m here because my husband is Japanese. As I told on my resume, I finished school in the USA,BOSTON, and I would like to get use to being involved in Japan without my husband’ help. Yet, I like teaching work. I think it is very worthy work.


I am sure that I can give a lot of help to stuednts who are preparing Toefl,Toeic, and even GRE. Improving speaking in English? no sweat! And it is available for someone who ...

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➡ レッスンを受けた

✔ 上達して卒業された


I’m here because my husband is Japanese. As I told on my resume, I finished school in the USA,BOSTON, and I would like to get use to being involved in Japan without my husband’ help. Yet, I like teaching work. I think it is very worthy work.

千葉県 ライダー ニーナ先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.5153 Rider Nina/ライダー ニーナ 先生 up おすすめ先生
更新日時 2024/10/11
出身/日本語レベル Japan / 中級
居住地 千葉県 市原市
希望駅 武蔵野線:新八柱 東松戸 西船橋
中央・総武線:本八幡 船橋 津田沼 幕張 稲毛 西千葉
総武本線:市川 都賀 佐倉
常磐線(上野~取手):新松戸 柏 我孫子 取手
外房線:鎌取 誉田 大網

I was born to missionary parents and raised in Japan, but as I am American, I was educated entirely in English from the time I was very small. Growing up in a predominantly English-speaking environment and attending international schools where over 95% of the students themselves were native English speakers, English became my first language. I first developed a passion for teaching English in college, when I joined an all-native English speaking volunteer English conversation club which assisted students in Japanese universities with their English-Speaking Society (ESS) circles. I realized that the public school system in Japan puts Japanese people at a disadvantage in their English education, especially when it comes to pronunciation and conversation, and I wanted to help them overcome that disadvantage.


Would you like to travel and see the world? Do you have plans to study abroad? Is your company sending you to work overseas? Does your work put you in contact with foreigners ...

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➡ レッスンを受けた

✔ 上達して卒業された


I was born to missionary parents and raised in Japan, but as I am American, I was educated entirely in English from the time I was very small. Growing up in a predominantly English-speaking environment and attending international schools where over 95% of the students themselves were native English speakers, English became my first language. I first developed a passion for teaching English in college, when I joined an all-native English speaking volunteer English conversation club which assisted students in Japanese universities with their English-Speaking Society (ESS) circles. I realized that the public school system in Japan puts Japanese people at a disadvantage in their English education, especially when it comes to pronunciation and conversation, and I wanted to help them overcome that disadvantage.

千葉県 ブエナベンチュラ ジェニバ先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.5132 Buenaventura Geneva/ブエナベンチュラ ジェニバ 先生
更新日時 2024/10/07
出身/日本語レベル Philippines / 中級
居住地 千葉県 千葉市稲毛区
希望駅 武蔵野線:西船橋
中央・総武線:市川 本八幡 船橋 津田沼 幕張本郷 新検見川 稲毛 西千葉 千葉
京成本線:京成上野 船橋競馬場
京成千葉線:京成幕張本郷 京成千葉 千葉中央
新京成線:新津田沼 習志野 北習志野
千葉都市モノレール1号線:千葉みなと 千葉

I loved Japan since I was young, and teaching English has always been my passion.


Hello, my name is Geneva Buenaventura, I am fron the Philippibes, currently living and working in Chiba city. I hope to get to know you and let's have fun learning English.

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➡ レッスンを受けた

✔ 上達して卒業された


I loved Japan since I was young, and teaching English has always been my passion.

千葉県 カナイ チチ先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.5026 Kanai chichi/カナイ チチ 先生
更新日時 2024/09/28
出身/日本語レベル Japan / ネイティブ
居住地 千葉県 浦安市
希望駅 上越新幹線:東京 東京 高崎 高崎
高崎線:新町 新町 倉賀野 倉賀野 高崎 高崎
京葉線:東京 舞浜 新浦安 西船橋
信越本線:高崎 北高崎
両毛線:高崎 高崎問屋町 井野 新前橋



外国語大学卒指導歴25年の国際的活躍する日本人アーティストによる英語のカフェまたはオンラインのレッスン♪生徒さん受付中!! 場所:カフェ(浦安駅/東京駅/大手町駅/日本橋駅/西船橋駅など。ご相談ください!!)&(群馬県高崎市前橋市も可能!!) オンラインの場合: LINE/Skype/ZOOMなど。 内容: 英語に関するものならレベル、内容、柔軟に...

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✔ 上達して卒業された



千葉県 クボタ マリア先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.4900 Kubota Maria /クボタ マリア 先生
更新日時 2024/09/24
出身/日本語レベル manila マニラ / 中級
居住地 千葉県 松戸市
希望駅 常磐線(上野~取手):松戸 北松戸 馬橋 新松戸 北小金 南柏 柏



Hello there! こんにちは。 My name is Maria. 私の名前は久保田マリアです。 You can call me Maria sensei. マリア先生と呼んで下さい。 I’ve been teaching English in Japan for 18 years. 私は18年間日本で英語を教えています。 Enjoy learn...

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➡ レッスンを受けた

✔ 上達して卒業された



千葉県 アルフォード ランディー先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.1007 Randy Alford /アルフォード ランディー 先生
更新日時 2024/09/23
出身/日本語レベル Philadelphia / 中級
居住地 千葉県 柏市
希望駅 常磐線(上野~取手):南柏 南柏 柏 柏
千代田線:綾瀬 北千住 大手町 表参道

New child on the way and to supplement household income


Thank you for at least viewing my profile. I will not tell you that I'm the best teacher in all of Japan, but I will say this; I will do my best to help you get the most out of y...

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✔ 上達して卒業された


New child on the way and to supplement household income

千葉県 Yuingu Uiriamu先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.1559 Ewing William/Yuingu Uiriamu 先生 おすすめ先生
更新日時 2024/09/19
出身/日本語レベル Montreal / 初級
居住地 千葉県 松戸市
希望駅 常磐線(上野~取手):松戸

I went back to University (Concordia University in Montreal) to get my degree in Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL). I heard many good things about Japan, and when I heard the music of Osamu Kitajima I decided to come to Japan. Plus I met a very lovely Japanese lady in India


Hello - my name is Will -- Will Ewing. I've been in Japan for almost 28 years, teaching English in many situations. My students enjoy studying English, we have fun, and they ...

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➡ レッスンを受けた

✔ 上達して卒業された


I went back to University (Concordia University in Montreal) to get my degree in Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL). I heard many good things about Japan, and when I heard the music of Osamu Kitajima I decided to come to Japan. Plus I met a very lovely Japanese lady in India

千葉県 ジメネズ モニカ先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.5160 Jimenez Blazquez Monika /ジメネズ モニカ 先生
更新日時 2024/09/12
出身/日本語レベル Madrid / 初級
居住地 千葉県 市川市
希望駅 総武本線:東京 東京 市川 市川 船橋 船橋 津田沼 津田沼 稲毛 稲毛 千葉 千葉
東武東上線:池袋 池袋 北池袋 北池袋
東武伊勢崎線:とうきょうスカイツリー とうきょうスカイツリー 押上〈スカイツリー前〉 押上〈スカイツリー前〉

I would like to spend many time in Japan is the country I have more visited and love it.


Let's enjoy talking and lesrning English with funny methods!!

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✔ 上達して卒業された


I would like to spend many time in Japan is the country I have more visited and love it.

千葉県 マーク クリスマス先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.3960 Mark Christmas /マーク クリスマス 先生
更新日時 2024/09/03
出身/日本語レベル Guildford / 中級
居住地 千葉県 市川市
希望駅 山手線:大崎 五反田 目黒 恵比寿 渋谷 原宿 代々木 新宿 新大久保 高田馬場 目白 池袋 大塚 巣鴨 駒込 田端 西日暮里 日暮里 鶯谷 上野

Continue travelling.


In my lessons you will receive a far greater range of challenges to test your English skills than you would get in most lessons. I believe in giving value for money. As well a...

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✔ 上達して卒業された


Continue travelling.

千葉県 チャジマ ユウジロウ先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.5156 Chajima Yujiro/チャジマ ユウジロウ 先生
更新日時 2024/09/03
出身/日本語レベル Japan / ネイティブ
居住地 千葉県 松戸市
希望駅 武蔵野線:新松戸
常磐線(上野~取手):北千住 北千住 綾瀬 綾瀬 亀有 亀有 金町 金町 松戸 松戸 北松戸 北松戸 馬橋 馬橋 新松戸 新松戸 北小金 南柏 柏

I want to use my english skills that I attained in Australia and I want to teach Japanese people english since I believe that Japan needs to improve in their English compared to many other asian countries and I would like to support that by teaching


Hello, and welcome! My name is Yujiro, and I'm excited to help you on your journey to learning English. Whether you're just starting out or looking to improve your skills, I'm he...

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➡ レッスンを受けた

✔ 上達して卒業された


I want to use my english skills that I attained in Australia and I want to teach Japanese people english since I believe that Japan needs to improve in their English compared to many other asian countries and I would like to support that by teaching

千葉県 ダゴステイーノ ブルーノ先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.2469 D'Agostino ダゴステイーノ /ダゴステイーノ ブルーノ 先生
更新日時 2024/08/06
出身/日本語レベル Toronto / 中級
居住地 千葉県 市川市
希望駅 中央・総武線:御茶ノ水 浅草橋 錦糸町 亀戸 平井 新小岩 小岩 市川 本八幡 本八幡 下総中山 西船橋 船橋 東船橋 津田沼 幕張本郷
東西線:西葛西 葛西 浦安 南行徳

Married to Japanese.


こんにちは。 私は日本人と結婚しているカナダ人です。 私はカナダの電気工学の学位を保持しています。私は、あなたがTOEICやTOEFLの試験でスコアを向上させることができます。 私の時間料金は3000円です。 予定を設定するには電話でご連絡ください。

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➡ レッスンを受けた

✔ 上達して卒業された


Married to Japanese.

千葉県 ヒスロップ ノア先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.5138 Hyslop Noah/ヒスロップ ノア 先生
更新日時 2024/06/05
出身/日本語レベル United States of America / 中級
居住地 千葉県 習志野市
希望駅 中央・総武線:秋葉原 浅草橋 両国 錦糸町 亀戸 平井 新小岩 小岩 市川 本八幡 下総中山 西船橋 船橋 東船橋 津田沼 幕張本郷 幕張 新検見川
総武本線:錦糸町 新小岩

I'm here studying Japanese and have other long term goals of joining the work force. Though my personal goal of trying to learn Japanese, I actually found a passion and joy in helping others achieve their language goals. In my free time I have met and helped many people through language exchange programs, and even moved forward and got my TESL certificate. I hope to move into a more official teaching position in the future.


Hi, I'm Noah. I'm from the United States and was raised in Chicago. I traveled all over the country for work. I hope to tell you all about what it's like there in America, as we...

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➡ レッスンを受けた

✔ 上達して卒業された


I'm here studying Japanese and have other long term goals of joining the work force. Though my personal goal of trying to learn Japanese, I actually found a passion and joy in helping others achieve their language goals. In my free time I have met and helped many people through language exchange programs, and even moved forward and got my TESL certificate. I hope to move into a more official teaching position in the future.

千葉県 アイドゥー アウラジョア先生

先生番号 / お名前 NO.5125 Aidoo Awuradjoa/アイドゥー アウラジョア 先生
更新日時 2024/04/29
出身/日本語レベル Ghana / 初級
居住地 千葉県 千葉市稲毛区
希望駅 総武本線:船橋 津田沼 稲毛 千葉
京成千葉線:京成津田沼 京成幕張 検見川 京成稲毛 みどり台 西登戸 新千葉 京成千葉 千葉中央

Japan has always held a special allure for me. It is a land of captivating contrasts, where ancient traditions seamlessly blend with cutting-edge technology. I find this unique synergy intriguing and I seek to explore this. This exploration resonates deeply with my deep-seated quest for education and my fervent desire for continuous learning. Furthermore, Japan's unwavering commitment to education is legendary. From the rigorous academic system to the emphasis on respect and social responsibility, there's so much to be learned. Living and working there would allow me to immerse myself in this rich educational tapestry, not just as an observer, but as a participant. I became an English teacher because I get a deep sense of fulfilment and joy when I teach others and ensure that I have adequately guided them to construct knowledge for themselves using simple concepts they are surrounded by. This motivates me to study more so I can keep improving my teaching styles with the aim to assist my learners to be analytic in their everyday lives and solve problems in their societies. I also want to learn from different cultures and share my culture with others to promote international communication and cultural understanding. The fact that I get to do all this by using language learning is what intrigues me most about teaching English and makes me love teaching English..


Hello there! I’m Rad, and I'm thrilled to be your English language instructor! I have a rich background in education and a genuine passion for helping students unlock the pow...

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➡ レッスンを受けた

✔ 上達して卒業された


Japan has always held a special allure for me. It is a land of captivating contrasts, where ancient traditions seamlessly blend with cutting-edge technology. I find this unique synergy intriguing and I seek to explore this. This exploration resonates deeply with my deep-seated quest for education and my fervent desire for continuous learning. Furthermore, Japan's unwavering commitment to education is legendary. From the rigorous academic system to the emphasis on respect and social responsibility, there's so much to be learned. Living and working there would allow me to immerse myself in this rich educational tapestry, not just as an observer, but as a participant. I became an English teacher because I get a deep sense of fulfilment and joy when I teach others and ensure that I have adequately guided them to construct knowledge for themselves using simple concepts they are surrounded by. This motivates me to study more so I can keep improving my teaching styles with the aim to assist my learners to be analytic in their everyday lives and solve problems in their societies. I also want to learn from different cultures and share my culture with others to promote international communication and cultural understanding. The fact that I get to do all this by using language learning is what intrigues me most about teaching English and makes me love teaching English..


